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I’d do the same thing if I were dreaming about Chuck Bass.

Maybe I’m imagining things, but has anyone else noticed more allusions to female masturbation on TV? On Gossip Girl a couple of weeks ago, the show started with Blair having a sex dream and Dorota (her housekeeper) warning her that “God is always watching” — and Blair telling her to go away, ostensibly so Blair can finish her business. Last week on Grey’s Anatomy — a show which is legitimately terrible at this point — Izzy (spoiler alert!) is having loud sex with her ghost-boyfriend and her room mates (including her real-boyfriend Alex) hear her. Everyone’s confused, and Alex says something like, “She’s flying solo. It’s hot.”

I’m only 25, but growing up I never heard about women masturbating — and I certainly never saw it referenced on TV. Male masturbation, on the other hand, was an assumption — something all men supposedly did, that they could joke and talk about. Female masturbation was gross and weird, something we all denied doing, if we talked about it at all. So I’m glad to see it presented as normal.

In other pop-culture self-love references, Jezebel has the top 10 pop songs about female masturbation. And just because it’s the holiday season and I’m feeling generous, a little Chuck Bass to inspire your dreams tonight. Thanks for the link, Ann!

16 thoughts on I’d do the same thing if I were dreaming about Chuck Bass.

  1. Okay, okay, so I haven’t even seen season 4 yet, but . . . ghost boyfriend? Goddammit, I hadn’t heard the show was that bad, and I was told by a friend that season 5 was thus far a vast improvement. Also, if the ghost boyfriend is Denny, I’m not sure if that’s better or worse.

  2. Cara, I won’t ruin it for you, but I will say… it’s bad.

    Also, is it wrong that I watch Grey’s and wish they would just kill off the little Grey sister? I can’t even bring myself to remember her name because she is so effing irritating. Every episode I’m like, “DIE! DIE! DIE!” but she never does. Totes unfair.

    I think when you watch a show and cheer for one of the main characters to bite it, it’s gotten bad.

  3. Seinfeld had one episode. They engaged in a contest to see who could hold out the longest. I think Elaine was the second to fall after JFK Jr. joined her gym. Of course, they never used the word, they just alluded to it.
    Also, there were sly mentions of it Friends but never anything over the top like it would always be for the guys.

  4. Fuck. Grey’s Anatomy was pretty much the only TV show I like other than Lost.

    Well I’ve seen very little of the sister, only in the final episode of Season 3 (which was good) and the first episode of Season 4 (which was . . . bad). She did seem a bit annoying an unnecessary, though, and I’d probably run away from her if I was Meredith, too. I really only care about Meredith, McDreamy, Cristina and a little bit of George. Izzy has kind of always gotten on my nerves, to be totally honest. I’ve never liked McSteamy much, and I can’t say I was hugely sad to see Addison go.

  5. Okay so on the Gossip Girl topic, particularly Chuck Bass, what is it with that guy? One, he’s supposed to be 17, two, he uses women like playthings, and three, he seems to live to crush people’s souls. But damn can he pull off an ascot. And of course he’s got the whole sensitive, loves his mom, wants to be a better man for Blair thing going on. I love Chuck Bass, but the question is why? He’ so vile sometimes.

  6. He is vile, especially in Season One. I hated him that season. He’s gotten a lot better in Season Two, though, and I don’t actually like his character, I just think the actor is hot — which is how I justify my hard-on for him now, even though he’s only 21 in real life and that kind of creeps me out.

    Also, did you see Son of Rambow? So hot in that.

  7. It’s all over the place in the first few episodes of True Blood as well. And yes, it surprised me a lot, because I’d never seen that on TV before.

  8. Son of Rambow is one of those movies I know nothing about, but make my boyfriend zip past on the On Demand menu simply because of the title. What is it about? Not that it matters, god knows I watch plenty of movies for the hot guys. Yeah, I’m talking to you Ocean’s Thirteen.

  9. And let’s not forget the episode of Friends where Monica gives herself an orgasm just telling (not showing) Chandler how to please his girlfriend. Not the same as her touching herself, but considering that episode was on over ten years ago, and it was part of NBC’s family-friendly Thursday night line up, I think notable.

  10. It’s actually a really cute film about two kids from tough family situations (one neglected, one hyper-religious) making an action movie. Ed Westwick is one of the kids’ older brothers. It’s truly adorable.

  11. Cyndi was FIRST and should therefore be FIRST on the list. growf! (menopausal bias)

    I was once at an 80s bridal shower when the jokes started about what to do when he is away from home, works late, etc and then–everyone spontaneously launched into a chorus of “She Bop!”!


  12. “Jezebel has the top 10 pop songs about female masturbation.”

    wow, i had NO idea bjork’s “all is full of love” is about masturbating. i used to listen to it all the time, and never once got the reference.

    makes me wonder what else i’ve been missing in this world…

  13. YAY for referencing female masturbation, that’s cool and all.

    But I could really get over Izzy’s ghost sex. Seriously? Her character is just starting to frustrate me. What really kills me is that the producers of Grey’s got rid of the lesbian couple, but we’ve had 2 episodes of ghost sex now…come on.

  14. Ghost sex!? Well, we’ll have to add “ghosts” to that slippery slope of animals and inanimate objects people will start clamoring to marry once same-sex marriage is legalized.

    I love Chuck as a character because he’s just so smooth and full of himself, yet quietly vulnerable. Also, the man has style. However, I knew a Chuck in real life…wasn’t quite as big of a fan. Maybe because the RL-Chuck never wore an ascot. Or short-shorts with boat shoes.

  15. Maybe it was just the environment I grew up in, but even the male masturbation was something NO ONE admitted to. The first time I saw a stand-up comedian on TV joking about how “everyone does it”, it came off (no pun intended) as quite unexpected.

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