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4 thoughts on Liveblogging Clinton Global Initiative: Bill Clinton & Bill Gates on Philanthropy

  1. Is it just the way the media is covering things, or has Bill Clinton really become a foaming at the mouth Republican mouthpiece? I’m asking people who are there, because the coverage in the MSM is all on Bill Clinton whining that the Democrats are being mean to Palin.

    I always considered his politics far too right wing for any good Democrat, but Clinton isn’t a Lieberman type traitor, so I’m really hoping that the impression that he’s bought all the right wing talking points WRT Palin is just bad reporting.

  2. @Jill and Laura – Yeah, pretty neat, huh? And it was quite easy to use, though the interface acted funky on occasion and I suspect that it crashed Firefox once.

    @sotonohito: Though I’m not much for Clinton’s politics, either, I certainly don’t think he ever came off as a “Republican mouthpiece” at the CGI. Lieberman he is certainly not. He sounded like your typical centrist Democrat to me for the most part. I do think he’s particularly weird around this presidential election, though, with his repeated love and praise of McCain, defense of Palin, and rather tepid support for Obama.

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