In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Post a short description of something (or multiple things) you’ve written this week, along with a link. Enjoy!

46 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I’m now posting on Modern Mitzvot and started off writing about that lunatic in NJ who tattooed an anesthetized patient, and the doc-bloggers who think paternalism is dead.
    Then I tag-teamed with The Girl Detective about Jews, race and class

    (sorry, can’t do links on my own. hangs head in html shame)

  2. Just to let folks know, you can put links in text if you use this html:
    [a href=”hyperlink of doom”]your text here[/a]
    Just use >< instead of ][.

  3. Last week I went off to DC for the Oversight Hearing on Sexual Assault in the Military. My notes are here – it’s rather long, divided into 3 parts, and hopefully worth reading!

  4. I know Lindsay already mentioned it (thank you!!!!!) but i started up HollaBackCT so if you’re in CT or have experienced any street harassment in states that don’t have HollaBack sites, please submit your experiences to (i’m kinda nervous because i haven’t gotten any submissions yet… i hope people write their stories out and send them my way because it’s empowering and helpful to everyone!!) Let’s reclaim our public spaces people!!!! 🙂

  5. As I pointed out, Kyle Payne’s insinuation of himself into women’s spaces and activities should be viewed by the judge not as mitigating factors in his sentencing, but as worsening factors that demonstrate the depth of his depravity and the need for a harsh sentence.

  6. I explained why even though I am inclined towards “pro-life”, I am still fiercely “pro-choice” instead when it comes to dealing with the real world – and possibly coined the phrase “pro-quality of life”.

    In two consecutive posts, I discussed ideas about how responsible media producers are for the things people do based on the media produced (focussing on BDSM/fetish erotic material). The second post explained an idea I’ve been trying to work out, of “fractal” or “chaos” ethics, and explains why my conclusions in the first post are a bit wrong.

    Finally, today I weighed in on the “stripper cartoon” controversy, by showing (with examples) how the audience in the cartoon closely resemble Nazi propaganda images of Jews (right down to the “they’re waiting to prey on the attractive blonde” message of those Nazi cartoons). So naturally I titled that post, “In which I violate Godwin’s Law

  7. I wrote about marriages and fates , while attending a wedding I thought of my grand mother who married in 1910 then lost her husband five years later during WWI, then my mother whose her husband left her at WWII for a couple of years long; and how lucky the Saturday’s youg couple was in spite of all is said about how unlucky today’s youth is.

  8. I wrote two letters to the newspaper in response to some stupid letters on abortion rights and PP that got published, and reposted them at Feministing Community.

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