In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

A Place For Everything And Everything In Its Place

I’m glad Lauren is back in the saddle. I’m not much more for goodbyes than I am for introductions, and I have no blog to plug. By way of closure, I should update my own private Schiavo. Without the respirator, my wife’s aunt’s body never managed strong breathing, and her heart stopped on Saturday. We’re awaiting word on funeral arrangements. My wife and I thank the Feministe readership for all the kind words.

There was a lot of good discussion here and here about the recent sort-of coming out of former boxer (and welterweight and middleweight champion) Emile Griffith. Those interested in the story may want to see the new documentary Ring of Fire, which largely focuses on reconciliation between Griffith and the son of Benny Paret, whom Griffith killed in the ring more than forty years ago. I have no interest in plugging the story, except that I think it’s interesting. It’s on USA on Wednesday night.

Lauren, thanks for the open mike. It’s been real and it’s been fun, and it was all real fun.