In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Thanks, Guest-Bloggers!

Thanks to the lovely guest-bloggers who have written with us this week. This summer, we’re staggering the guest-blogging slots, which means that some of the current guests will be leaving and some will be staying on for another week. We’ll have two new writers joining us this week as well. All of the guest bloggers will each be staying on for two weeks.

Please show the guest bloggers the same courtesy and respect that you all show the regular Feministe bloggers. Obviously feel free to push back and debate, but keep in mind that they’ve been invited to be here, and we expect a level of respect that would be appropriate to offer any “real-life” guest. Please also keep in mind that we picked guest-bloggers who write about a diversity of topics, and who often take different positions and come from different feminist points of view than we do. That means that we do not automatically endorse every single thing a guest-blogger writes, any more than I automatically endorse every single thing Piny or Holly or Cara or Kactus or Jack write (or that they endorse what I write). We all write here as individuals — individuals who are ideologically tied to feminism and social justice, but who get there through a variety of means, viewpoints and life experiences. We aren’t always going to end up on the same page, which to me is sort of the point — feminism and social justice should not be monolithic movements. Our guest-bloggers will reflect that.

And finally, I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m in the middle of studying for the New York bar exam. That means that my own blogging is light, and my blog-reading is even lighter. There are going to be weeks when I’m not going to get around to reading posts until days after they’ve been put up; and there are definitely going to be times when I don’t get to reading through entire comment threads at all. So if something is going horribly wrong in a thread — an abusive troll, for example, and everyone is wondering why no one is doing anything about it — please email feministe -at- gmail -dot- com and one of the regular Feministe bloggers will come in and take care of it.

Enjoy your new guest-bloggers! This project will extend through mid-September, so there is a lot of great guest-bloggy goodness to be had. As usual, I will let them introduce themselves, but I’m excited to be blogging with them.

8 thoughts on Thanks, Guest-Bloggers!

  1. The very best of luck with the bar exam. I took the KY bar five years ago and I’m still having nightmares 😉

    My advice, FWIW: After the first day, go out for a nice dinner, have a glass of wine, and watch TV all evening. You’ll feel much better going into the second day. Let us know how it goes!

  2. Best of luck. Law school is beyond my ability to comprehend — how anyone can keep themselves together under that much stress is a mystery to me. That pretty much makes you in the possession of supernatural powers, as far as I’m concerned.

    Use them for good. 😉

  3. Best of luck on the Bar. You’ll be fine. If it’s like the CA Bar, in which case you have a break mid-day, my advice: don’t have lunch with anyone who is going to stress you out by going over the portion you just took and psychoanalyzing it. Go somewhere uncrowded with some friends who are cool enough to talk about other things, away from where the stressful mob is, and come back in relaxed. I stayed away from my Bar class and had lunch with a friend who was re-taking it from another state and was very blase about it — it was a good decision.

  4. Good luck, Jill. The bar awaits me in the not-so-distant future, and I have no idea what to expect.

    On a different note (and please feel free to say no), I’m in search of some serious legal career advice (for a 1L heading into on-campus interviews in August). I think our interests are somewhat similar (me: women’s rights/law, refugee and human rights) and I’m interested to hear how you navigated the job-market, firm interviews, etc. Would you be open to a discussion via email once the bar is well behind you?

  5. Good luck with the Bar Exam! Kelley’s advice is spot on. Having a hotel with a swiiming pool that was walking distance of the exam saved me when I took the bar lo so many years ago. That and room service.

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