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Meet the new Feministe kitties

Percival / Omar Little sleeping, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Leopold, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Yes, I got kittens. Do I get my official Feminist Club Membership Card now?

Kitty on the computer, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Actually, one is mine and one is my room mate’s, but they are brothers and they are adorable. The bigger black-and-white tuxedo kitty, Leopold, is the room mate’s.

Kitties, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

And my yet-to-be-named tiny grey kitten will be called either Percival or Omar Little (thoughts?).

Percival / Omar Little, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

They are the cutest things of all time. Leopold is bigger and more aggressive; Percival / Omar Little is a cuddly and sweet and tiny and purrs like a motorboat. A few more shots:

Leo, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Jill and Percival / Omar Little, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Kitties, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

(Yes, that is a toilet in my kitchen. Don’t ask).

Leopold, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Percival / Omar Little, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Leopold, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Leopold, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Percival / Omar Little, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Percival / Omar Little, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Snuggly, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

I’ve never been much of a cat person, and I’ve desperately wanted a dog in New York for a long time now. The thought of being a cat-owner never seemed appealing. But the idea of kittens came up, and I do love most little creatures, so we went to the shelter and I fell in love with little Percival / Omar Little; my room mate went with little Leopold.

The major downside is that right after we agreed to adopt the kittens, our landlord agreed to renovate our apartment — so we have no kitchen, no bathroom, no toilet and no running water, and there are boxes and pieces of furniture strewn everywhere. Which means I haven’t showered in about 48 hours. Plus two kittens racing around. It’s hectic, and gross.

But I’m blogging with a kitty in my lap (Leopold, if you’re curious; yes, he is falling asleep), so I’m happy (plus I can shower at the gym tomorrow, which makes me happier). More pictures of the new little ones are here if you’re interested.

57 thoughts on Meet the new Feministe kitties

  1. Oh, kittens!

    I’m getting one soon, since I lost my sweet baby girl in April and my boy is lonely. Keep posting pics!

  2. PS You look adorable too!

    Ah, if only! This is the I-haven’t-showered-in-two-days face; I haven’t even washed my face since yesterday. No fun. But thanks! Percival / Omar Little makes me look good 🙂

  3. Oddly enough, my parents feed a grey shorthair outdoor cat, who they named Percy. Synchronicity?

    And congratulations on the adoption! I took on two more in addition to the two I already had (due to gentle guilt-tripping by my uncle and mother). Does that make me eligible for an honourary Feminist Membership card?

  4. They are ADORABLE!

    However, I think a trip to the vet is in order. Their faces don’t look so good – runny eyes and possibly noses, I can’t tell very well. An ear-cleaning, too – wet a Q-tip in water and gently clean all the parts of the ear that you can see.

    Good luck.. kittens are pretty awesome. The last of my three foster kittens went home Sunday, so I’m missing kitten escapades now, LOL. is a really good website that will give you some basics on feeding them properly, and joining a cat forum for help is always nice in case you have problems, or just want to share in the fuzz and joy.

  5. Doesn’t your landlord have to put you up in a hotel if you are going to be without running water? That’s the law here. (Ontario)

  6. I gotta go with Omar–he looks like he’s got all kinds of spunk and that is totally Omar. Plus you can screen whether your friends have seen the greatest show ever (i miss the wire!) by whether they get the reference and if they haven’t you’ve gotta get them hooked.

    And yeah, apartment renovations blow. thank goodness for gym showers–i’ve totally had to do that when my apartment was getting fixed before.

  7. Lovely kittens. Sorry to be ‘annoying random internet person telling you things you probably already know’, but Leopold looks like he has conjunctivitis or some other eye infection (common complaint in kittens – ours had it several times). Needs checking if you haven’t already.

  8. I vote Omar. Out of love for the original, yes, but also because Omar Little is a name for a dashing and cuddly dude. With or without shotgun.

  9. They have grumpy faces. I think grumpy faced kitties are adorable. They always look a little annoyed, which is funny.

    I’m for Omar.

  10. Psh, I vote Percival. (also I think he’s the cuter kitty but don’t tell your roommate or Leopold.)

    Kittens are so cute, with their heads too big for their bodies.

  11. Lovely kittens. Sorry to be ‘annoying random internet person telling you things you probably already know’, but Leopold looks like he has conjunctivitis or some other eye infection (common complaint in kittens – ours had it several times). Needs checking if you haven’t already.

    Yeah, they have all kinds of issues. We’ve got them on eye medicine, antibiotics, ringworm dips, and various medications. They’ve been in a shelter, so the kitty-diseases are rampant, and we’re nursing them back to health.

    And no worries, you aren’t being annoying random internet person! I’ve never had cats before (although both of my room mates have), so advice is always welcome.

  12. Doesn’t your landlord have to put you up in a hotel if you are going to be without running water? That’s the law here. (Ontario)

    Probably. He’s definitely violating NY law in about 16 different ways with a renovation that leaves us without a toilet, shower, sink or running water. But he is also a scary man who screams at you if you talk to him, and even convincing him to rennovate was a huge pain, so we’re hesitant to push the issue.

  13. The person who took those pictures is pretty good at getting flattering pictures. Or maybe a lot of pictures were taken and the best shown.

    Anywayz, congrats on the new addition to the family. Hope they still love you after a week’s worth of stinky-no-showerhood…

  14. The person who took those pictures is pretty good at getting flattering pictures. Or maybe a lot of pictures were taken and the best shown.

    That would be me, with the exception of the first picture of me and the grey kitty; my room mate took that one. And I’m not that great at getting flattering pics; it’s just that the kitties are so photogenic 😉

  15. Holy crapamole, those are CUTE!

    Omar is a better thing to call a kitty because they respond better to those long, low sounds than to the short vowel sounds in Percival.

  16. Omar gets my vote as well. And I agree that he’s the cuter one; I absolutely adore grey kitties! They’re both gorgeous, though. I love that long body shape with the triangle head on cats.

  17. I love that long body shape with the triangle head on cats.

    Hahaha, one of the many, many ridiculous nicknames we have for my cat is “Triangle Head.” 🙂

  18. Love kitties and yours are dolls. I have four myself…my husband married into two, and we’ve collected a pair more since. My vote goes to Omar.

  19. They’re adorable. I didn’t square you as a cat person, Jill. They’ll grow on you–and if they’re like my cat, they’ll grow and grow and grow…


    Sometimes kitties with a weepy eye have respiratory issues. I have one encumbered with a wealth of snot but otherwise she’s entirely healthy and energetic. The weepy eye is not a big deal. The vet said it bothered me more than it bothered her. She makes exciting hacking sounds, then swallows some snot and runs off to play.

    Mazel tov! And bon appetit!

  21. I didn’t square you as a cat person, Jill.

    I’m totally not. I swore I would never get cats. But these guys… they’re growing on me, I’ll admit.

  22. I totally vote for Percival. Just the right amount of dignity in a name for an adorable kitty. That and I am a sucker for naming animals after characters in books.

  23. I must say that those are the cutest kitties ever (well just as cute as my old kitty (who went through many name changes) who I had to give up when I moved in with my very allergic boyfriend:/). It makes me pine for a pet soooo bad. I’m thinking ferret, though. Lower maintenance. I can’t afford much as a student.:(

    I know this may be weird, but I must say that, Jill, you are absolutely gorgeous, so don’t self hate. I like that you put yourself in the pictures. Its always neat to put a face to the name.

    BTW, Omar all the way. Percival reminds me of the character from Harry Potter that turned into an ass.

  24. Everybody else gets cute kittens, and I get a kitten that climbs my hair. Figures.
    They look so skinny. I think I’m too used to our kitten, who is longhaired and looks like a grey fuzzy football. Have they had all their kitten shots? Did they already have their snip-snip done, or aren’t they big enough? Two of ours are going in on Monday. We’re telling the tom to enjoy his last weekend of making comments out the window at the girls.

  25. Yeah, they are super skinny, especially Percival/Omar — we’re trying to fatten them up! They were shelter cats, so I don’t think they got the best nutrition as kittens. Now we feed them constantly. And they have had all of their shots, although they have to go in for boosters in a week or so. And no snip-snip yet — they’re too little.

  26. Try some fish oil, too (flax if you are a vegetarian!)… It fattens them up and is wonderful for their fur. But beware, most commercial fish oils sold as supplements have flavoring to make them more palatable. The cats just LOOK at you, like, WHAT? ORANGE FISH? They aren’t having it. Get the unflavored!

    Oh, and here’s a DEAD FROM CUTENESS trackback:

    Odds and Sods – post Veep debate edition

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