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Personality: Quick and Dirty

And now, a gratuitous exercise in self-(non)reflection.

INTJ -The Mastermind
Your Type is 40% Extroverted, 37% Observant, 68% Logical and 50% Structured

You are more introverted than extroverted. You are more intuitive than
observant, you are more thinking-based than feeling-based, and you
prefer to have a plan rather than leaving things to chance. Your type
is best described by the word “mastermind”, which belongs to the larger
group called rationals. Only 1% of the population shares your type. You
are very strong willed and self-confident. You can hardly rest until
you have things settled. You will only adopt ideas and rules if they
make sense. You are a great brainstormer and often come up with
creative solutions to difficult problems. You are open to new concepts,
and often actively seek them out.

As a romantic partner, you can be both fascinating yet demanding. You
are not apt to express your emotions, leaving your partner wondering
where they are with you. You strongly dislike repeating yourself or
listening to the disorganized process of sorting through emotional
conflicts. You see your own commitments as self-evident and don’t see
why you need to repeat something already expressed. You have the most
difficulty in admitting your vulnerabilities. You feel the most
appreciated when your partner admires the quality of your innovations
and when they listen respectfully to your ideas and advice. You need
plenty of quiet to explore your interests to the depth that gives you

Your group summary: rationals (NT)
Your type summary: INTJ

The Quick and Dirty Personality Test

Part of the quiz rings particularly true. I’m horribly mid-western when it comes to expressing emotions — I might as well not have emotions apart from indignation, anger, and amusement. I absolutely despise repeating myself. Once I’ve said something, I’ve said it, and that’s exactly what I meant. I choose my words carefully in my interpersonal conversations (sometimes to a fault — halting endlessly through a thought until I’ve forgotten what I intended to say). If you didn’t get it the first time, you are not only dim, you are also wasting my time. Furthermore, I’m not a big fan of listening to people’s endless ruminations on their problems without doing a thing to change any of them.

And vulnerabilities? Shit, I don’t have them. Unless you count the Achilles heel as a vulnerability. And I don’t.

Needless to say, my commitment to being more compassionate in my personal interactions (as opposed to my activist self, a piece of me inherently compassionate) has been a trial. Unless you’re in my “in” group, you’re unlikely to see a raw, uncensored emotion in me.

One major fault in this personality quiz, having effectively stripped myself of subjectivity, is my ability to cry on the drop of a dime. Nobody cries alone, whether you’re on TV or right in front of me. Unless you’re crying because you’re frustrated with me, in which case I stop caring because I’m always right. Always. No, really.

And parenting. It’s a process.

More on the iNTj, which is a fairly accurate analysis of my approach to relationships and the world.

7 thoughts on Personality: Quick and Dirty

  1. Pingback: Jason A Myers
  2. INTP – the Architect
    Your Type is 0% Extroverted, 12% Observant, 68% Logical and 12% Structured

    I tend to score differently on the longer version, I think that this is the first time I have come up as The Architect

  3. There’s a quote floating around in my head- can’t remember where I got it- anyway, it goes:
    “Well, you’re midwestern, so I take everything you say as politeness masking seething rage.”


  4. i don’t know how i got the Champion with 100% extroverted….maybe going for the actual 70 question test would result in a little more accuracy. Though the Logic was dead on for me (mediocre)

  5. I’m an ENFP, myself. I thought that result was due to some sort of bias, either in the test or in my answers, but I’ve done several different tests, and they all come out the same.

    Apparently, male ENFPs are relatively rare.

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