In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

It’s that time…

[This post will remain at the top of the page until the results are all in and we have a new president-elect; check directly below for the Feministe live-blog and other new posts]

Get yer up-to-date election results here:

7 thoughts on It’s that time…

  1. Excellent!

    But I’m wondering, and you might know if anyone does, where can I find this kind of realtime tracking for state stuff? Specifically, California’s propositions have my stomach doing gymnastics, and I’m going nuts trying to find where I can get the up-to-date results as they come in tonight. Got any good sources?

  2. Thank you so much, Cara! (I had to get up and do a little happy-dance when I saw that, cause I’m scary-on-edge about Prop 8…) Guess my RSS reader hadn’t refreshed by the time I posted this, sorry. 🙂

  3. I was really excited about the presidential results, and now I’m thinking that this is more of a mixed victory than I thought thanks to these ballot initiatives that are actively curbing existing rights of so many people to live, work, and be. I don’t know what to think yet, but my stomach is in knots.

  4. I second Lauren, the CNN website is already projecting Arkansas Initiative 1 to pass (among others – Arizona and Florida are set to pass their “one man one woman” marriage). Not two hours ago I was screaming with joy at the television set, now I’m back to being guiltily grateful for not being American. I cannot understand how anyone could vote to curtail the rights of others.

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