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Daily Funny

Oh, Facebook:

In other news, you can now find out who’s stalking you on Facebook.
Or maybe not. Anyway, you can type a period into the search box and get a drop-down list of five names that mean… something. First person on my list is someone whose profile I stalk the hell out of out, but #2 is someone who I don’t think I’ve ever searched for — although I did peruse through her photos when they came up on the Feed and I was bored during finals, so who knows. Long story short: It’s a mystery, and I suspect some sort of fluke. But if it really is the people who search you the most, then I’m glad to know that at least some of my stalking is mutual.

And am I the only one who wastes several dozen hours every week playing Scrabulous? Best/worst finals distraction ever.

11 thoughts on Daily Funny

  1. Looks to me like they fixed it — when I try that trick I just get the my first five friends in alphabetical order, i.e. all the people whose name begins with “A.” That’s pretty expected behavior, since it’s what happens if you type any other letter, just that “.” comes before “A” I guess. Oh well yawn.

  2. I love me the Scrabulous! I hope it doesn’t get pulled by the people who own Scrabble. I know so many folks who have picked up a real game of Scrabble because they played Scrabulous, people who are probably in the “hip, young” demographic that game makers crave. And they’re burning all that interest by thinking of shutting it down.

  3. yeah, the “.” thing doesn’t work. i was really saddened. i was hoping to find out who stalked me or who i stalked the hell out of. damn it. off to play scrabulous now.

  4. Well damn, sucks that they fixed the period thing.

    If anyone is looking for a scrabulous partner, let me know… 🙂

  5. I am really happy that I got to try the stalker thing before Facebook fixed it. Unfortunately, my list consisted entirely of people I totally stalk, but who probably have no interest in me. Obviously, others’ experiences were different. It still works for some of my friends, too.

  6. I’m pretty sure that it’s the 5 people Facebook thinks are most important to you, not the other way around, regardless of what Gawker claimed.

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