In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

64 thoughts on “Nobody wants to marry a pottymouth”

  1. Oh that’ s just classic. Now they’re really confused over there.

    My wife is expert at the judicious use of explosive profanity. ‘Tis a fine thing to witness, particularly when you aren’t on the receiving end.

  2. A little story: my roommate liked to talk to anyone, especially people who had different views then her. She had brought an uber-conservative guy into our room and he was talking to her about something or other. Another person came into the room and asked me a question. As I am wont to do I responded with a noun, verb, and expletive.

    He turned to me and said “You realize that their will be guys that do not want to marry you because you curse like that.”

    My response: “Like I give a flying fuck”

  3. That isn’t even the best part. The best part is “Further from Rachel Lucas.”

    Oh, you mean the Rachel Lucas who’s had 3000 different blog incarnations (in fairness, this is approximately two more than I’ve had), every post in each of them easily reduced to “fuck every fucking woman on this fucking planet except me (p.s. don’t fucking email me! Don’t email me! Don’t email your fucking marriage proposals to me!)?” The Rachel Lucas who soon quit every one of her 3000 incarnations because the pressure of being the last decent female on Earth was oh! too much for her to bear? The Rachel Lucas who would then return six weeks later with an all-new blog and an even more gargantuan vanity banner than the last time, but who would then still fill post after post with the same old shit about how much women (except Rachel) suck?

    That Rachel Lucas? That Rachel Lucas can take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut. Her shtick was tired at least 3000 Rachel-Lucas-weblogs ago. It’s just like her to mistake PhysioProf for a chick–after all, his post didn’t propose marriage to her.

    –oh, my God, and she thinks being one of Vox Day’s favorites is a compliment. Oh, honey, no. No, no, no.

  4. Oh for fuck’s sake! (FTR, my husband thinks my ‘potty’ mouth is “part of my charm”)

    WTF is “ladylike” anyhow? And who the hell wants to be ladylike?

    I would rather speak my opinion than sit pretty.

  5. Oh damn, those uppity feminist bitches are being victims again! And whining because no one takes their mommy/kitty blogs seriously because that’s all women write about!
    Seiously. “Outrage followed, most of it unladylike.” UNLADYLIKE!? I’ll fucking give you unladylike. In the ass. With a strap-on. While I curse at you in 4 different languages. Fuck you, Tim Blair, for being a patronizing douchebag.
    Also Rachel Lucas can go fuck herself for being a self-important assbag of whom I’d never before heard, by the way (so much for her being the greatest! thing! on the Inter-webz!).
    “Instead of complaining about being stereotyped, they could stop, you know, ACTING like the stereotypes they’re complaining about.” To that I say *ahem* FUCK. OFF. That is the most… I don’t even have a word for what a stupid, dismissive piece of asshattery that sentence is. I almost admire it; in one sentence they’ve taken all the rightful anger at being reduced to an article in the “Brainless Fluff” section of the newspaper and spun it to: ‘Well all you women only write about brainless fluff anyway, either that or you’re all shrill hairy-legged man-hating radfems who’re angry all the time. so quit pouting because this is what you deserve.
    Also, my girlfriend is in awe of my ‘pottymouth’ and has in fact announced her plans to marry me… sooo… that was a really dumb headline? Oh but wait, I’m an exception cause we all know lesbians don’t count, having hairy legs and all.
    I’m really pissed off (can you tell?)
    To Rachel Lucas, Tim Blair, anyone, ever, who uses the word ‘ladylike’ to me: FUCK YOU. FUCK OFF. GO FUCK YOURSELF. and just for good measure, FUCK.
    I think that was sufficiently profane.

  6. Frankly, I’ve always liked women who have a bit of a mouth on ’em. I’m a bit wary of people who won’t tear up a good cuss when called for.

  7. Yeah, people who are offended by swear words generally fail my “allowed to be in my life” test pretty fast. Not necessarily people who choose not to in general conversation, but people who make a big deal about it when I do.

  8. Of course the criticism of the issue at hand is ridiculous. At the same time, am I the only one slightly turned off (not by pottymouthism, but by) lolcat-speak (ie. laydeez, etc.)? I know it’s the in-fashion thing to do to make the opponent sound stupid, and maybe I’m old fashioned, but even to me, it seemed a little ill-thought-out.

  9. To clarify my first sentence, I mean the Times, etc., talking shit about BlogHer, etc. To clarify.

  10. HAHAHAHAH! Douchey McDoucherson from Australia thinks I’m not “ladylike”!!! What a fucking cockknuckle.

  11. I wonder if the amount of profanity in a written blog post, for example, fairly reflects the way that person talks. Some people might use the internet as a means of catharsis, while others might avoid written profanity but use it freely while speaking. What do you think?

  12. Douchey McDoucherson from Australia thinks I’m not “ladylike”!!!

    Hey now, sugartits, let’s not castigate the man for the one thing he got right. You’re NOT ladylike. And when’s the last time you shaved those legs? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

    And really (not that I am a font of Rachel Lucas loathing or anything), we need to talk about this spontaneous menstruation of yours. I think it would be more appropriate, not to mention ladylike, if you were to menstruate every 28-32 days like your sisters do, instead of just every time you read the NY Times. Oh, don’t give me that but-I-don’t-have-a-uterus crap! Sync up or shove off!

  13. Nobody wants to marry a pottymouth? Bizarre. Nobody wants to teach third grade to a pottymouth – that’s a pain in the ass. But marriage? Huh?

  14. What?! I think the truth is

    Nobody wants to marry some prudish fucking idiot who doesn’t want to marry a “pottymouth.”

  15. BTW, anyone who uses the term “pottymouth” unironically needs to disengage from adult society immediately and immerse himself in intensive psychotherapy for years.

  16. My favorite part is probably:

    UPDATE. Holy Crying Game! The lady is a guy! See Zoe Brain in comments.

    Because, as we all know, it’s utterly inconceivable that a dude would be anything other than wholeheartedly devoted to maintaining his patriarchal privilege at all costs.

  17. “I wonder if the amount of profanity in a written blog post, for example, fairly reflects the way that person talks. ”

    Not always. I am usually rather formal on the blogs, while in person I use expletives as multiple parts of speech in the same sentence. In a professional context, even. (Lawyers. Pottymouths common among us.)

  18. OF COURSE no one wants to marry a pottymouth…I’m certainly not going marry someone who goes around licking random toilets. That’s disgusting.

  19. Doesn’t anyone else find the implication insulting that the best way to shut a girl up is to tell her she won’t ever be able to snag a man? Who gives a fuck?

  20. I hate self-righteousness, esp. when you try to impose it on others. So Rachel Lucas, please shut the fuck up and let some more gray cells grow before you open your trap again.

  21. I hate self-righteousness, esp. when you try to impose it on others. So Rachel Lucas, please shut the fuck up and let some more gray cells grow before you open your trap again.

  22. Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, CockSucker, MotherFucker, and Tits!

    UH-OH. Now I’m never gonna get married. Fuck, what am I gonna fuckin’ DO?!

  23. I believe his wife died of cancer (I think) in the mid 90s. I want to say 1994, but that might not be correct.

  24. BTW, anyone who uses the term “pottymouth” unironically needs to disengage from adult society immediately and immerse himself in intensive psychotherapy for years.

    I’ve noticed that the only people who use that term in regards to anyone besides children, are always misogynist fuckheads referring to uppity women. I’m reminded of the crazy street preacher who would come to our campus and call every woman who dared argue with him “pottymouthed whores”.

    I imagine that’s why Bratmobile used it as an album title.

  25. Oh for crying out piss. That’s just stupid.

    But yeah, Physioprof, watch your fucking language. You’re making us — hahahaha, I can’t even type it with a straight face.

    I feel a rant of bloglical proportions coming on…

  26. Not true, kaje–there’s my mom. Who thinks no one of any gender should ever use the F-word for any reason.

    Convincing her to watch an episode of HBO’s Deadwood was one of the more fun things I’ve ever done as an immature grownup.

  27. Who the fuck wants to get bloody fucking married in the first fucking place??? Those folks can kiss my fucking ass.

    Seriously, I think that people that get all uptight about some swear words are small brained. They’re just words, and Jesus does not give a flying fart whether you say ‘fuck’ or not. He didn’t even speak English!

    Also, to the person who suggested that people might be cursing more on the internet then they do verbally, fuck that shit! I fucking say fuck all the fucking time. It’s my favorite word. And “fuck that shit” is my favorite phrase. But I don’t really write it that much on my blog.

    Except when I’m with my mom. She’s really the only person I would curb myself for. Not some man. Not some douchebag who thinks he’s a man. And not for some scaredy cat little girl who’s afraid that nobody is going to like her.

  28. Hmm, here I thought that I am still single because I’m a (gasp!) feminist, and currently (zomg!) fat. My potty mouth makes me a triple threat! 😀

  29. He turned to me and said “You realize that their will be guys that do not want to marry you because you curse like that.”

    My response: “Like I give a flying fuck”

    That is teh awesome. 😀

  30. I just love how all of these personality traits that I have are going to keep me from getting married are all coming out a week into my new marriage. Especially since my husband and I curse at each other on a daily basis.

    “Golly fuck” and “Gosh darn cunt” are totally going into my daily language.

  31. What’s up with all the cat hate? I mean, seriously? Did anyone else get that in the comments over at Rachel’s blog? And her dog banner, and LOLdog section? It kinda makes me feel like maybe someone has gone and done something stupid and equated cats with women, and dogs with men, and women who profess a Love of Dogs and a Hate for Cats get an Honorary Penis for their trouble.

    Nah. Surely, that’s just me being all paranoid.

    Hmm. Maybe I should change my net name from Neko Onna (cat Woman) to Inu Onna (dog Woman). Do you think that’ll give me enough PenisCred to overcome my frequent use of vulgarities, and snag me an honest-to-goodness Manly Man, of the “Cheetos Huffing” variety?

  32. [after having just returned from the comments section following the link]


    help me out here, gang.

    just what fucking century are those people from???

    and here i thought things were retrogressing back when it was “morning in america”…i mean, comments about armpit-shaving???

    the toxicity of teh stoopid, it makes my geiger counter explode…………

  33. I got to see George Carlin live a couple years ago, and as we were leaving, I was talking with my friend (who had never heard him before) and said “Yeah, he’s a funny motherfucker.” And this old couple in the row in front of us turned around and *tisk*-ed at me. Mind you, this was a show where he opened with his weathercunt joke, and closed with the bit about autoerotic asphyxiation. But me saying motherfucker was apparently beyond the pale. WTF?

    I read Feministe because of the quality of the ideas here, in the posts and comments. That has nothing at all to do with the amount of profanity included. The comments over there prove how readily you can say awful, hateful shit without ever swearing. Fuck that shit. Thanks Feministers!

  34. “The comments over there prove how readily you can say awful, hateful shit without ever swearing. Fuck that shit. Thanks Feministers!”

    Motherfucking WORD!

  35. What’s up with all the cat hate? I mean, seriously? Did anyone else get that in the comments over at Rachel’s blog? And her dog banner, and LOLdog section? It kinda makes me feel like maybe someone has gone and done something stupid and equated cats with women, and dogs with men, and women who profess a Love of Dogs and a Hate for Cats get an Honorary Penis for their trouble.

    Nah. Surely, that’s just me being all paranoid.

    Nope; that’s what passes for “enlightenment” in the Rachelverse. Get out now, while things still make a lick of sense!

  36. Doesn’t anyone else find the implication insulting that the best way to shut a girl up is to tell her she won’t ever be able to snag a man? Who gives a fuck?

    Courtney, it’s precisely because I don’t give a fuck that I find that implication more unintentionally hilarious than insulting.

    Then again, I could just be jealous that I’m not getting a chance at this. Hubba!

  37. Also, I don’t particularly want to be taken seriously. Would I have a photo of myself in a helmet on my About page if I wanted to be taken seriously?

    So, we are all supposed to be JUST LIKE HER? Does she think we should dress just like her and live like her and do everything JUST LIKE RACHEL? You know, some of us (((gasp))) are DIFFERENT THAN SHE IS. Do you think she is aware of that? That there are different women in the world, with different blogging goals than she has? Has this NEVER occurred to this person?

    There is so much wrong with this breezy-yet-self-righteous rant (starting with how smug and certain she is that she WILL be taken seriously), that I don’t know where to start. For instance, although I have never read her blog before and DID NOT LOOK at the “about” page, I could easily guess her class, race, looks, able-bodiedness, nation-of-origin, general age-range, thinness, education-level and childless-status. So, when she brags that some guy-blogger GETS her, I have to ask, does he share all or most of those attributes with you? Well, duh, let’s hope he GETS you, or he’d be a damn fool.

    The fact that people like him already GET people like her, is something she thinks is really worth mentioning. Does she understand that is business as usual? Does she understand that is part of the problem BlogHer was trying to address? I guess not, she is too busy bragging that although she doesn’t expect to be taken seriously (she is wearing a HELMET forgodsake! Isn’t that the height of CAREFREE BLOGGER COOL or WHAT?), she just IS taken seriously ANYWAY, because she doesn’t have any kids or cats, and if she did, she certainly wouldn’t blog about them! That’s progress, baby!

    Excuse me, but HUH? Give me PhysioProf’s multiple f-words any day. Good fucking God.

  38. And a comment announces:

    By the way, Rachel, I would say that “Sugar-tits” implies that the object is attractive, and self-righteous/judgmental female bloggers do not seem like they’d be very attractive.

    Now, here we have the bottom line, folks. We need read no more.

    These cluster-fuck participants are as predictable as a Diet Coke commercial.

  39. I was called a pottymouth once. I asked the person to call me an inexhaustible smutmouth instead. It’s more accurate.

    @JJD – My mom feels the same way. And my brother, father and I did the exact same thing. Deadwood is a thing of joy and beauty for swearing cocksuckers everywhere.

  40. Wait wait wait.

    Physioprof is married?


    Damn it. I was hoping he was more like this.


    You were hoping I was celibate? With friends like you…


  41. Awww PhysioProf, you’re married? And I was all set to seduce you with my dirty, dirty pottymouth and my evil, tracherous vagina! Damn straight there was gonna be trouble! You know how wiley us wimmin are- if we’re not thinking about our cats, we’re trying to hump some dude- probably for money.
    But you had to be married. Well, fuck. And shit goddammit. What’ll I do with my Saturday now? *goes off to blog about kitties*

  42. PhysioWife is not gonna be happy if she finds out I am talking dirty on command to a bunch of foul-mouthed sanctimonious synchronously menstruating shrill feminists!

  43. I don’t know what everyone’s so pissed about. Those commenters are a bunch of morons rambling incoherently about stuff they know nothing about. Who cares?

    I very rarely swear, but if it’s going to keep the Real Menz away, then maybe I should start! Although, my lack of a push-up bra and my ability to think for myself already do that for me, thank the goddess. Luckily, a girl like me finds it very easy to make friends with the sort of genderqueer bisexual men whose company I enjoy. The idea that I would want to get married is completely bizarre.

    I like how Rachel has decided that we’re all menstruating. I guess the way to be “taken seriously” is to throw out generic anti-feminist slogans. (Although, that’s not really being taken seriously). On the other hand, if women write about violence, slavery, media, politics, class and race issues, etc, like the writers of Feministe, apparently that’s “boring”. It sure isn’t boring to me, or to other thinking humans.

    I didn’t check, but if it’s true that Blogher only focuses on mommy blogs and cat blogs, then I’d say that BlogHer is anti-feminist, because they’re making it look like women never write informative blogs, which they do. I’ve never seen a post on a feminist blog about one’s kids. The cat posts I’ve seen have been largely ironic, poking fun at the stereotype. The commenters over there really have no idea what a feminist blog is.

  44. never get married? O_O Well I say! Bother that nonsense! I shall thus retire the the sitting room and play the grand piano, that is if I don’t need to fetch hither the fainting couch from all this ghastly profanity!

  45. Please, don’t give Tim B. Liar more oxygen – it just encourages him and his flying monkey squadron. Yes, he’s our problem (Australia) and I do apologise.

    I don’t have the stomach to read whole comment threads, but when I checked it just now the few commenters on the page I read appeared to take the swearing thing completely seriously and believe that the f***ing f**ing f***comments above were just how the posters, um, talk normally. D’oh! F**ing funny.

    Timmeh’s commenters have a way of descending on blogs en masse and destroying the atmosphere with heavily racist and misogynist abuse, so watch your moderation queue. Interestingly, I find those much worse than mere potty-mouthed-ness.

  46. Pingback: bastard.logic
  47. The “rules” Rachel cites actually boil down to a meta-rule: Don’t be a woman. Men, of course, can do all the things Vox “forbids” and still get taken seriously.

  48. Quote from that site:

    Here’ some free advice, if you want to play with the boys, you’ve got to play by their rules, not demand that you get extra consideration for all those hormones.

    You couldn’t get a better illustration of the idea of “feminism” held by people who haven’t bothered to find out about it. Men are the default. Feminism consists of learning to play by their rules. Fail.

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