In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

The Day After: A Feminist Town Forum, Nov. 5

The Center for New Words is hosting a feminist townhall on November 5th, featuring amazing feminist panelists who will be discussing the post-election “now what?.” The exciting thing about this townhall is that you can come even if you aren’t in Boston — Feministe and several other feminist blogs will be hosting it live.

It’ll be going from 7-9 pm, add it to your calendar now, and stop by next week and check it out. You’ll be able to interact and submit question in real-time, and chat not only with other Feministe commenters, but with everyone who is viewing online. Pretty awesome.

The best thing about the blogosphere, in my opinion, is its ability to bring activists and like-minded people together. It eliminates the isolation that too often prevents us from having these kinds of large-scale collective conversations, and it pulls us out of our local bubbles and forces us to encounter new realities. I’ve said before that my feminism has been shaped more by the blogosphere than by four years of academic gender studies; that shaping has come from the words of other women, including, perhaps more than anyone else, Feministe commenters and my own co-bloggers. So I’m excited that we’ll be able to do this in real-time, and have a thorough and wide-reaching conversation. Plus the panelists cannot be beat. They include:

Founder of the National Black Women’s Health Project and MacArthur Genius Award Recipient
Journalist and author of Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism
Critic, activist, artist, journalist and author
Founding Director of the Radcliffe Public Policy Center
National Coordinator, SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Health Collective
Executive Director, Drum Major Institute for Public Policy

In the meantime, what would you like to hear the panelists discuss on Wednesday? Do you have any particular questions or issues you want addressed? Any discussion here will be forwarded onto them, so please leave suggestions.

And if you have your own blog and want to participate, email jaclyn -at- centerfornewwords-dot-com.

And we’ll see you all live on Wednesday night!

3 thoughts on The Day After: A Feminist Town Forum, Nov. 5

  1. Greetings I’m new here
    And it looks like a good forum, so just wanted to say hello! :):):)
    And looking forward to participating.
    Going on vacation for a few days, so i’ll be back

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