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FBI Recruiting Informants to Spy on Vegan Potlucks

When you eat lentils, the terrorists win.

Could be a job for some Feministe readers looking to make a little extra cash. Apparently vegan potlucks in Minnesota are the locus of anti-RNC protest-planning, and the FBI wants to make sure that they’ve got some of their people in there to make sure that the local hippie-chick pie-wagons don’t get too out of hand. The FBI was apparently doing similar things during the RNC in NY — except then, they were also paying undercover cops to incite violence.

And of course, they’re doing this all under the name of “fighting terrorism.” Wonder if they’re also spying on conservative groups, a notable set of which have long histories of murder, arson, anthrax threats, acid attacks, and bombings?

Thanks to Dad for the link.

12 thoughts on FBI Recruiting Informants to Spy on Vegan Potlucks

  1. The only remotely feasible justification for going undercover at vegan potlucks that I could think of is the DHS’ fear of biochemical terrorism from the passing of gas that may result from vegan participants at the conclusion of such meetings.

    That would certainly induce the type of terror the DHS is sworn to defend our Republic against……

    It does beg the question, however….why does the FBI needs to go through such dramatics if this crisis could easily be solved by many over-the-counter meds??? 😛

  2. Yup, if anyone’s likely to kill people, it’s those damned aggressive VEGANS. MY GOD THEY’RE TAKING IRON SUPPLEMENTS ALL IS LOST.

  3. This is starting to sound like the DHS proposal for hanging out on MMORPGs looking for terrorists – using ‘homeland security’ as a cover for doing what you’d normally do in your spare time.

  4. we should take these jobs, tell the people of the infiltrated groups, and collect our checks

  5. for a partial listing of crimes committed by FBI agents over 300 pages long see
    click on home in upper left
    click on forum in upper right
    scroll down to FBI WATCH

  6. Wonder if they’re also spying on conservative groups, a notable set of which have long histories of murder, arson, anthrax threats, acid attacks, and bombings?

    Well history shows us they infiltrate right-wing domestic terror groups either to keep them from killing too many people/damaging too much property in one shot or to keep them focused on attacking people and groups the Feebs think are “dangerous”.

  7. While veganism is a dealbreaker for me, this is beyond silly, it is a waste of taxpayer’s money and the people who came up with this should be hit with the red inked book repeatedly.

  8. Hahaha, can this possibly be real? I live in Minnesota and attend a fair number of vegan potlucks. I will keep my eyes peeled for FBI informants – something tells me they’ll stand out just a littttttle bit!

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