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Boozing Sarah Palin

We had good fun with the Presidential debate drinking game last week, so let’s do a repeat. Here are my suggestions — add yours in the comments.

Might as well start the night off right: Take a shot if Joe Biden walks on stage with an orange tan worse than Blayne on Project Runway.

Sip for every mention of Alaska. Take a big sip if “Alaska” is in the same sentence as “Russia.” (Just look puzzled if someone mentions Delaware).

Gulp if Palin talks about hunting, eating or otherwise interacting with a moose.

Take a shot every time Hillary Clinton, Geraldine Ferraro, or other Democratic female politician and/or feminist leader is name-checked.

Take another shot if Biden praises Palin for being “bright” or “articulate.” (Chug if he mentions “clean”).

Refill your glass whenever Palin says “Well, hey,” “You know,” or “You betcha” in an inexplicable Minnesota (or is it Wisconsin?) accent. Refill again every time she leaves the “g” off the end of words (changin’, makin’, goin’, etc).

Drink for every mention of media or Washington elite.

Take a big drink if anyone mentions feminism. Drink two if Palin calls herself a feminist. Drink three if she says, “I’m a feminist, but…”

Chug if Palin references the actual name of one of the billions of newspapers she reads every day. Or a Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade.

Finish your drink if the camera pans to the audience and Tina Fey is there.

And don’t worry, John and other nervous viewers, if you can’t take that much scotch-and-water — there’s always alcohol-free Palin Bingo.

I’ll be Twittering during the debates; if you want to follow, head here. The Feministe group Twitter will also be active, so check us out.

77 thoughts on Boozing Sarah Palin

  1. Big shot if Palin calls McCain a Maverick.

    Half shot every time alin utters reformer.

    Two shots if Palin mentions the bailout, health care and job creation in the same sentence.

  2. Being in Orstraya, if I watch it it’ll be at 11 AM, in a couple of hours time so I don’t think drinking shots will be on the agenda!
    I have the day off so it’ll be a possibility. Have to do my tax, but I can multitask.

  3. Take a drink every time Palin mentions her husband or children,

    Go ahead and drain that bottle every time Biden mentions his wife or sons.

  4. Sigh. Sadly I came down with a cold yesterday (UGH), so as much as it pains me to get through a debate featuring Sarah Palin without a whole lot of vodka, it’s probably the best idea for my health for me to sit this one out. So thank you for the bingo cards! I think we might be able to have fun with those, at least ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Well… I guess I’m going to have to go shopping tonight. I don’t have enough alcohol in stock to do this game justice!

  6. Holy crap, I already feel piss drunk just reading the rules! We should consider a sip or two of water ever time Palin pronounces a foreign leader’s name correctly (this will not be enough to hydrate, mind you, but a reason to have water on hand… and just in case the three day drill at the McCain camp helped her at all).

    Regardless, my bet is that those of us who play along are going to feel like hell tomorrow. I’m in, by the way.

  7. Unfortunately the Canadian leaders debate is on tonight so that will get my main attention, so no VP Debate drinking game (which might be positive because I have to get up tomorrow…(: ) but I’ll be flipping back and forth.

  8. Ya know, I bet Palin gets through the debate fine. Even Bush was able to get through a debate, although it was by lowering expectations (which Palin also has from her disasterous interviews.)

    I will have my drinks ready for the debate though… he he he ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. “Refill your glass whenever Palin says โ€œWell, hey,โ€ โ€œYou know,โ€ or โ€œYou betchaโ€ in an inexplicable Minnesota (or is it Wisconsin?) accent. Refill again every time she leaves the โ€œgโ€ off the end of words (changinโ€™, makinโ€™, goinโ€™, etc).”

    The accent is identical to that in Drop Dead Gorgeous that mockumentary about pageants with Kirsten Dunst and Denise Richards. It kills me every time she speaks since I can’t help but think of that movie.

  10. “Can I call you Joe?”


    I’m thinking the star-struck act was a ploy to get Biden all hot-blooded and sexist.

    (First thoughts: Joe sounds like he’s in the Senate. Not necessarily a bad tack in this debate.)

  11. It’s been seven minutes and Palin’s done literally like half of these already.

    To be fair, Biden got his “out of touch” in there good and early as well.

  12. “He has a plan that is detailed and I’d like to give you some of those details” — eat your heart out, Couric!

    She looked directly into the camera and that’s all I could think.

  13. Jesus fucking christ, this woman could not be more disrespectful to Obama if she tried.

    Am I hypersensitive, or is it racist that she keeps insisting on calling Obama by his first name but McCain by his full name? It is truly infuriating me.

  14. “All over this great land”? Srsly? It was creepy how her face lit up when she said that.

    Alaska mention, too.

  15. If “man” has no impact on the environment, why is she sooooo worried about doing things to fix it?

  16. She is doing better than I expected… damn.

    I was hoping that she’d get all confused and embarass herself properly

  17. If she doesn’t make any big mistakes, they are going to call it a big win for Palin… I predict it now. Lowered expectations rock!

  18. *bouncebounce* “I’m just so glad to know that we both love Israel!” Good lord. I can’t believe he didn’t throw something at her.

    And my, what a lovely story about our glorious mission in Afghanistan. If this woman ever sets foot in the Situation Room I’m taking my canned food and going down into the sewers.

  19. Ultimately, all the pundits could call it a win for Palin and the greatest drubbing ever delivered in a (vice)Presidential debate, but it wouldn’t matter a damn. What matters is what the (undecided) voters (in VA, OH, MO, IN, MC, so on) think.

    And what they will think is “what the fuck?”.

  20. I’m a teacher and I hope my reward comes before “heaven”. I actually quite enjoy being a teacher and find all days rewarding…
    Also, I’m not sure that she was making a lame joke.

  21. Wow… watching MSNBC… they are critical of Palin off the bat. I have a feeling it will be called a Palin win because she didn’t pull a Couric Interview during the debate…

    Lowered expectations ruled.

  22. Wow… flipping channels Foxnoise had that “independent panel” who when asked (by “Fuck You” Frank Luntz,”) said that Palin won by a large margin. CNN also has a panel on, and it was half and half.

    Obviously CNN stacked their panel…


    This will be a landslide.

    I’m such a girl (I say this ironically, of course!), but I swear that will be the main thing I remember about him from this debate. It was the most genuine moment of the whole debate. And then the wonderfully insensitive, and awkward, awkward segue into “Maverick!” or whatever Palin was babbling about… ^^ That was just *cold* sounding.

  24. The accent is a Midwestern accent from the “northwoods.” The northwoods are anything in northern Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Ontario also has this accent. Anyone you know from Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota or Ontario says, “you know,” quite a lot in any conversation. As someone residing in Michigan currently I say “you know” all the time when I am talking, lol! The accent is stronger the further north you go it seems! ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. Hoooo, man. Like Cara I came down with a nasty cold last night (feels like someone took a cheese grater to my throat) and I’m so glad I didn’t have the opportunity to participate in this.

    Jill, this drinking game was just mean. You wacky people.

  26. I have to agree with Cecelia, being in upper-est bit of the U.P. of Michigan right now. Her accent is pretty much a light Yooper. (Hi from another Michigander!)

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