In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Today has sucked.


However, knowing that Bush is giving his last State of the Union ever makes me very happy. I suppose I’ll miss his squinty little eyes, incorrect pronunciation of various words and inappropriate facial expressions, but — nah, I won’t.

Anyone doing anything fun during the speech? (I’ll be doing my Health Law reading).

20 thoughts on Today has sucked.

  1. I think I’m just going to turn in early and curl up with a book. I can get the major points in tomorrow’s paper. but it is nice to know this is his last SOU address

  2. Studying for my organic chemistry midterm.

    And seriously, seriously contemplating killing everyone in my dorm. Shut up shut up shut up.

  3. Went to the mall and then the local public park with my girlfriend and her 19-month-old daughter…figured that would be a much better use of my time than yelling at the stupid tv. To those of you who actually watched…you’re much better people than i am.

  4. I’ll be doing my taxes, curious how much more I’ll be paying once Komrade Klinton is in office next year. Whew!

  5. Wouldn’t call it fun, but my middle finger hurts an awful lot.

    I find throwing balled socks at the TV to be a good alternative. Although, I suppose you could hurt your shoulder hurling the socks at the TV…

  6. I put the laundry away and did im-pers-on-a-shuns of the way Dubya has to break down every multi-syll-a-bled word, to say it prop-er-ly.

    I honestly wonder if the speech is phonetically broken down for him… like em-bry-o-nic stem cell research… does he really know how to say that, without instruction? Do they have a dialogue coach?

  7. Typical of Bush: “We will insure that decisions about your medical care are be made in the privacy of your doctor’s office, not in the halls of Congress.” Whoops, I forgot that he was only speaking to christianist males.

    January 20, 2009: End of an Error

  8. I was able to stomach about half of it, and made fun of the great expressions he was getting from the blue side of the aisle. Then I couldn’t take anymore, and me and the lesbian lover put in Supernatural season 1 and watched some boys. It was far less scary then whatever Bush was saying.

  9. I think what I’m going to miss most is Jon Stewart’s impressions of both him and Big Dick. But it’s worth it… and I was, I believe, reading about Executive Deference doctrine for International Relations Theory. Joy!

  10. ArthurKC: I did some serious yelling at the television during that part of the speech, being well into my second glass of wine in the annual drinking game. It made me so angry, and also made me realise how very little I ever watch Bush speak outside of the SOTU. It keeps coming as a surprise when he says things like that.

    Sigh. Makes me want to watch The West Wing.

  11. I watched the whole thing, and the Democratic response, and took notes. Sorta-kinda had to for class – it was “strongly recommended, but not required” for one of my policy classes. I was impressed, as always, by his speechwriters — they have a great deal of talent. Shame the monkey they have delivering their writing can’t talk. He did manage to come closer to saying “nuclear” properly! It came out as some kind of weird hybrid of “nukuler” and “nuclear.” Nukear? Hey, it only took eight years of coaching!

  12. *snicker* I love how people pick on him for saying nuclear. It’s actually not that far off from the way a great many people in Texas pronounce it. Doesn’t make it right and he sounds like a right idiot when he says it on national TV, but it does amuse me. It’s not just Shrub that says it. I said it that way (nukular) until I was in college and I grew up about 30 miles from a nuclear power plant!

    Le’me see, what was I doing? To tell the truth, I plumb forgot. I wasn’t planning on watching anyways, but I meant to check out some of the blogs for reactions and forgot. That right there is a perfect expression of how important Bush is.

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