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April 26th: Screening of “Still Black” in Chicago

Still Black” is Nubian from Blac(k)acadmic’s film project. Screening details are:

april 26th @ 8 p.m. @ GENDER FUSIONS 4 (Columbia College Chicago: Conaway Center, 1104 S. Wabash, 1st Floor) $5 students / $10 general

The headliners of the event:
Marga Gomez, Matthew Hollis, Ryka Aoki de La Cruz, and Teatro Luna

*all proceeds of GENDER FUSIONS will support the post-production of the film. if you can’t make it to the event and still want to donate to the project, please visit our website. we are still seeking to reach our goal of raising $5,000 to complete the project.

It will also be screened on April 25th at 8pm at Northwestern University’s Queertopia.

Check out the trailer, from the film’s website:

And Sylvia reminds us that donations are always much-needed. You can donate to the project by going here and clicking on “support,” or buying goods from their CafePress store here. Donors will even receive a credit in the film. So if any of you are still looking for something to do with that tax return, this is a good option.

Thanks to Coco in the comments for the link.

13 thoughts on April 26th: Screening of “Still Black” in Chicago

  1. Hey, don’t forget to link up with the donation page! They’re selling t-shirts and asking for general donations to help with the film production. All donors receive a credit.

  2. Its’ cool that after the lovely Ms Marcotte’s book was plugged that a WOC’s movie is mentioned on the front page. I am looking forward to seeing the film. Hope to donate a fiver when i get my unemployment

  3. And I was sitting here all jealous!

    I know people in Chicago! I’m gonna email those people! I’m an airhead!

    I got to see Ryka’s stuff in SF last year. She’s awesome.

  4. Black ftm transpeople get so little exposure I’d be happy to just watch a couple hours of raw footage. Combined with Nubian’s brilliance? Yeah, i can’t wait.

  5. Hey! I go to that school! Gender Fusions is one of our best celebrations. I’m DEFINITELY GOING! If you are in Chicago you must not miss this for any reason! (Well, if you have to work or something, I understand)

  6. And Jill, thank you for posting events happening in other parts of the country. πŸ™‚ For awhile I was afraid I was going to miss everything because it all happened in New York.

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