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What You Might Be Doing If You Only Blog About Cats

You probably haven’t been wondering what I’ve been up to since I haven’t been blogging of late, but I’m going to let you in anyway.

First I’ve been knitting like a madwoman. The alternating heat and rain have compelled me to sit around with a load of wool on my lap, ’cause you know wool, heat, and water go together real nice-like. This scarf was made up by yours truly and knitted with orange mohair and hand-dyed nylon, and the picture is the pre-blocked stage before any of the ends have been woven in on my brand new mannequin that I bought off of eBay.

Orange Scarf

Yes, the pattern is kind of elderly old lady but the boyfriend insists that I thought up this concoction especially for him. Considering the last unblocked scarf he forcibly took from me got him a $50 offer from a man on an elevator to take it off his neck on the spot , I just might do that.

Secondly, the garden calls. Last night’s thunderstorm took the tops off of most of my tomato plants and immature fruit was scattered all over the plot, but nonetheless I was able to gather two heads of cabbage and the first in a very long line of tomatoes. The heirlooms have come in before the altered varieties. The small toms are a yellow pear variety and the other are a large yellow heirloom, no clue what it is called. That single orange tomato is a fluke –it matured on a fruitless plant still in the flowering stages.

More Bounty

The garden has taken up most of my daylight time when I’m not competing in the weight room of the YWCA with sweet, blue-haired old ladies. Blog reading and knitting easily take up my evening hours. I only have a few weeks left before the school year begins again and I am determined to enjoy it.

3 thoughts on What You Might Be Doing If You Only Blog About Cats

  1. The scarf is really pretty… have you thought about selling them? You should consider it! Talk to the sales manager at a local department store — I know some stores like Nordstrom purchase locally-produced specialty items. Or put them online, you could definitely make some cash — I’d buy one!

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