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What’s your state of mind?

The NY Times has this fun little thing going on called a word train. People type or click on the word that best describes their mood regarding the election.  You can submit every hour, if you like.  Then you can look at the words that everyone chose, the ones that Obama supporters chose, and the ones that McCain supporters chose.  You can also view the results from all day, or from a specific hour.

I’ll admit that I’m getting a little bit of optimistically perverse pleasure out of seeing the words that Obama supporters chose versus the ones that McCan supporters chose.

I’m energized.  What are you?

13 thoughts on What’s your state of mind?

  1. I’m really excited! It sounds stupid, but I woke up just really eager to go cast my vote and I can’t wait to get home tonight and watch the coverage.

    Also, “sick” keeps coming up for McCain supporters — DAMN!

  2. Hopeful.

    Although picking just one was too hard. I’m also proud. And nervous. And emotional. And sappy. I’ve already cried twice today — once after voting and once after re-watching the Yes We Can video.

  3. Moved!! I let my 7 year old press Obama when we voted and told him he was helping create history today.

  4. Petrified. And anxious. And hopeful. And petrified. And thrilled. And proud. And petrified. And emotional. And crazed. And did I mention petrified?

  5. I have the Hockey Night in Canada theme song running in my head. Which is the Canadian equivalent of a “USA! USA!” chant.

    This’ll be a fun night.

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