In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

What have you been writing about this week? Leave your links to specific posts, and a short description, in the comments.

51 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. What if someone made a “feminist” “joke” and half of his commenters said, “You know, that’s not actually funny”? What if his response to his commenters was “It is too funny! Here, let me explain it to you …”?

    I consider what all this says about who he thinks he’s talking to.

  2. And 76% of managers admitted that they would not hire a new recruit if they knew they were going to fall pregnant within six months of starting the job…

    Ok, business management 101. A successfull business relies on a consistent, experienced workforce. If a candidate is likely to become pregnant within 6 months of their start date, there is a very high likelihood that they will be taking anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months to forever off after they give birth 9 months after they become pregnant. This is contrary to the principle of an experienced, consistent workforce. Therefore, in order to increase a business’ likelihood of success a business owner should avoid hiring those likely to get pregnant. Does that make sense to you Zak?

  3. Here are some of the feminist-oriented stuff I’ve posted this week:

    1. A post on “the unfinished business of feminism,” which concerns working class feminism and work/family issues:

    2. A post explaining why this week’s New Republic cover of Hillary Clinton is sexist:

    3. A post about disability policy and the presidential candidates, which includes a section at the end about why I think disability is a feminist issue:

    4. A smackdown of the libertarian idiocies of Megan McArdle, in which I also call out some sexist bullshit — i.e., a male blogger referring to an exchange McArdle and I had as a “catfight”:

    5. A tribute to the wonderful Dolly Parton:–3.html

    I hope you enjoy some or all of them!


  4. Sorry for the double comment.

    Totally not your fault. FYI — our spam filter is eating comments. So if you post something and it doesn’t show up and doesn’t say “awaiting moderation,” it’s in the spam queue. I try to clear it out as much as possible, but we get a ton of spam so sometimes I miss legitimate comments. Feel free to email me if a comment disappears.

  5. I’ve been working on creating a high fantasy book/comic, I’ve already got a lot of characters set out (main party is a female mage, female rogue and a male druid) only thing I’m having issue with is coming up with a good plot.
    Now high fantasy is pretty rife with steriotypes and sexist cliches so I was wondering if anyone would like to drop me a line on things they’d like to see or are sick of seeing in fantasy stories
    (goes withought saying there aren’t going to be any chain mail bikinies in this story)

  6. I’ve launched a big new blog on student activism, past and present. The blog is here, and the announcement post at my regular blog is here. If you’ve got suggestions for links or news I should be featuring there, please pass them along.

  7. Well, first I gotta plug mah blog again: Pregnant Dug-Dealing Prostitutes.

    So I wrote one blog article ( a few days back) on about the reasons why I feel strongly about fighting against stereotypes called Preparing for Death. Because you know, I’m all RADICAL asking for the right to be considered human as a woman and all that crazy enka.

    Also, I’d like to plug the Introduction in a series that my co-conspirator, Davitta Cuttita is writing called How Black is Black?

    Do enjoy.

  8. I finally updated my blog after catching the past few episodes of The Colbert Report. Ugh.

    Also, for those living in Chicago, I am reviving the HollabackChitown site and I would love to hear your tales of street harassment. I am sure you have plenty!

  9. I started a blog last Monday. I have been reading them for awhile and finally decided to add my own voice to the mix. I called it womanist musings. It focuses on how race, class and gender effect black women. So far I most proud of my first post which is entitled womanist manifesto, in which I declare the reasons why I am a feminist.

  10. Torri: I vastly recommend Limyaael’s Fantasy Rants. Not only do they cover every fantasy and writing topic imaginable, but they also cover feminist fantasy, heroines, LGBT in fantasy, etc, etc.

    Do note they are rants, so they’re pretty snarky. Not like that’s a bad thing.

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