In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Koufax Nominations are Open!

Send in your noms. And since it’s just nomination time, you can nominate as many blogs as you choose. I’m headed to bed so that I can get my lazy ass to the gym in the morning, but I hope to post a list of my nominations sometime tomorrow. In the mean time, head over there and give your favorite blogs some recognition. And if you have some cash to spare, consider donating — these great big awards require greater space, and servers don’t pay for themselves.

Support the Koufaxes this Christmas

Merry Christmas!

If you have any cash left to give this year (or if the rellies gave you a check or two), consider donating to Wampum. Mary Beth and Eric and Dwight run the Koufax Awards every year, and every year, the traffic gets higher. Which puts a strain on their servers. They recently got a generator so they can run their servers off the grid, but the servers need new hard drives if they have any chance at all of being able to put the Koufaxes on this year.

Chris Clarke has the details.

MB’s Amazon honor system page is here. There’s also a link to PayPal from the Wampum front page, though PayPal has been a little wonky sometimes.

UPDATE: Kevin has some more suggestions for where your donation dollars might go this year.

Last Chance to Vote

The 2006 Weblog Awards

This is your last chance to vote in the 2006 Weblog Awards. We’ve managed to kick butt in our category, keeping well ahead of Stop the ACLU. TalkLeft must have been doing the same kind of appeal we were, because they’ve pulled out ahead of Stop the ACLU.

Not that it stops us from shamelessly appealing for votes.

So go vote. We want something to put in the sidebar.

Weblog Awards – Don’t Forget to Vote!

You all are fantastic, and Feministe is ahead of Stop the ACLU by a few hundred votes. But don’t stop now!

While you’re over there, consider voting for WIMN’s Voices for Best New Blog. They do awesome work, and I would love to see them raise their visibility by winning this award.

There’s no shortage of awesome blogs to vote for, so make sure you check out all the categories. It’s hard to play favorites, but if you’re hungry for other endorsements, I’ve been extending my votes to:

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Vote Early, Vote Often

The 2006 Weblog Awards

We’re still out ahead of Stop the ACLU, but we can’t rest on our laurels with, what, five more days of voting?

I was quite surprised to find out that Stop the ACLU is ranked #7 in The Truth Laid Bear rankings (Feministe is something like #210). The only liberal site ranked higher is Daily Kos.

Let’s wipe the floor with them.

Consider this the shameless plug of the day! Tell your friends.

Vote! Vote! Vote!

The 2006 Weblog Awards

We’re out ahead of Stop the ACLU, but we need you to keep voting to keep it that way. Remember, you can vote once a day until Friday, so consider this a shameless plea to stop Stop the ACLU.

Bonus: they’re annoyed that some feminist blog is beating them.

Get Out There And Vote, People

The 2006 Weblog Awards

Okay, kids. Voting is open for the 2006 Weblog Awards, where we’re finalists for Best of the Top 250 Blogs.

Right now, Stop the ACLU is creaming everyone else in the category, and I just can’t deal with that.

So go vote. You can vote once a day in each category for the next 10 days or so. Don’t let the bad, bad, anti-civil rights people win, ferchrissakes.

Someone Likes Us

Skippy informs us that Feministe is a finalist in the 2006 Weblog Awards, in the Best of the Top 250 Blogs category. Where one of our competitors is Stop the ACLU. Of all things.

Other notable finalists: Skippy (Best Liberal Blog), Majikthise (Best Individual Blog), Orcinus (Best of the Top 250) Pandagon (Best Liberal Blog), Shakespeare’s Sister (Best Liberal Blog), Jon Swift (Best Humor Blog), BlogHer (Best Online Community), Jesus’ General (Best Liberal Blog), Bitch, Ph.D. (Best Liberal Blog), Bring it On! (Best Liberal Blog), The Rude Pundit (Best Liberal Blog), Pam’s House Blend (Best LGBT Blog), Republic of T. (Best LGBT Blog), Michael Berube (Best Educational Blog), Pharyngula (Best Science Blog), Good Math, Bad Math (Best Science Blog), Tom Watson (Best Culture Blog), Property of a Lady (Best of the Rest of the Blogs).

Congratulations to all! If you see any blog you frequent on the list that I haven’t named above, feel free to speak up in comments.

Thanks to whoever nominated us. It’s quite an honor. And a surprise, to find out we’re in the top 250. Really?

Voting will be open Thursday at the Weblog Awards blog. We canNOT lose to Stop the ACLU, so go vote your hearts out. You’ll have a tough time in the Best Liberal Blog category, that’s for sure.