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15 thoughts on The Economist endorses Barack Obama

  1. Nia: Sort of, as I gather from Mr. Bene, who is an avid Economist reader. They’re very fiscally conservative, and therefore weren’t very keen on Obama’s economic chops until he proved himself to be, at the very least, considerably more vested and motivated in fixing the recession within the last couple of months.

  2. they endorsed kerry somewhat half-heartedly in ’04, but they are extreme centrists: pro-globalization/free trade, socially libertarian, smack in the middle for foreign intervention, and right wing ecnomically.

    it’s easily the greatest magazine in the world.

    but it will just be viewed as another left wing “elitist” rag by the right.

  3. i think they really nail it here:

    “A man who started with no money and few supporters has out-thought, out-organised and outfought the two mightiest machines in American politicsā€”the Clintons and the conservative right”

  4. Pffffttt.

    The Economist is a well known den of socialists, communists, and “redistributionists”.


  5. I have to go to the defense of The Economist here. I subscribe and read it faithfully–especially the news and opinion portions. Not that I always agree with them; to the contrary, they are to the right of me on any number of issues. But they have excellent writers and a valuable perspective. (Did you know there’s a whole world out there that has nothing to do with US? The Economist does and covers it; most of the US MSM doesn’t unless there’s a war, famine or some other catastrophe.) I have been enjoying their coverage of the campaign. It’s not the predigested pap you get from virtually all of the MSM in the U.S.

    And I have to second Morningstar–they are not pro-Bush at all. They did come out for the Iraq War (that was a big disappointment to me); but when they realized the mistake they made, they immediately admitted it and analyzed their mistake in great detail. And they have been very critical of much of the Bush presidency for any number of years.

    If it’s a lukewarm endorsement, so be it; that’s a good thing about the mag–they’re not afraid to take a stand but analyze it and point out the good and the bad. I find it honest and refreshing.

    Yes, I’m a big fan of The Economist and no, I have no financial connection with them (other than subscribing–I wish a subscription were cheaper, but you have to pay for quality, IMHO).

    As for Obama, I voted for him (via absentee ballot here in CA) and I’m not going to be able to fully relax until (if) he’s sworn in. I don’t think he’s perfect, BTW, but I like a lot of what he says and stands for; I think he’s just what our country needs.

    Wow. That was much longer than I intended. Sorry for the rant.

    Go Obama!

  6. peter, I know its just about halloween, but please don’t try to go as joseph mccarthy. for your sake–its just not very becoming.

  7. The Economist is indeed centrist — and though thirty years ago, they might have favored Republicans in American elections, the GOP moved dramatically to the right and left the Economist behind.

  8. The Economist is a magazine that our intelligence (US) services read, and are encouraged to do so. I happen to know of one brance of HS that encourages its recruits to read it – for it is one of the best sources out there for international/economic/social policy developments.

    If they’re panning McCain, it is a big deal. But who can blame them – the Republicans haven’t exactly been kind to their intelligence officers and their work these past 8 years. Can anyone say Valerie Plame?

  9. princeton12,

    The little smiley face at the end of my post was supposed to indicate sarcasm.

    I don’t think there’s a sane person on the planet that thinks The Economist is communist.

    And is “redistributionist” a real word anyway? Where are McCain and the wingnuts coming up with this stuff?

  10. “And is ā€œredistributionistā€ a real word anyway? Where are McCain and the wingnuts coming up with this stuff?

    Everyone has the same source for this…it’s just that some people do not prefer to use their rectum as a knowledge base/mouthpiece. :>)

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