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Tuesday Travel Blogging – Legrena

I’ve been pretty hit-or-miss with the travel blogging these days, but life has gotten very stressful and it makes me feel a little better to look at pretty pictures. So today, I’m Travel Blogging a teeny tiny little Greek village called Legrena. The word “town” is almost certainly too generous for this place — there isn’t so much as a grocery store. I lived there for a summer when I was working at a Greek legal organization — an organization that was, inexplicably, located in Legrena as well as Athens (although it is Greece, so perhaps that’s explanation enough). Legrena is about an hour outside of Athens (two hours if you always had to take the bus, like I did), and about 5k away from the Temple of Poseidon. It consisted of the legal office I worked at, a little bakery we called the fornaio (I worked with a lot of Italians), two restaurants owned by brothers (the Meat Restaurant and the Seafood Restaurant), a catch-all little shop that sold stuff like magazines and ice cream, a lovely little church, a graveyard, and a beach.

I lived alone, and everyone else commuted to work from Athens or a more populous suburb, so I spent a lot of time alone that summer. I had a TV, but it only had three channels — all in Greek — and I didn’t have internet in my little apartment. I got a lot of reading done (including The Satanic Verses three times), went on a lot of runs once the sun went down, and spent a lot of time at the beach. At first it was depressing, but after about a month, I really started to love all the alone time. I kept up a pretty good journal, learned a lot, ended an unhealthy relationship, and generally got myself to a pretty good mental place. That summer was also the first time I traveled extensively by myself. Despite the, uh, eccentricities of the Greek public transportation systems (and, to be honest, most Greek systems), I adored Greece — and Legrena in particular — and was incredibly sad to have to leave.

Coming back to New York was a real culture shock, and I found myself immediately overwhelmed with school, a series of family crises, a new (even worse) relationship, finding a new apartment, law firm interviews, and Real Life in general. It was a pretty awful four months, at least in part because the three months before had been so relaxing and centering and wonderful.

So this is Legrena. Most Greeks haven’t even heard of it, and I doubt it’s on any major maps. But it’s a place I really grew to love and, in a short period of time, to know quite well. I really hope I can return some day. More photos are below the fold, and the entire set can be found here. All of my Greece pictures are here. Enjoy:

My beach:

Beach, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Not technically Legrena, but out the window of the bus on my way to Athens:

Aegean Sea, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

The view from my room:

From my balcony, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

More beach:

Beach, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Again, not technically Legrena, but 5k away — the Temple of Poseidon:

Temple of Poseidon, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

More of Legrena here. And if you want to see all the Greece pictures (of which there are many), see here.

12 thoughts on Tuesday Travel Blogging – Legrena

  1. wow- tons of alone time in a beautiful nowhere? i am jealous…a little different, but i spent three weeks in poland on a study abroad trip, attending lectures at jagellonian and living in a hotel, and coming back to Real Life SUCKED. it sucked so bad- i was horribly depressed for weeks. on the bright side, my complete depression at my Real Life prompted me to make all kinds of changes to make it less sucky.

  2. Jill, if/when you get tired of law, you would have an excellent career in scenic photography- love, love, LOVE your photos!! And have noticed you NEVER take snow shots… 😉

  3. Aww, thanks Louise!

    And yeah, I try to escape to beaches, not mountains — but the next time it snows in NY (or wherever else I may be), I’ll take some pictures just for you 😉

  4. Well this is a surprise! I could never imagine that Legrena can be known by someone leaving outside Athens. it is even more surprising that i learnt from you (living in the US) that the building overthere was “actually” a legal organization. I had seen the signs but i thought that it was a case of some wealthy individual messing around with building permits in order to convert it later on into a house (you know, the Greek thing). What on earth were they thinking!! I could only see the analogy of building the US supreme court in Arizona dessert. Anyway, as you said, Greek system(s) are monumentaly nasty and i fully agree with you.

    However, i happen to be a lawyer (working in Athens), to own a house at Legrena (further right from the wrecked hotel, if you recall, a few meters from the last beach) and i use to go there on weekends whenever its windy (for some windsurfing). Hence, i would appreciate if you could tell me what kind of legal works are taking place in this organization since it would be great opportunity to combine work and fun. In any event, now that i know what it is for sure i ‘ll inquire myself.
    By the way, i was there last weekend and it is right the way you left it.

  5. Hi Jill,

    A little random, but any chance the organization you worked for was the EPLO? I am looking to intern there this summer (I’m a 1L currently in NY – seems along the lines of what you did) and your blog is the only relevant/helpful information I have been able to find. Is there any way you could tell me more about your experiences both with the EPLO or living in Legraina? I can send you an e-mail address or you can e-mail to the account with this posting. I would really appreciate any insight you could offer. Thanks.

  6. i am about to make the same trip as you did and work in the same place. can you tell me more about it?

  7. Hi Jill,

    Me and a couple of colleagues have an internship planned at the EPLO in Legrena and leaving for Greece in about a week. Any chance I could contact you regarding some questions we’re having with transportation?

    Thank you.

    PS: Aaron, looking forward in seeing you there.

  8. Legrena is a lovely place. I’d love to live in that place you lived in. But, alas, we settle for visiting the beach every summer weekend we can, and eating at that nice fish taverna on the left side of the main road departing Legrena towards Sounion. By the way, have you ever noticed that wonderful villa overlooking the sea on the cliff, right across the street from that fish taverna? It also has a secluded beach down there that you have to cross some old derelict properties but once you find it, it’s great!

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