In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

You know the drill: Post a short summary of a post or posts you’ve written this week, along with the links. Don’t just post a link to your whole blog; make it specific.

60 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I’m surviving the Prop 8 battle here in CA by publicly shaming the worst and stupidest of the right-wing fundies who are showing up everywhere these days. A couple of my favorites this week:

    An explanation of civil rights by a particularly gifted logician….

    a proposed real-estate transaction between the gays and the Christian right….

    and bonus fundy haiku! They’re poets and they don’t even know it.

    We laugh so we don’t throttle people. Enjoy.

  2. Pro Choice Because I am a Mother: Examining the difficulties of motherhood and how it would could resentment if not actively chosen.

    Stop Being A Whore or I’ll Tell Mommy and Daddy: slut shaming of sex trade workers

    Will and Jada Smith only one parents counts: the ways in which black fathers are uplifted while black women are relegated to second class status.

    Breaking News Sapphire Wounded: Why it is necessary to reclaim the angry black woman stereotype.

  3. Olives: I’m from Seattle, and I think The Stranger’s lame both for their cover art and for the American Apparel ads that they take.

    This week I felt like writing about TV, because that new show Life on Mars got me all fired up about the role of women on it and the lack of people of color.

    Also, a good friend of mine started a feminist forum because a lot of people we know miss Twisty Faster’s forums, and were taking over a PC gaming forum with feminist discussion. We are high and lowbrow, political and pop culture and mostly we are Uppity Women. Registration is open and we are happy to hear from a variety of people and I imagine it will evolve.

  4. I wrote a post on my blog A New Dawn about my issues with the upcoming Watchmen adaptation. Only the first part is up(and only one blog entry). but its a new blog and feedback is greatly encouraged.
    the link is:
    (I’m posting the blog and not the direct post because I am on my phone, don’t have a personal computer and there is only the one post mentioned above on the blog so far). Enjoy!

  5. I want to let you guys know about the post I wrote introducing the Antigone Foundation’s 2009 Dreams for Women Calendar. The calendar features postcards from around the world on which people have written their ‘Dreams for Women’ (One example is “I Dream of a world where no woman is seen and not heard”)

    Check it out below! You can also raise money for your favourite women’s group! Women’s orgs who register with us and tell their members about it will receive $10 (CDN) per $20 (CND) calendar sold!

  6. GT 2008-10-24: Ending State violence against women in prostitution in San Francisco: in which I speak in favor of Prop. K, a ballot initiative which would result in complete de facto decriminalization of women in prostitution who work in the city of San Francisco. Not because I’m pro-prostitution (I’m not), but rather because I’m against vice cops being able to inflict fines or jail terms on women in prostitution.

    GT 2008-10-10: Whiteness studies 104: Class, cuisine, and authenticity: in which I discuss NPR “Progressives,” class, and the construction of “real Mexican cuisine.”

  7. This past week the ESC switched from ‘pink for October’ to ‘purple for October’, because this month isn’t just breast cancer awareness month, it’s also Domestic Violence Awareness Month and LGBT History Month.

    We addressed some of the Sarah Palin scandals of the moment – charging Alaska for the cost of traveling to various events with her (usually uninvited) children, taking a per diem for staying in her own home, the shopping spree, and so on: She Works Hard for the Money

    Speaking of LGBT, we talked about John McCain and the future of LGBT rights, with a bonus blog on how Sarah Palin also sucks in that arena, and we talked about LGBT candidates who are running for office this year.

    We also allowed John McCain to present 50 reasons not to vote for John McCain, and shared the story of the vet who did not vet.

  8. I am into the second month of my self-portrait-a-day project which i have been blogging regularly. Sometimes they are rather irreverent, though I seek to make my transgender identity, queer identity and female identity fmore visible and represent myself through how i see myself rather than how others perceive me.

    there is a longer statement on the blog.


  9. We’re hosting the next Carnival of Feminists over at Fourth Wave, so don’t forget to send in your entries in the next couple weeks.

    Brianna added a second wave feminist song to her Feminist Anthems’ series: Mountain Moving Day.

    Vicky mused over the Manic Pixie Dream Girls as feminist characters in movies like Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist.

    And I got riled over an op-ed that characterized Sarah Palin as a femme fatale and McCain just not able to help himself in her presence.

  10. I blogged at City of Ladies on Wednesday about a meme that’s been going around the Republican party, and its political and racist implications. Detailed, with lots of links and several paragraphs of analysis: “Pro-America”

    Brian the Macroeconomist wrote on Monday about the socialism accusations for Obama’s tax plan: John the Politician Doesn’t Understand

    And we have a new member of our crew, Robin, who wrote about labioplasty: Don’t Hate, Appreciate

    (I’ve fixed comments so you don’t have to be a member.)

  11. Some reviews of particular interest this week are:

    Violence and Activism at the Border: Gender, Fear, and Everyday Life in Ciudad Juarez – Staudt provides an excellent account of the proliferation of violence against women, and she works toward a sustainable movement that will last across generations and across borders.

    Sciences from Below: Feminisms, Postcolonialities, and Modernities – Harding’s assertion is that the discipline of science studies ignores the contributions of feminisms and postcolonialities, disciplines and movements that interrogate the relationship between history, knowledge, and power.

    Feminist Thought: A More Comprehensive Introduction – …the book offers a useful dialogue that not only reveals the important contributions of these different feminisms (and the key thinkers from each branch), but also scrutinizes the unexamined assumptions and biases in each approach.

  12. Some shameless blegging to help out the Red Queen who has been homeless for a while now.

    Fat shaming of a six year old actress and the character she plays on Desperate Housewives has me more than a little pissed off in The Importance of Being Juanita Solis.

    A VP edition of Tip of the Hat/Wag of the Finger.

    James Gunn’s “PG Porn”, while interesting to me in concept, resorts to violence agains women to get some laughs, and that means that it is made of fail.

  13. About my husband’s first general vote as a new American citizen:

    About a song I wrote about our children creating a new world of peace:

    Jon Stewart’s take on the “real America”:

    Sarah Palin claiming that “real feminists” must vote for McCain-Palin:

    About Colin Powell’s raising the issue of intolerance toward Muslims:

    About the Dar Williams concert, and her singing of “Christians and the Pagans” as a comment about Sarah Palin:

    6-year-old’s letters to Obama and McCain:

    Democrats make better lovers:

    About racism and hatred in McCain-Palin supporters:

    Blog tag:

    About a city in Japan called “Obama”:

    About Wonder Woman Day in Portland, Oregon:

    Happy birthday, Hillary:

    The prospect of an inspiring president:

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