In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Hmmm. Coincidence?

From Alex at Wonkette, check out this list of websites banned or not banned by the US military: (my emphasis)

We were originally going to say that we don’t actually believe that we here at Wonkette are being “censored” by anyone just because military computers in Iraq are blocked from viewing our site. We were going to point out that, yes, we’re blocked from more than one workplace (though, thankfully, not too many), often for non-human reasons such as automated filters that don’t look too kindly on words like “assfucking.” The hyperbolic Call to Arms tone of the original post was just that — hyperbole. We even got emails from US Military spokespeople kindly explaining that soldiers and marines are allowed to check their email (though only through their .mil addresses, we think, and they all come out signed “Irving Washington”), and we were going to tell everyone to calm down, etc. etc.

But our embedded operative who sent us the initial heads-up sent an update.

“Unfortunately anonomizers don’t work out here (never have). Anyway, I had a few minutes today and thought I’d look and see what else was banned on the Marine web here. I think the results speak for themselves:

Wonkette – “Forbidden, this page ( is categorized as: Forum/Bulletin Boards, Politics/Opinion.”

Bill O’Reilly ( – OK

Air America ( – “Forbidden, this page ( is categorized as: Internet Radio/TV, Politics/Opinion.”

Rush Limbaugh ( – OK

ABC News “The Note” – OK

Website of the Al Franken Show ( – “Forbidden, this page ( is categorized as: Internet Radio/TV, Politics/Opinion.”

G. Gordon Liddy Show ( – OK

Don & Mike Show ( – “Forbidden, this page ( is categorized as: Profanity, Entertainment/Recreation/Hobbies.”

So, there you have it: the military is objectively pro-sexual harassment, pro-junkie, and pro-felon. Because IOKIYAR.

Desperate Feminist Wives

Much has been made of a study which claims that feminist women are less happy than non-feminist women, and that women of all ideologies are happier in more traditional relationships. I’ve been hesitant to write about this one, because so many of the reviews of it have been so simplistic and silly. But this Slate article is quite good:

What’s really going on here? The conservative explanation, of course, is that the findings suggest that women don’t know what they really want (as John Tierney implied in the New York Times, and Charlotte Allen suggested in the Los Angeles Times). Feminism, they argue, has only undermined the sturdy institution of marriage for everyone.

Which, of course, is bullshit — individual women want what they want. There isn’t a universal key to happiness (and if there is, I don’t think John Tierney will be the one to give it to us). No one ever asks, “What do men want?” because men, we recognize, are diverse individuals with differing values, desires, needs and goals. I’m sure if they did similar exhaustive studies on men, they would find that particular classes of men were less happy than others. Ok. But I doubt anyone would be using that as “evidence” that there’s a single way of life that is best for all men, or that a particular ideology has led them all astray.

What is left out of both lines of argument are the strange ways that rising expectations play into happiness. The sexual revolution tried to free women and men from set-in-stone roles. But the irony turns out to be that having a degree of certainty about what you want (and being in a peer group that feels the same way) is helpful in making people happy. Having more choices about what you want makes you less likely to be happy with whatever choice you end up settling on. Choosing among six brands of jam is easy. But consumers presented with 24 types often leave the supermarket without making a purchase. In much the same way, the more you scrutinize a relationship, the more likely you are to find fault with it. The study’s authors, W. Bradford Wilcox and Steven Nock, speculate that fault-finding on the part of wives makes it hard for men to do the emotional work that stabilizes marriages. Meanwhile, traditionalist women—a significant portion of whom are Christian—expect less emotional work from their husbands, Wilcox and Nock speculate, which makes it easier for them to shake off frustrations, and less likely to nag. Whether or not any of this is the case, we do know that traditional marriages have the advantage of offering clearly defined roles. And traditionalist wives have a peer group fundamentally in agreement about what it wants and expects from husbands, creating a built-in support system.

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Lowering the Discourse

Ann Bartow finds my feminism lacking.

Sorry, Jill and piny. I’m not feminist enough for this blog. I’ll have to pack up and go. Ann said so, and she’s the arbiter of All Things Feminist, don’tchaknow.

All Abortion, All the Time

I know it probably feels like Feministe has turned into abortion-blog. I’m getting tired of writing about it, too — and as soon as wingnut legislators quit attacking the rights of the uterati, I’ll stop. So here’s your daily dose of repro rights links:

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NYC Museum Recommendation: Munch at the MoMA

If you haven’t gone yet, go. I went two weekends ago, and it’s amazing. I love the MoMA anyway because I have a modern art obsession (I would marry Mark Rothko possibly before Anderson Cooper), but the Munch exhibit is worth a visit in itself. My favorite piece of his, which is part of the exhibit, is below the fold. It includes boobies, so if you’re working for John Ashcroft, don’t click. But they’re tasteful, artistic boobies.

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I Promise…

That I will never sell my soul for a couple bucks from a corporation, shill for that corporation on Feministe, and not disclose the fact that what I’m actually doing is just reproducing something sent to me by the company’s PR firm.

That would be wrong.

Few Protections for Pregnant Prisoners

Zuzu touched on this a few days ago, but the mistreatment of female prisoners certainly deserves another look.

Pregnant inmates are routinely shackled, even during childbirth. Forty-one states and the federal prison system allow the shackling of pregnant prisoners, and 23 states and the Federal Bureau of Prisons shackle women during childbirth. Some prisoners have had their childbirths forcibly induced.

Female prisoners are routinely sexually assaulted by prison guards, with no recourse. Numerous states have insufficient laws about sexual conduct between jail staff and prisoners, and Vermont has no law. Many states punish the inmate for any sexual relations, unless she can prove that she was raped. Arizona has particularly heinous laws: It allows for criminal punishment of female inmates who have sex with jail staff, even if the sex wasn’t consensual.

Nine state departments of corrections don’t refer to an outside agency when investigating sexual misconduct. Five lack special procedures for investigating sexual misconduct. Twenty-four states may place women in solitary confinement for reporting sexual misconduct.

Read the entire Amnesty report here. Thanks to Dad for the link.

To every liberal and moderate who has ever said, “Well, it wouldn’t be so bad if they nominated McCain…”

Consider this.

John McCain may love the environment, but apparently he doesn’t consider women worthy of basic human rights. He’s no moderate.

List of people to whom we should all be mailing wire hangers and knitting needles:

John McCain
Mitt Romney
George Allen
Bill Napoli
Every politician in South Dakota who voted for this ban

Add your own suggestions in the comments.