In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Friday Random Ten – The Super Retro Edition

Yes, I’m a bit nostalgic:

1. “Takin’ It All The Way”, United State of Electronica
2. “Someday, Someway”, Marshall Crenshaw
3. “Hidden Treasure”, Traffic
4. “Young Americans”, David Bowie
5. “Night Moves”, Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band
6. “I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll”, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
7. “Crossover”, EPMD
8. “Holah”, Mazzy Star
9. “Show Me”, Mint Royale featuring Pos from De La Soul
10. “Thieves Like Us”, New Order

Something a little more recent:

My new kitten and her Very Bad Habit

My new kitten comes from an abusive situation, so I’m cutting her serious slack. But this morning I woke up to find her kneading my neck and sucking on my ear.

Slurp, slurp, slurp went tiny little kitten noises. Tiny little kitten claws digging into my neck. And deep-throated kitten purrs coming from her throat.

I’m a little bit embarrassed to admit that the entire experience was so lulling that I promptly fell back to sleep.

I had a kitten years ago who was an ear-sucker. She sucked so hard that first she gave me a hickey on my earlobe, and later actually broke the skin. So I know that this is a Very Bad Habit that can only lead to heartache, and she must be broken of it eventually.

But little kitten purrs! Kitten slurping sounds! Who wouldn’t love that?

*crossposted at Super Babymama

Why I love my daughter’s dance class

Because they’re having an “informal performance day” next week instead of a recital.

Because there’s no dress rehearsal.

Because the performance costume is a pair of black pants and a black leotard for tap, and the same black leotard and pink tights for ballet.

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Posted in Fun

So You Wanna Be a Rock n Roll Star

About a month ago, I wrote a post about Guitar Hero III. The main gist was that as a big-time previous fan of the series, I was thoroughly unimpressed with the the changes that have been made to the game, which are quite misogynist, exploitative of women and completely insensitive to the fact that the game has a female audience. To my great surprise, the post became a big hit (and troll target) and was linked to in all kinds of forums and blogs that would normally never give me a second glance. This was also to my slight dismay, because I didn’t spend much time on that post, and frankly, I don’t think that it’s very good. Anyway, lesson learned.

The point is that I now feel compelled if not required to say a few words about Rock Band.

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No chance my family name will die out soon

This handy tool compares the 5000 most common surnames in the US in 1990 and 2000. And Hispanic names are becoming more and more common (though nobody is going to challenge Smith any time soon).

My last name is surprisingly common, considering how many people mispronounce it. It’s moving up the ranks, from the 400 range to the 300 range. My siblings are doing their part on that score.

Posted in Fun

I think it’s about time we started protecting the innocent, adorable spermies

Masturbation is Murder, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Amanda wrote a satirical piece for RH Reality Check about how the next anti-choice step should be to outlaw menstruation. Well, it looks like anti-choicers have caught up with her — they’re trying to pass legislation in Colorado that would give fertilized eggs full Constitutional personhood rights. Unfortunately, the majority of fertilized eggs (somewhere around 70 percent) naturally don’t implant in the uterus and are flushed out onto tampons, pads and panties everywhere. Meaning that, well, Menstruation is Murder.

But my question is, what about the little sperms? They’re fucking adorable (way cuter than eggs), clearly alive (until they are cruelly wanked into oblivion), and completely innocent in their host’s perverted, self-indulgent proclivities. Do they not deserve life? Should they not be spared? Must they be slaughtered for your own selfish pleasures?

What about them?