In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Thank You!


To Ismone, who very generously sent me Running with Scissors and Killing the Black Body — the perfect balance of entertaining and serious reads to get me through the next two months of Bar study. Plus have I mentioned that I have a slight Dorothy Roberts obsession?

And to Hugo and his family, who kindly gifted me an Amazon card for graduation. I thought I was going to use it for books, but now I’m thinking DVDs to rot my brain post-Bar.

Thank you both so so much. This really brightened my day!

13 thoughts on Thank You!

  1. The cat’s language has a slight resemblance to stereotypical slave speak.

  2. You guys know lolcats are a long-standing internet phenomenon, right? And that they’re using internet nerd-speak and jokes that are funny to geeks? And that it’s making fun of online communication (“lol,” teh, etc), not imitating “real-life” speech patterns of anyone?

  3. Are people really offended by lolcats? Seriously people, come on now.

    And that it’s making fun of online communication (”lol,” teh, etc), not imitating “real-life” speech patterns of anyone?


  4. I have a fantasy about starting a chinchilla version of lolcats. Of course, my chins tend to speak with BBC accents and generally in iambic pentameter.

  5. Yeah . . . as far as I’ve always seen/known, the joke isn’t even that cats talk funny, but that cats can’t spell. And that their poor spelling kind of resembles that of 12-year-olds on message boards.

  6. Yeah . . . as far as I’ve always seen/known, the joke isn’t even that cats talk funny, but that cats can’t spell. And that their poor spelling kind of resembles that of 12-year-olds on message boards.

    Cats can’t spell?? That’s news to me. I’ve always thought it was a feline attempt to be down to earth so other species won’t think they are pretentious know-it-alls.

  7. Well, cats are pretentious know-it-alls. I don’t know about your cat, but my cat totally spells like a pre-teen sending a text message. She also enjoys presents.

  8. Well, cats are pretentious know-it-alls. I don’t know about your cat, but my cat totally spells like a pre-teen sending a text message. She also enjoys presents.

    Most cats do have pretentious tendencies…but most of them realize that attitude may impede better interspecies relations/cooperation so they attempt to mask this by putting on disarming acts like using textspeak, making spelling mistakes, and even scratching furniture.

    Judging by the cats my friends keep, if they set up secret cameras in their apartments before they leave the cats all alone…it would not surprise me if their cats are actually deeply engrossed in thought-provoking books and/or going online to attempt to moonlight as bohemian writers/graphical designers. 🙂

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