In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

One Rumor and One More Injury

While waiting for my project partner to show up at my house (dude, where the hell are you?), I took a long walk to campus to get some iced chai. When I walked into the coffee shop, by this point dripping sweat down my forehead and off the upper lip as I tend to do when I get off my ass and start moving every Spring, two women sitting nearby on a couch looked at me and said, “Is that her?”

“I think so.”

“Go ask.”


I looked over at them and the two broke out into shit-eating grins. They looked like grad students or fresh faculty. One said hello. I said hello back. Then I got my coffee and sat outside on the patio for a few minutes before I left. Though tempted to talk to them, I didn’t.

I’ve had a bit of paranoia lately about the blog and about people recognizing me on the street, especially since my full name is more visible now than ever and because I’ve gotten email from several people on campus inquiring about me. I’ve only been approached about this blog by one person and it was an uncomfortable experience. Sometimes I forget about the publicity of this thing, and just how different I feel in person as opposed to the somewhat planned and guarded nature of online writing.

I walked home and mused about the evening, wondering if my project partner would ever call me (still hasn’t), and realized as soon as I walked in the door that I had a massive blister on the bottom of my foot, buried under one of the thickest callouses on my feet. And yes, it fucking hurts.

9 thoughts on One Rumor and One More Injury

  1. This I can help you with, since I have a small measure of fame lately, but more importantly, I have friends who are really famous. The novelty wears off. I promise. You get to the point where you don’t notice it at all. And good for you! Means you’re memorable.

  2. Also, it doesn’t count until you can use it for some sway. If you can’t drop your own name and get stuff, you aren’t really famous. 😉

  3. Pingback: Jason A Myers
  4. I had a similar experience the other day… I was working on a project with a project partner (who did show up, by the way, perhaps motivated by the fact that not only is she a grad student, but she’s also staff). We were casually talking so as to avoid doing any work (yes, she is a very good project partner indeed! nothing I’m about to add should be construed as a personal attack in any way).

    Somehow, the topic turned to email, and she mentioned to me that she’d gone to look up my email address via the campus online directory thing. Evidently my webiste is listed in there somewhere, so she just mentioned “Yeah, I was reading your blog…”

    Which is not a fucking way to start a conversation. I was either talking to you or Josh or both of you about this. Honestly. If you read what I write, fine, but… if you want to talk about something more, you have to bring it up. Or if I’m telling you a story you’ve already read, stop me. You know, generally polite things so I don’t make a monotonous ass of myself.

    So what DO you say to something so completely devoid of value- or interest-judgement? “Oh, yeah,” I replied.

    Awkward pause.

    “You sure do seem to like writing.”

    “Do you suppose we should start working on the phonology homework?”

  5. My sympathies for the fresh blister… I seem to have gotten one this morning as well. Damned new shoes and warm weather. *oww…*

  6. I got 10% off at Denny’s once, but I think it had less to do with any blogging celebrity than my thinly veiled threat to “reveal the secret of the Hot Links.”

  7. I can’t even begin to imagine what that would be like. I know I wouldn’t feel comfortable with it at all. Reason number one why you won’t find my full name or my picture on my site. My blog is my playground. I don’t want anyone or anything messing with that and I think trying to merge the online and offline lives together would definitely mess with that.

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