In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote away.

The rules for newbies: Post a short description of a blog post (or posts) you’ve written recently, along with a link. Make it specific — don’t just link to your whole blog. And check out all the other self-promoted pieces.

41 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. on language, and body, and fear: talking about the language people use to describe weight, not the media but people all around you, the shaming effects it has, how pervasive it is, how difficult to speak against, wanting so badly to explain why making fun of someone’s weight hurts me even though I’m thin. the political gets personal.

  2. why sarah palin isn’t a feminist: sarah palin may be an example of a successful, strong, career/family balanced woman — but this doesn’t make her a feminist. her politics fly in the face of nearly a century of work by women to achieve equality and to suggest otherwise is offensive.

    sunday news, sunday blues: a series of articles and editorials from the NYTimes point out the ways the mccain campaign is using a rhetoric of fear and fantasy to try and dupe us all into ingorant submission.

  3. I just wrote a blog about a hate crime that occured in our Gay Village in Vancouver, BC

    I wrote a post about the Liberal Party of Canada’s inability to make any progress in our upcoming election in Canada:

    And a funny one (well and a bit serious) about our senior dogs:

  4. Over at Pink Scare:

    LN has a tale of astonishing stupidity in her new feature, “Ridiculous stuff men say on the street.”

    T takes on neoliberalism and the American duopoly.

    And I make the case for broadband access as a new fundamental right.

  5. I wrote another pro-choice post on how Being “Pro-life” has nothing to do with being pro life – how I use “pro-life” as their own name for their own movement, but like to make clear that it’s a complete misnomer – that most pro-lifers don’t even really care about the welfare of the fetuses they claim they’re doing it all for. (I was inspired by an article in the Observer about the half a million women each year who die in childbirth – while American pro-lifers focus on destroying family planning services in poor countries.)

    Earlier in the week I also wrote about Paying attention: why Florida 2000 still matters – though there were clues beforehand, by December 2000 we knew George W. Bush was going to take the White House though he hadn’t been elected. (And the very first thing he did in office was reinstate the Global Gag Rule.)

  6. Republican Roundup: It’s All Dumb! starring Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Elizabeth Dole, Carly Fiorina, and Sarah Palin.

    We join the chorus of voices talking about why Sarah Palin is Not a Feminist.

    We’re cross-posting our election coverage on our research blog The Good Authority, because shockingly some of our readers aren’t sure about forwarding Evil Slutopia links to their parents 😉

    More Fun With Fiorina, this time on her comment that it’s the Democrats who “hold women hostage” on the issue of abortion.

    The John McCain Time Out Technique – we think McCain was really on to something with that whole “time out” strategy. It just needs some tweaking.

    We’ve had a lot of sexism watches during this election, and a whole lot of material for them, but with the VP debate coming up we thought we’d flip the script a little, so we’re launching The Joe Biden Feminism Watch.

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