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Drunk Mooses Wreaking Havoc in Sweden

Photo of a drunk moose hanging from an apple tree

Move over bears, there’s a new animal threat in town: Inebriated mooses (meese? moose?).

An inebriated moose trying to get more fermenting apples apparently lost its balance and ended up stuck in an apple tree in Sweden, The Local website reported.

After returning home from work Tuesday evening, Per Johansson of Saro heard bellowing from his neighbor’s yard, The Local reported.

“I thought at first that someone was having a laugh. Then I went over to take a look and spotted a moose stuck in an apple tree with only one leg left on the ground,” Johansson told The Local.

Hate it when that happens.

Drunken moose are common in Sweden in autumn, when apples are abundant on the ground and in trees in homeowners’ yards, according to The Local.

Johansson surmised the moose had been indulging for quite a while.

“My neighbor recognized it as the animal that almost ran into her car earlier in the day,” Johansson told The Local. “She was pretty sure the moose was already under the influence.”

As far as drunken hijinks go, though, getting stuck in a tree is amateur hour. If that moose was doing naked leg-lifts at a bus stop, maybe I’d be impressed.

There should be a law.

Photo of a man taking up two subway seats by sitting with his legs spread.

I agree with all of these proposed laws for New York City (especially the standing in line for ten minutes and then not knowing what you want, jesus). Commenters have made some terrible suggestions (banning businesses with AC from leaving their doors wide open? Yes, it’s environmentally disastrous, but that rush of cold air when you’re walking down the sidewalk is the best feeling in the world), so I’ll add a few crucial ones to the list:

1. Standing at the top of the subway stairs, blocking everyone coming in and out, to finish up a conversation on your cellphone, or to figure out where to go next, or to look at your giant map of the city. Step to the side or get fined!

2. Walking into the subway and immediately stopping just inside the doors. The conductor isn’t joking when he says to move inside the car.

3. Walking — or, more commonly, slow-as-fuck sauntering — more than two across on the sidewalk. People have places to go, so pick up the pace or don’t walk in enormous hordes.

4. Tourist highlights. (You know what I’m talking about). Why, God, why?

5. Stopping in the middle of the street to gaze upwards because you just saw a tall building. Stand to the side! Folks have places to be! (Clearly most of my pet peeves revolve around the fact that I am perpetually running late and therefore need to speedwalk down the street to get to my destination, and get extremely salty when people are in my way).

6. Doing any sort of personal foot or nail care on public transportation. The subway is not the place to cut your toenails or fingernails or to remove your feet from your shoes for any reason at all, and if you do that, you should go to jail.

7. Consuming odiferous food on the subway. I’m grossed out by the idea of consuming any sort of food on the subway — do you know what kinds of germs are traveling in those cars, and you are opening your mouth and putting food into it?! — but hey, sometimes you’re in a rush and you have to eat en route to your next destination. I totally get that. But may I suggest a bagel, or a pretzel, or an apple, or perhaps a nice energy bar? A giant container of take-out Chinese or a bag of chicken wings is not the most thoughtful choice.

8. Putting your bag on the subway seat next to you (unless the train is mostly empty and seats are plentiful). There’s already a law against that, but it could use some enforcement. Ditto for putting your feet on the seats. Didn’t your mother raise you better than that?

9. Music on the subway before 10am. Listen, I like a blaring F-train Mariachi band as much as the next girl, but not within two hours of waking up. That goes double — and at all hours — for people whose iPods are turned up so loud I can hear their music beyond their headphones (making me feel like an old woman who wants to shake my finger and warn them that they’re permanently damaging their hearing), and people who don’t even bother with the headphones but instead play their cellphone ringtones out loud over and over and over.

10. Enormous strollers. You live in New York, a city of small spaces and tight squeezes. Your child does not need to be wheeled around in a Cadillac.

11. Leaning on or wrapping your entire body around the subway pole. I don’t like to touch those things either, but on a crowded train you need to just grab on and not block the entire thing with your body.

12. Continuing to read your book, magazine, Kindle, iPad or smartphone after you have exited the train and are now walking. No one in the history of the world is capable of walking and reading at the same time. Put it down.

13. People who walk in the bike lane. Cars that drive or swerve into the bike lane. Cyclists who ride on the sidewalk when there’s a bike lane available, or ride the wrong way down the street.

14. Golf umbrellas. I understand that you don’t want a drop of rain to touch your precious overcoat, but you are sharing the sidewalk with everyone and your four-foot-wide umbrella is very much in the way.

15. Man-sitting (dudes who spread their knees SO WIDE when they sit down, as if they were lugging bowling balls in their pants).

And SO MANY OTHER THINGS, because I am crotchety as hell.

Posted in Fun

The art of boobs

A gift for the artistically inclined, or really for anyone who’s ever wondered how Power Girl can run without concussing herself: Webcomic artiste Ovens offers a quick and handy tutorial on drawing boobs that actually resemble regular, human boobs. It’s revolutionary. Advice highlights:

Boobs do not defy gravity.

The bigger the boobs, the more weight is added, causing them to “sag.” Sagging breasts are not a bad thing!

An exposed tit is a tear drop, NOT a water balloon.

Just gave ’em a glance, and she’s absolutely right. Well spotted.

Now if she’d just write a tutorial about about drawing women without corkscrew spines or perpetual beejer face. Note to comic book artists: If you’re looking at a woman’s boobs and her butt at the same time, something is very wrong.

Posted in Uncategorized

Ask Dr. Jill

I’m not a doctor, but I am a really good advice-giver. Here is all of my advice today:

1. Champagne by the glass? Full pour. Your friend’s thing sucks? Don’t tell your friends their things suck, unless there is some compelling reason beyond, “No, his thing just REALLY SUCKS” (OR you don’t want to be friends anymore). Picky eater? No oysters, clams, frogs’ legs, duck or anything “gross”? DTMFA. Slash and burn. (JUST KIDDING, you don’t have to dump her, I know you love her and we should all be so lucky to find someone with whom we can imagine spending the rest of our lives, eating only foods that are white, and relationships are all about compromise and adjustment, and obviously rational and mature adults do not end relationships over one party’s refusal to sample the raw bar. Unless we’re using the term “sample the raw bar” as sexual innuendo, in which case rational and mature adults absolutely do end relationships over that, but assuming we’re talking about actual shellfish that come from the sea, a strong relationship should transcend minor issues like who eats what, and learning to accept even the things you don’t adore about your partner is part of being a real grown-up in a long-term relationship which inevitably has ups and downs, and naturally involves another complex and flawed human being whose individuality necessitates them having some characteristics that are unlike your own and may be somewhat apart from your ideal. But I would totally dump her, because who the fuck doesn’t like oysters?).

2. Aren’t attracted to the person you’re with? DTMFA.

3. Girlfriend keeps cheating on you? DTMFA.

4. Found a photo of your boyfriend’s balls on Craig’s List? DTMFA.

5. Sweet Jesus, tell that old man you ran over his cat!

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