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Daylight Savings Time

If you think it’s unusual that I would be blogging about daylight davings time long after the time change, it isn’t.

I’m from Indiana, one of the last states to hold out against DST despite an internal debate lasting over thirty years. This has become an incredibly partisan issue in my state politics — Indiana is split by Eastern and Central time zones — with Republicans claiming that the primary reason no outside corporations want to do business with Indiana is that they can’t figure out the time zones (kids, get out your crap detectors) and Democrats holding out because no one wants to be on the Western tail of an Eastern time zone.

Now, which one seems more accurate?

Let me tell you how nice it is never having to change your clock: the days are as long as they are long, short as they are short, daylight in the summertime lasts forever. Once spring rolls around it is far easier to get out of bed as early as we must because the sun is already shining and the house and outdoors are already warm. There is no confusion about what day to change the clocks, no additional traffic accidents or grogginess and time isn’t as arbitrary as it seems to be in other states, it just is. It’s plain pleasant.

But no more. After holding out straight down partisan lines, one rookie member in the split house “changed his vote because the issue had become too partisan, and he wanted to move on to bigger matters such as the two-year state budget. He said he was prepared to explain his actions to constituents, many of whom had opposed adopting daylight-saving time.” And thus we will be changing our clocks along with the rest of the country next April. Never mind that the reasons that DST exists are based on energy-saving strategies which no longer apply thanks to widespread AC use, that Indiana is based on agriculture and plants and animals don’t observe DST, or that the reasons for initially beginning observance of DST as opposed to observing standard time zones has everything to do with World War I and little afterward.

Above all, never mind that a majority in Indiana were opposed to the bill and the only “constituents” to back it were businesses. Our politicians are “prepared to explain” despite our oppostition. Indiana is now as ridiculous as of the rest of the country. Evidence:

House Speaker Brian Bosma called the 51-46 decision one of the most “heroic” votes in his 20 years in the General Assembly.

“I can tell you that the rest of the nation, the rest of the world, knows that Indiana doesn’t get it,” Bosma said. “Now is the day to tell the rest of the world that we are willing to step into the 21st century.”

Bosma, another evangelical politician to add to our lists, also believes that legal discrimination against homosexual partnerships is also a step into the 21st century. One of his pet projects is maintaining the Indiana state’s ban against seme-sex marriage, and pushing another more explicit amendment to add to the state constitution banning gay marriage again just for kicks.

No matter how much he loves the cape his mama made him, this man ain’t no hero.

And me? I’m far for likely to side with this guy:

“This is not the second coming that is going to take Indiana into a brighter future,” Democratic state Rep. William Crawford said.

But getting rid of Mr. Bosma and his right-wing idiot parade just might be the first step.

UPDATE: Chuck has more explanation.

Those of you that aren’t from the area don’t get this, and I’m sorry. There is just no way that I can impart to you how contentious this issue is / was / has been / will be. Unlike many other “political” issues, this is an issue on which no one really has any sort of ethical qualms about holding a strong position. Many times, people will have a taboo on abortion or gay rights or whatever, and they just won’t talk about issue X. But nobody has that about DST. Everyone has an opinion, and most people aren’t afraid of expressing that opinion loudly.

My family almost came to fisticuffs last time we all got together because of this. Seriously.

15 thoughts on Daylight Savings Time

  1. Argh! This is just stupid. If it really is the case that not following DST creates confusion for businesses, isn’t it really the fault of DST, not the lack thereof, considering that there is no good reason for keeping DST around in the first place? This is like saying, “Even though we have a nice efficient system, everyone else uses a crappy, stupid system, so we should use that, too. So everyone will be on the same page. The same idiotic, dumbass page.” The fact that Republicans are backing this inane issue is further proof that these guys are lemmings.

  2. Even though we have a nice efficient system, everyone else uses a crappy, stupid system, so we should use that, too. So everyone will be on the same page. The same idiotic, dumbass page.

    I think this explains political organization in this country well. And Microsoft.

  3. Arizona stays with standard time.

    Anyway, time doesn’t exist. It was created to enslave humankind.

    Which leads me to ask, can’t cows be just as easily milked at a civilized hour as opposed to the middle of the freakin’ night?

  4. This drives me crazy. I used to live in Indiana as a child. As an adult in Washington State, I’ve been asking people “Who likes Daylight Savings Time?” No one has answered that they like it. In fact, I’ve either heard a lack of interest or negative comments about it, but never a positive one, even from business owners.

    Last fall, the Oregonian newspaper published a report that Portland police notice the number of traffic accidents climb for 2 weeks every fall after the time changes. In other words it costs us hospital visits, police time, and quite possibly lives to make this change, not to mention money and insurance rates. Why would anyone favor that?

    I’m sorry to read Indiana is making the change. It’s the wrong one. They should stick to their original position (like Arizona, which seems to be doing business quite well and growing, thank you) and hang on until the rest of the country becomes enlightened.

  5. “I can tell you that the rest of the nation, the rest of the world, knows that Indiana doesn’t get it,” Bosma said. “Now is the day to tell the rest of the world that we are willing to step into the 21st century.”

    While I don’t agree with the 21st Century BS, there may be some truth in the “Indiana doesn’t get it” part. When I came to school and complained about changing my clocks, my friends from everywhere else that are accustomed to DST said, “Oh, you’re those people. Ha.”

    I don’t know that that deserves us changing, but just some thing to think about.

    BTW, why is the state legislature wasting its time figuring this out? Aren’t there more important issues to debate?

  6. I hate that it passed too. Whoop dee freaking doo, we will have daylight till 9 o’clock at night instead of 8. Now to sound petty, i love the drive in movie theatres around the state, they are becoming extinct. Now they won’t be very family friendly when the shows can’t start till 9 at night, and the double shows won’t let out till 1 am! I will stay up, but if you have little kids, how can ya? Well, one can argue that the movies are for couples… but anyway I hate the stupid change. And the new law to show ID to vote. And the new Economic Development force who answers to noone, the new Inspector General post…. and that stupid RV that Mitch got. The dang thing wasn’t even built here, it was made in Oregon.

  7. James, the point is that all the old reasons for daylight savings time across the country are outdated and that the cons almost certainly outweigh the pros.

    And yes, there are better things to worry about. Then again, as long as they’re fighting over DST, they aren’t fighting over SSM.

    How many acronyms can we get on this page?

  8. Acronyms huh… how about:

    “Seeing as how the VP is a VIP, shouldn’t we keep the PC on the QT? ‘Cause if it leaks to the VC, he could end up a MIA, and then we’d all be put on KP.”

    Robin Williams in Good Morning, Vietnam (1987)

  9. Well, now that the state legislature has wrung their hands of this, back to foring raped women to have babies and instantiating homophobia in the Constitution! What a relief.

  10. Pingback: To Be Determined
  11. Mark:

    And the new law to show ID to vote.

    Umm that seems like a pretty good idea, heaven knows how much election fraud we’ll have here in the UK this Thursday. It may make us almost as much a banana republic as you guys – esp Florida 😉

  12. Yea, if voter fraud didn’t mostly come from absentee votes… like an asshole told my dad about how since he lives part time in florida, that he voted for bush here and absentee for bush in florida… how did ID help?

  13. I do like daylight savings time. I am stuck in a cinder block office all day, and it is a delight to walk outside at 6 or 7 o’clock when there is still some light in the sky to enjoy.

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