In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

How is it Sunday already and I have gotten nothing done this entire week?

Hopefully you were more productive than I was. Give us whatcha got.

42 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. No self-promotion, but I thought I would note a major sports milestone for women today. Danica Patrick won the Indycar race in Japan today, making her the first women ever to win in any of the sports top circuits outside of drag racing(Indycar, F1, Nascar)

  2. I do a lot of work with non-profit Step Up Women’s Network, which works to strengthen comunity resources for women and girls; I’ve been a member over 2 years.

    They work with underserved teen girls in Los Angeles, Chicago, and NYC, providing college prep courses, mentors, health and wellness workshops, and electives that help the girls find their voices.

    They recently launched a fundraising initiative called You Are My Inspiration, inviting women to honor their inspiration (a woman who has made a difference in your life) through an online gift house, which allows you to earmark exactly how your donation to the organization is used. Donation options range from $25-$1000 and include a variety of acknowledgments of your inspiration (for instance, you story and a photo of your inspiration on the the website) and you can funnel your donation towards the teen programming of your choice: college scholarships, program equipement, developing new course curriculum, college tours.

    Please visit the site; if you like what you see I hope you’ll help spread the word about the program

  3. I wrote a follow-up article on “Angry at Fake White Feminists” on my joint blog Pregnant Drug-Dealing Prostitutes that I share with blogger, Davita Cuttita.

    “The Person you Protect” questions the Feminist’s neutrality towards coloured feminist issues as fence-sitting and talks of the privilege to ignore the important issues (even moral issues) as if to maintain friendships with certain parties. Privilege and ignorance reinforce one another and I try to address as if hauling the coffins of vampires into the sunlight.

    Please enjoy responsibly. XD

  4. C. I really like your WoW analyses–I forward them to my partner because he’s a WoW and general gamer, and he acknowledges some but not all the sexism and racism in the game, and since I don’t play, all I know is second-hand. Your first-hand knowledge and critique is teriffic!

  5. This isn’t exactly a promotion, but I’m wondering if anyone knows of a Jewish presence in the feminist blogosphere – namely a blog that discusses sexism, racism, antisemitism, and the Palestinian occupation from a progressive Jewish point of view.

    If people don’t know of one (or even if they do), would anyone like to start one with me?

  6. Lindabeth, I’d love for your boyfriend to leave a comment – anomynous or not – I’d love to hear a male perspective on the post.

  7. Incidentally, C

    Even the merchandise around World of Warcraft is filled with amazing ‘jokes’ such as “Sapped Girls Can’t Say No”

    The accurate responses to this include:

    “…except of course, as soon as you touch them they Death Coil your ass and you run screaming like a little baby.”

    or maybe

    “…at least for ten seconds, which is longer than you can last anyway.”

    or maybe

    “… but everyone knows that hardcore WoW players prefer sheep.”

  8. I blogged angrily about the ridiculous comments in Parliament that came on the eve of Australia finally updating our flimsy anti-rape laws. And some other, less angry things. 🙂

  9. I blogged about the raid on the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints compound near Eldorado, Texas this week. The post veers from Texas humor to a philosophical examination of the tension between the sovereign rights of the individual versus the state’s right/responsibility to protect the vulnerable from harm. With a few tie-ins to HBO’s Big Love along the way.

  10. Riffing off MissLaura at DailyKos I’ve got a post shamelessly cataloguing why some people think there are no women political bloggers. (Feministe doesn’t count because sometimes people here blog about how laws affect women, children, and men, and that makes you *law* bloggers. So you don’t count. 🙂

    Somewhat less shamelessly, while Googling around I found Catherine Morgan’s A List Of Over 275 Women Blogging On Politics. That’s pretty cool.

    Have a great week,


  11. Zak @ 6: Have no idea. My only guess is that your browser doesn’t allow for that weird script of LJ’s, but I could be wrong. Sometimes LJ also acts up.

  12. I’m effectively brand new to the whole blogging thing, but Saturday night I wrote about something that happened to me at a party this weekend, so I’m coming out of the woodwork in the hopes of getting some advice/feedback. I know it’s not technically Sunday anymore. Sorry ’bout that.

  13. The new Ministry of the Spanish government has a bunch of women in it, including a heavily pregnant woman as Defence Minister. The UK responds by closely examining their fashion choices.

    A douchehound tries to comment on a Hollaback Australia post with a long pompous screed on how “A Pub is a Sexualised Space”, therefore any women in a pub are gagging for it.

    A posh Anglican private school in Brisbane has upheld a rule banning boys from bringing their boyfriends to the school formal, and has been upbraiding the boys for being overly “political” and inadequately genteel in their protests.

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