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Asking our potential Vice President questions about foreign policy? Totes not fair!

Seriously, since when is a debate “stacked against” a Vice Presidential candidate by asking foreign policy questions? And does anyone think that Palin would all of a sudden morph into a Rhodes scholar if she were asked about the economy?

Maybe the McCain camp should just have Tina Fey sub in:

via Pam.

20 thoughts on Un<i>fair</i>!

  1. Perhaps it would be more fair if the moderator asked a ton of questions about charging rape victims for their own rape kits. I’m sure Sarah Palin knows much more about that than Joe Biden does.

  2. uuuugggghh. how is anything stacked against her if the issues people care about are things she doesn’t know shit about? like . . . if you ask me about how to disarm a bomb, i’m screwed. it’s not stacked against me; that’s simply not my knowledge base. if i wanted to be head of the bomb squad in my city, i’d have to take some time to learn something about bombs instead of crying “unfair” whenever i couldn’t hack it.

    this makes me sick.

  3. I’m sure Sarah Palin knows much more about that than Joe Biden does.

    Actually I think VAWA made it mandatory that rape victims either not pay or receive full reimbursement for rape exams. So Joe Biden would know about the practice… because he helped stop it.

    And now Palin has told Katie Couric that she thinks Roosevelt was president when the market crashed in 1929 — and that he went on television!!

    Am I the only person on earth who wants to bang my head on the desk when the FDR thing comes up? I think this is honestly the pettiest, stupidest little manufactured “gaffe” the GOP has come out with yet. I mean seriously, with everything going on in this election, THAT is what you’re focused on? It just makes me crazy. I hate Palin but I’d forgive the same flub from her IF she had an otherwise coherent grasp of policy. And I don’t care that McCain screwed up at the debates about what letters Dwight Eisenhower wrote; I care that he’s a warmongering douche who cares more about earmarks than fixing the economy, and can’t think of any economic solution other than a “total spending freeze on everything except the military and our veterans,” and that he nominated George W. Bush and Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s ideological lovechild as his second in command.

  4. Roosevelt was governor of New York when the stock market crashed in 1929. He did, in fact, reassure the public via radio. Biden’s accidentally substituted “television” for “radio” — a simple gaffe. The point he was making was still 100% valid.

    Palin, on the other hand, has proven a complete and total inability to discuss the Middle East without stammering something about “good guys” and “bad guys”. But you’re right, Raving Athiest, mispoken words and pure ignorance are exactly the same thing.

  5. Rhodes scholar

    Is this a secret indication that you wish Rachel Maddow were running the country? Or just a treat for those of us who are on the ball?

  6. Do people really not see why Palin is portrayed as the delicate flower? She is portrayed as such because white women that cooperate with patriarchy are always constructed as such. Look HRC was the ball buster because she had the audacity to want to rule. WOC are anti-women and have historically been worked as hard as men, but white women who are willing to accept white male headship are always rewarded with protection. It would not be in the interest of patriarchy to attack a woman that is doing everything to support a hierarchy that means white males end up on the top of the heap.

  7. What gives? Republicans spent the last 6 years telling us that national security/foreign policy was the most important issue, and that the fundamentals of the economy were strong.

  8. But you’re right, Raving Atheist, mispoken words and pure ignorance are exactly the same thing.

    Biden might as well have been talking about about Abraham Lincoln flying around in airplanes. No one with an elementary school grasp of history would have “misspoken” like that. Notwithstanding the ridiculous Daily Kos spin about Roosevelt being on radio in 1929, there’s nothing from the context of Biden’s statement that even remotely suggests he was talking about gubernatorial broadcasts and significantly, not even the Biden campaign has asserted that defense..

    Biden barely has a grasp of his own history. In this video, he claims he (1) finished in the top half of his law school class, (2) got three undergraduate degrees and (3) received a full academic scholarship, when in fact he (1) finished 176 out of 185, (2) got one undergrad degree, and (3) received a needs-based stipend. Not to mention that he copped a plea to plagiarism while there, something that would ordinarily disqualify one from admission to the bar.

    And how do you excuse Biden calling Obama the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy”? Would you have ever even have considered saying something like that? If Palin engaged in anything approaching Biden’s lying, cheating and racism, she’d have been history long ago.

    Biden isn’t merely “gaffe-prone.” He’s an ignoramus with a couple of very obvious screws loose.

  9. Renee–yeah, and that’s why it drives me crazy when feminists try to make themselves feel better about the Phyllis Schlaflys and Sarah Palins of the world by fantasizing that their conservative male friends will turn on them someday and show them the same contempt other women get. No, they won’t! If a sexist, conservative white woman plays her cards right, she’s set for life. Sure, Palin has to keep her mouth shut and let McCain direct her every move, but if she can put up with it, she gets her reward.

  10. What makes me crazy is Obama’s “Wall Street blah blah blah Main Street blah blah blah” babytalk. Maybe Tina Fey should do him, too, since he’s running for president. Why doesn’t just acknowledge that the Democrats caused this mess, since the proof is all on videotape?

    Translation: I can’t formulate my problems with Obama or his policies, so I’m just going to harp on a meaningless flub by his running mate.

  11. @sophonisba Exactly they remind me of trained lap dogs. They have decided that the compromise of personal agency worth the rewards that they receive from partriarchy. Men will never turn on them. Isn’t one of the first lessons we learn is to never bite the hand that feeds you?

  12. Wow. I wonder how that would work in other fields?

    American football: “It’s not fair. The other team are a lot better at passing the ball, so the match officials ought not to allow them to!”

    Dating: “It’s not fair. S/he’s got a much sexier face than me, so should have to wear a bag over their head!” (actually, there is a real life variation on this – the Nice Guy ™ approach!)

    Economics: “It’s not fair, we didn’t know what we were doing, the Government should buy up our bad debts” (Oh, wait a minute…)

  13. Why do you even come here? You grabbed your YouTube link from the incredibly (to quote Biden: literally incredibly) misogynistic Ace of Spades blog. If you can not only stomach but enjoy the bile over there, you’re clearly just here to troll. Not that any more evidence was needed of that.

  14. Funny thing is that, with my lack of access to blaring US media and propaganda, I sometimes see the Tina Fey version before the Sara Palin version. Tina has me cracking up, and then I see that it’s a literal reenactment a good part of the time.

    Though, for some reason, it’s still funnier when Tina Fey does it.

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