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“Waterboard Barack Obama”

Lately, there have been a lot of stories about racist and/or threatening remarks directed at Sen. Obama from conservatives and McCain supporters. I personally think McCain and Palin are partially responsible for breeding a hateful and negative environment, but the excuse so far has been that the comments like “Kill him!” have come from lone wackos at rallies, and the racist and threatening images (like Obama next to a noose or Obama as a monkey) have come from lone wackos on blogs.

That excuse doesn’t hold anymore.

The image Andrew Sullivan posts is from the offical Republican party website for Sacramento County. For those who don’t feel like clicking over, it’s a picture of Obama next to a picture of Osama bin Laden with the words, “The only difference between Obama and Osama is BS. Waterboard Barack Obama.”

It kinda makes me agree with Christopher Hitchens, of all people:

It therefore seems to me that the Republican Party has invited not just defeat but discredit this year, and that both its nominees for the highest offices in the land should be decisively repudiated, along with any senators, congressmen, and governors who endorse them.

One only wishes that the election could be over now and a proper and dignified verdict rendered, so as to spare democracy and civility the degradation to which they look like being subjected in the remaining days of a low, dishonest campaign.

7 thoughts on “Waterboard Barack Obama”

  1. i would like for republicans to finally start doing what they claim muslims never do: start protesting against this fringe element in the party. start demanding resignations, and ousters.

  2. They expect that calling us to ‘torture thy neighbour’ will win them votes?

    That sign is nothing more than conspiracy to incite violence and whoever was behind it should be prosecuted.

  3. holy shit.

    I don’t have much doubt that he’ll get elected, but oh my god am I scared that he’s gonna be assassinated.

  4. @ Morningstar: I agree. Indeed what we’re witnessing here is the ol’ “we’re not responsible for what the fundies do” two-step. Before this, Muslim moderates had that dance floor to themselves. But it appears Mcain & Palin can cut the rug with the best of them.

  5. Well, I agree with what christopher hitchens wrote.

    But, I’m not going to give him any props. He spent 8 years cheerleading the death of a million people in Iraq, and waving his pom poms for George Bush.

    He was an enthusiastic enabler of the Bush republicans, and now he belatedly regrets the frankenstein that was created without acknowledging his role in it?

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