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Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Sorry this is going up late. Post a short description of something you’ve written this week, along with a link.

48 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Some Mother didn’t do her job: Questioning why blaming mothers for the criminal behavior of their children while ignoring the social reasons that lead to criminal activities.

    MRA Glenn Sacks fight to get domestic violence shelter advertising removed: A feminist response.

    JC Pennys Doesn’t do black hair: A look at racism in hairdressing.

    sexism is worse than racism: The ways in which the oppression Olympics were played in the election.

    An Ode the unhusband and unmarriage: A look at why stepping away from traditional marriage might be good for women.

  2. I posted some great pics of my kid at the Obama rally here:

    Also, can’t get an IEP meeting scheduled, tracking my experiences with the administration here: and here:

    And my thoughts, as a mother of a child with autism, on Sarah Palin’s plan for special education:

  3. Hi Jill,

    I had a big realization this week about Age: Time As the Fourth Dimension In Gender Politics. It’s about how traditional heterosexual age preferences can produce lower social and economic equality *inside* relationships even when there’s progress in the general population.

    This being shameless self-promotion Sunday I now believe the gendered age gradient is a big, big deal that deserves considerably more attention.


  4. I made these videos summing up McCain / Palin / Obama and their supporters.

    They can be gotten via Bittorrent at The Pirate Bay also.

    In Mac friendly Quicktime MP4 format.


    The Race We Run

    Is race a factor in this election? Is race still a factor in America? Is the Pope Catholic?


    Hussein Hussein Hussein

    Is Barack Obama a secret muslim? Is he a terrorist? The correct answer is no. But what if he were? What does that say about how we see Muslims in this country?


    DivX version (50 megs)

    MP4 version (144 megs)

    DivX version at RapidShare (50 megs, will expire after 10 downloads)

    Sarah’s Choice: John McCain Chooses Sarah Palin.

    Sarah Palin has strong beliefs, and she makes decisions quickly. Because when the fate of the world is at stake, you must never blink. You must make judgements as quickly as possible – in the time it takes to blink an eye.


    Big Red: Is Barack Obama a Socialist?

    Of course he isn’t. So this video asks the question – are liberals and Democrats socialists? Are they anti-American? Are some of us more American than others?


    John McCain: Maverick

    John McCain is a maverick. He doesn’t follow the rules, the standard ideas of the Republican Party. He goes against the grain. Except when he doesn’t.

  5. I found the latest column by Orson Scott Card whining about how people don’t like him because he doesn’t like gay people really annoying: The awful self-pity of the self-righteous bigot. (Discussions I was having on my blog and off it as a result of that post led to a further post: Yes to freedom of belief, No to proposition 8.)

    I also finished and posted an open letter that had been lingering in Drafts for some time about why I get so angry at a very nice online acquaintance who is openly Islamophobic: Open Letter: why I get angry about this.

    My Tuesday Recipe this week was on how to cook beans. Very necessary information in a recession!

  6. Last week, The New York Times ran an article that highlights the challenges women face in the individual health insurance market. In the article, the Times shared some findings from a recent report by my co-workers here at the National Women’s Law Center which found that women pay higher premiums than men on the individual health insurance market. Plus, women often cannot get comprehensive coverage that meets their needs — particularly maternity coverage.

    Two of my co-workers also posted on NWLC’s blog about the article.

  7. I mused a bit about being a black child in America, inspired by Elle PhD’s post on her son’s hero worship of Obama.

    Was chatting with a friend from Eritrea a while back. We were supposed to be rehearsing lines, but he ended up telling us about his experiences with the Red Terror there. Here’re some quotes I can remember.

    And this is completely gratuitous nostalgic post where I surf IMDB and post clips of old and new cartoon intros. I think some of you will like it, and do respond to the last couple of bits about He-Man and Jem.

  8. Usually my posts are analyses of issues, but this one is my response to a few things people I know have done today that relate to the election. I’m working on a comedic/headdesk-ic review of this very interesting campaign.

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