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Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Post a description of something you’ve written this week, along with a link. And happy Thanksgiving!

46 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. In Ruth and Naomi, I looked at a Biblical precedent for same-sex marriage, encapsulated in one of the most beautiful passages in the Bible, in which one woman declares her devotion and companionship for another woman.

    I also went back to my “pending box” and actually wrapped up some posts that have been on the back burner too long, about “crazy sex” and about the different ways I describe my ethnicity, and why “White british” really doesn’t cut it for me.

  2. I’m going to read the “Twilight ” Series and am planning on doing a live-blogging thing with my impressions about it and whether or not it deserves all the criticism it gets due to the relationship between edward and bella. My beginning post is there to start the discussion off and get everyone’s opinion on the books and what I should keep in mind while reading.

  3. As a barista, I encounter quite a few people who are unclear on the ways to behave while interacting with people in the service industry. I made a list

  4. Still being driven mad by He’s Just Not That Into You, just in time for the movie to hit the cinemas.

    Working on a women’s magazine article on sex without condoms, and blogging some of my thoughts as I research.

    Just published in the same women’s mag a feminist take on labiaplasty. And did an interview with another blogger on Australian women’s mags’ relationship with feminism.

    And finally, deconstructed a charming right-wing think tanker’s take on modern dating and gender relations.

  5. Oh, dang, it’s been a couple weeks, I have accumulated quite a few posts.

    First, I rolled my eyes at my campus newspaper, partially for political reasons, partially for it just being dumb (and a friend made a hilarious Photoshop to accompany it).

    Then I wrote about how perceived social disadvantages to men are usually the result of larger systemic disadvantages to women.

    After that, I moved on to my rage at being caught behind a car with AWFUL bumper stickers.

    And, finally, I transcribed my thoughts about the use of the word bitch.

    The end!

  6. Discussed the obscenity that was the employee killed by the consciously engineered frenzy that is Wal-Mart’s (and every other major retailer’s) “Black Friday” profit strategy:

    “While out-of-control crowds have claimed lives the world over, there’s just something so quintessentially “us” about this particular horror. If you want a picture of Americans at their stereotypical worst, you simply cannot do any better than hordes of holiday shoppers enraged that a little thing like a person’s death is thwarting them in their quest for a bargain big-screen TV.”

  7. Thanksgiving Day marked the 30th anniversary of Dan White’s cold blooded murder of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk.
    In the morning I posted the following in memory of Harvey:

    Thanksgiving evening my life partner and I went to see Gus Van Sant’s film “Milk” starring Sean Penn and I posted the related review.


  8. A Turkey Called Brotherhood: why I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, and the myth of brotherhood.

    Your Intrepid Explorer Risks Eye and Sanity to report about what happens behind enemy lines. The first in a series of me visiting MRA blogs and reporting back with details.

    My body IS NOT a “Public Health Concern”: My initial take on FA, and how anyone who wants to try and tell me that I represent some sort of “epidemic” can shove it.

    No Guts, No Glory: Activism isn’t about fame, and all heroes are just people doing what needs to be done.

  9. While I am getting more and more irate regarding economy and how we seem headed in a direction of socialism for the corporations and free enterprise for the working people I have found myself thinking that a little socialism might be a good thing.

    Especially in contrast to the sinking feeling that Obama is going to give us more of the same neo-con/neo-lib economic policies.

  10. Some thoughts on how to tackle a subject as big as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

    A totally gay good news roundup, because it’s good to remember that there is progress too.

    Our conversation about the incident at Walmart on Friday, which happened not far from where a couple of us live.

    An overview of all of the last minute suckage of the Bush administration.

    Our “last word” on Sarah Palin – Governor Palin says she ‘sees equality in Alaska’, because she is blind.

  11. A little over a week ago, I asked: Why is the LDS Church afraid of GLBT people?. I live in Salt Lake City, so the controversy about the Mormon Church’s Prop 8 involvement has been very present in my life this past month. Ultimately, I’ve come to understand that fear really is the heart of the issue. For another interesting take, you can watch episode 4 of 30 Days, featuring a Mormon woman who spent a month living with two gay fathers and their adopted children:

  12. I posted some quick thoughts about the NYT Magazine’s article about surrogacy. Shorter version: you don’t really need to read the article, just look at the pictures.

  13. What rules do lesbians and gays follow in the “prerelationship” stage?

    Calling all “REAL LESBIAN” women. What’s your definition of a real lesbian?

    Submit your favorite Throwback Hit (old skool song) to be featured on NSpirit On Life.

    Thanks for the opp to self promote!

  14. Some reviews of note this week:Get Some Action: Taking Our Place in the History of U.S. Social Movements: When you start to think about the relationship between fossil fuels and social justice, you can immediately begin to understand the economic and ethical trickle-down of global warming: how mining and auto manufacturing incentives affect blue collar workers in the US, how corporate greed thrives while natural resources are burned up faster than can be replenished, the pervasiveness of pollution around the world, and how oil creates violent political alliances around the globe.The Private Lives of Pippa Lee: What molding and stretching is required of a woman who chooses to better the quality of life of others over her own? Perhaps this type of self-sacrifice cannot be fathomed from the outside in. So Many Ways to Sleep Badly: The crippling emotional pain of a past tainted by incest is never far from the tremulous outer edges of Sycamore’s mind as she spars daily with fibromyalgia and turns tricks for rent money. “Heavy” does not begin to cover it. And yet the book is sprinkled with welcome moments of levity that balloon unexpectedly, and shrink just as quickly.

  15. I’ve always read this thread but I don’t think I’ve ever had a piece to promote, because I don’t have a blog of my own and I do most of my guest-blogging here. This week, however, I have a new space, and a post to promote.

    Today is the launch of Yes Means Yes Blog, a collaborative project by many of the entirely awesome contributors to the book Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power & A World Without Rape, edited by Jaclyn Friedman and Jessica Valenti. (I won’t list all of the contributors, but the group includes Cara and Jill!)

    My latest contribution to the blog is a meditation on how to give teens a model for making decisions about sex.

  16. i was very moved by a video made by the parents of brenden foster, a child dying (since died) from cancer. watching this amid reading more sad bailout news inspired me to write

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