In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Bush’s PA


For those not in the know, a Prince Albert is a male interurethral piercing, where the needle enters from beneath the glans. (Picture here.) And despite the description and everything involved, like a Supreme Court nomination, it isn’t really all that painful for the president.

Urban legend has it that Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha used a ring in a piercing of this type to restrain his penis for reasons of fashion. So if Rogers is Bush’s allegorical PA, who is Bush’s pesky prick?

You guessed it: Karl Rove.

Read the rest and download Rove’s theme song.

New Template Unveiled

Despite a quirk or two, the new Bitch Ph.D. template that I built for Dr. B. is up and going. Thanks to Chris for helping me quibble with a bit of code. Chicks totally dig dudes with CSS skills, and vice versa, as we have found.

Stop by and check it out.

Should Roe Go?

Katha Pollitt, with a more eloquent answer than I can muster:

Legislative control might be more “democratic”–if you believe that a state senator balancing women’s health against a highway for his district represents democracy. But would it be fair? The whole point about constitutional protection for rights is to guarantee them when they are unpopular–to shield them from majority prejudice, opportunistic politicians, the passions and pressures of the moment. Freedom of speech, assembly, worship and so on belong to us as individuals; our neighbors, our families and our legislators don’t get to vote on how we use these rights or whether we should have them in the first place. Alabamans may be largely antichoice, but what about the ones who aren’t? Or the ones who are but even so don’t want to die in childbirth, bear a hopelessly damaged baby or drop out of school at 15–or 25? If Roe goes, whoever has political power will determine the most basic, intimate, life-changing and life-threatening decision women–and only women–confront. We will have a country in which the same legislature that can’t prevent some clod from burning a flag will be able to force a woman to bear a child under whatever circumstances it sees fit. It is hard to imagine how that woman would be a free or equal citizen of our constitutional republic.

Things to Read

Neil asks, “You’re brown, can I check your bag?” with his usual sarcasm and hilarity.

Women dominate the violin sections; men dominate everywhere else (fun fact: I played the violin for almost 8 years). Now, a male violinist is suing the New York Philharmonic for discrimination — and the New York Times doesn’t care (or, as they put it, “No matter why the male violinist, Anton Polezhayev, was ousted from the Philharmonic, the fact remains that women outnumber men in its violin section by 20 to 13. “). What is an otherwise decent article, though, has a ridiculously stupid ending:

As for the profusion of female violinists, [Ann Hobson Pilot, the Boston Symphony’s principal harpist] noted that the instrument was the smallest of the strings. “It’s easy to carry,” she said.

Supreme Court nominee John Roberts is married to a Feminist for Life. In good news, uh… I guess this means she’s a “feminist”…

Lefterer has the dossier on Roberts.

Abortion Clinic Days writes about choice from an abortion provider’s perspective, and abortion as self-preservation.

Brutal Women on raising kids (or not) in the matriarchy.

American Patriot Jesus’ General posts The Battle Hymn of the 101st Fighting Keyboarders — for all those true-blue young Republican patriot-bloggers who fight for freedom from behind their PCs.

Also from my favorite patriot, maintaining the gender order in Texas public school concert choirs: “Boys cannot audition for soprano or alto roles in that state’s All-State Choir. Girls cannot audition for tenor or bass. No matter where their talents lie.”

Please, find it in your heart to help Tom Delay. Seems his legal defense fund — which has raised $1,089,871 since July of 2000 and has already shelled out almost $100,000 this year alone — can’t keep up with his skyrocketing legal fees.

How many Iraqis have we killed? Does anyone even care?

Dr. Laura is performing in a one-woman show in California. I am not kidding.

Slate explains the phenomenon of the cat lady — also known, apparently, as “animal addiction.”

Oh Dan Savage…

Angry readers respond to his advice to the pro-choice girl whose anti-choice boyfriend refused to have sex with her. I’m laughing out loud in an internet cafe, and people are looking at me like I’m crazy — so read it. Favorite parts:

Dan’s excuse:

I thought my response last week to the guy who wanted to fuck his brother’s girlfriend—go for it!—would be the one that sent turds through turbines, not my advice for OBGYN. I had no idea abortion was such a contentious issue. But a salient point that my furious readers seem to overlook is that I WAS FUCKED UP WHEN I WROTE THAT COLUMN, and I said so.

And when other readers call him out:

Q. You told OBGYN to use birth control and “cross your fingers.” There is no need for luck! She can fully protect herself by doing the basics. Pills or hormone patches used correctly give you 99 percent protection, and she should be using a condom too, to protect herself against STDs. If OBGYN takes these two basic precautions, not even the Holy Ghost can get her pregnant. —OVER THIRTY

A. Thanks for sharing, OT, but didn’t the Holy Ghost knock up at least one teenager already?

— ——————————————————————————

Q. They can avoid conflict by avoiding pregnancy. I’ve never heard of someone getting pregnant from anal sex! Also, in the interest of being egalitarian, anal sex should include taking turns. That is, OBGYN should strap it on and fuck his anti-choice ass frequently. —PINK PEARL

A. Anal sex—of course! Why didn’t I think of that? Actually, I did think of that, and it was in the first draft of my advice to OBGYN: “Or let him fuck your ass—but only if you get to fuck his ass too.” But I took it out because I didn’t want to be accused of promoting anal sex acts to impressionable teenagers. That’s Wonkette’s job.

And damn if she isn’t good at it.

The Nanny Diaries

Or, why I don’t blog about my summer job.

The premise is this: a Park Slope nanny kept a personal weblog, which she showed to her employer. Her employer followed the blog “obsessively,” and was so offended by what she wrote that she eventually fired the nanny — and then wrote a piece for the New York Times calling the nanny a promiscuous pill-popping alcoholic who wants to do Tucker Carlson six ways to Sunday, has bisexual fantasies about girls in 19th century garb, and touches her breasts while reading. The last straw, apparently, was when the nanny wrote this: “I am having the type of workweek that makes me think being an evil corporate lawyer would be O.K. Seriously. Contemplated sterilizing myself yesterday.”

All right, look. Taking care of other peoples’ kids is hard work. And nannying is a whole different story than babysitting for a few hours — you’re with the kid(s) all day, almost every day. Some nannies live in-house, meaning that you always have to be “on.” Many people who employ nannies want them to be “part of the family,” and as a nanny, sometimes you feel like that’s exactly what you are — but the fact is, you’re not. You are an employee, but you’re doing a different kind of work — you’re being paid to provide intangibles, like care and love. You’re working. And just like actual parents, some days aren’t so great. I’m quite sure that there were times when I was a kid that my mom wanted to lock my in my room just to get some peace, and I’m sure there were days when she swore up and down that she would never reproduce again. I think all parents get frustrated from time to time. Well, so do nannies. Even if we love your kids — and most long-term nannies do, I think, really fall in love with the kids they’re watching — we aren’t Mary Poppins. We’re going to have bad days. Occassionally, your kids are going to be such brats that we’re going to think, “My God, I am never having children.” Other days, your kids are going to be so adorable that we’ll feel sad just knowing that the job is temporary.

What the woman who wrote the Times article was apparently so offended at — having too much “personal information” about her nanny and her nanny’s views posted online — is peanuts compared to what she did in return. The nanny leveled a few compaints on a personal blog that couldn’t have been read by more than a handful of people, and was fired. Her employer writes an article in the most widely-read newspaper in America, in which she basically says, “Ugh, my nanny is such a slut,” and presumably expects the reader to feel sorry for her.

Particularly interesting, though, is what she uses to paint her nanny as a “bad” (or at least questionable) person: She has sex with her boyfriend. She had an abortion. She made a comment about a girl being hot (which the employer translated into the idea that she was “determined she’d had more female sexual partners than her boyfriend”). She takes over-the-counter sleeping pills. She goes out for drinks with her friends. The employer mentions her irritation at the nanny for blogging at work (while the child was taking a nap — what else should she be doing? Scrubbing the floors?) and for having the nerve to get sick twice when the rest of the family only got sick once, but that doesn’t seem to be the reason that she fired her. Her sex life is, apparently, more problematic.

Get the nanny’s side of the story here.

Legislating Time

Apparently the government controls time as well as reality, so goes the bipartisan bill that passed in Congress to extend Daylight Saving Time by two months. March through November, they say, to “save energy.”

“The more daylight we have, the less electricity we use,” said U.S. Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), who co-sponsored the measure with U.S. Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.)…

The pair cited a government study that estimated the additional energy savings at the equivalent of 100,000 barrels of oil a day, or about half of 1 percent of the nation’s daily oil consumption. Most of the energy saved would be in the form of electricity because lights would be used less in the early evenings, the study projected.

Gee, I can think of a few great ways to save energy other than screwing with our sense of time, namely generating our own energy, updating our home insulation, turning the degrees on the AC up and the heat down, turning them off altogether, planting trees near our homes, driving and manufacturing more efficient cars, programmable thermostats, buying and shopping green, walking, public transit, recycling, and gardening.

Damn. All that is possible to “save energy” but apparently “saving energy” is completely insistent on what time the goddamn sun rises and sets. It may just be me, but I can’t think of anything more absurd than trying to control time.

Indiana, my home state, has been exempt from DST while the rest of the country reset and reset their clocks every year. It was perhaps the only thing we had to brag about other than our great masses of corn and soybeans. Then Mitch Daniels, a Bush cronie, came in as governor and the first thing he pledged to do was get us in on DST like the rest of the country, citing that our state’s lack of outside commerce was contingent on our refusal to participate in DST. We are a time zone border state and because many of our cities lie close to big cities in bordering states, certain counties went with their bordering big cities’ time zones. Daniels’ goal was to have us all on one page.

Imagine my surprise when it was recently announced that counties now get to pick which time zone they’re in. You know, that really clears up the time zone issue and I’m totally sure it will boost the state economy. Thanks, Mitch Daniels.

What You Might Be Doing If You Only Blog About Cats

You probably haven’t been wondering what I’ve been up to since I haven’t been blogging of late, but I’m going to let you in anyway.

First I’ve been knitting like a madwoman. The alternating heat and rain have compelled me to sit around with a load of wool on my lap, ’cause you know wool, heat, and water go together real nice-like. This scarf was made up by yours truly and knitted with orange mohair and hand-dyed nylon, and the picture is the pre-blocked stage before any of the ends have been woven in on my brand new mannequin that I bought off of eBay.

Orange Scarf

Yes, the pattern is kind of elderly old lady but the boyfriend insists that I thought up this concoction especially for him. Considering the last unblocked scarf he forcibly took from me got him a $50 offer from a man on an elevator to take it off his neck on the spot , I just might do that.

Secondly, the garden calls. Last night’s thunderstorm took the tops off of most of my tomato plants and immature fruit was scattered all over the plot, but nonetheless I was able to gather two heads of cabbage and the first in a very long line of tomatoes. The heirlooms have come in before the altered varieties. The small toms are a yellow pear variety and the other are a large yellow heirloom, no clue what it is called. That single orange tomato is a fluke –it matured on a fruitless plant still in the flowering stages.

More Bounty

The garden has taken up most of my daylight time when I’m not competing in the weight room of the YWCA with sweet, blue-haired old ladies. Blog reading and knitting easily take up my evening hours. I only have a few weeks left before the school year begins again and I am determined to enjoy it.