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The Presidential Wife Bake-Off

vagina cake
Personally, I’d like to hear the Presidential candidates discuss how best to prepare and eat this.*

There are a lot of things I hate about election season, but the competition of which potential First Lady has the best recipes is perhaps my least favorite. So I’m actually kind of glad that “Farfalle-gate” has broken, and it turns out that Cindy McCain’s favorite family recipes were pulled directly from the Food Network — and that she didn’t even offer them up herself, some unpaid intern found them and claimed they were McCain family traditions. The whole thing is BS, and it makes me happy that Cindy didn’t waste ten minutes of her life transcribing her recipe for rosemary chicken (although, of course, she should have just said the whole thing was crap and given Rachel Ray the proper credit).

I like food as much as the next person — actually, I probably like food a whole lot more than the next person — but I don’t really understand why Americans care which First Lady has the best cookie recipe. And I really don’t understand this:

In the meantime, The Huffington Post reported that the passion fruit recipe had appeared under Mrs. McCain’s name in the Jan. 16 issue of The New York Sun, in an article that also included a recipe from Michelle Obama (apple cobbler) but not one from the spouse of the other Democratic presidential candidate. The article did include Hillary Rodham Clinton’s recipe for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

Cindy McCain, Michelle Obama, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Which one of these is not like the others?

Which isn’t to say that Hillary Clinton is above recipe-swapping because she’s a real competitor and the other ladies are just wives. It’s to point out that the whole thing is stupid and sexist, and that it’s not about presidential spouses. It’s a country-wide reminder of a woman’s place, and a nice little national smack-down of feminism and gender equality.

Plus, people cook with recipes that are not their own. The only thing I use my own “recipe” for is gemelli pasta with sauteed garlic, crushed red pepper, black pepper, cilantro and asiago cheese (plus whatever else I have in the fridge that sounds good — chickpeas, avocado, parmesan etc). And I’m pretty sure I picked that up from my old room mate. Now, if I were in the race, I would totally submit the Barefoot Contessa’s recipe for steak au poivre, since that’s the only non-pasta, non-quesadilla thing I can cook — but I wouldn’t even try to convince the American people that it’s an old family secret. I would just send them directly to Ina Garten, and everyone would be the better for it.

What would be your presidential recipe?

*Random weirdness: Just as I was google-imaging “vagina cake” for this post, Ms. Lauren g-chatted me “Remember this for my birthday,” with a link to this very image. Apparently great minds think alike — especially when they’re thinking of vulva-shaped desserts.

48 thoughts on The Presidential Wife Bake-Off

  1. That vulva cake really disturbs me for some reason. It might be because of how unnaturally spread it looks (shouldn’t there be some fingers off to the sides?), but I think that it’s because of the tie.

    Also, that pasta of yours sounds really good, though I would take out the peppers because I am a very picky eater like that.

  2. My favorite presidential recipe would be:

    A Large Amount of Compassion
    A Healthy Dose of Liberalism
    Feminism (of course!)
    Leavened with some Skepticism
    A Respect for Science
    A strong belief in Church-State Separation

    Mix well.

    All seriousness aside, any brouhaha about First Lady Recipes makes about as much sense as Obama being asked, during a friggin’ debate, for f—‘s sake, why he doesn’t wear an American Flag Lapel Pin!

    Or, now that I’ve got myself worked up, why did the candidates waste valuable time with a forum (or whatever it was) on religion, when we have much more important things to talk about–like say, the war, terrorism, the economy, etc.?

    Sorry. Got seriously off-topic.

  3. My Presidential Recipe: The Manhattan

    2 oz. whisky (Maker’s Mark preferred)
    1 oz. sweet vermouth

    Swirl with ice to chill, drain from ice into martini glass and garnish with one maraschino cherry.

    Because with articles like this about the First Lady, you’re going to need a lot of booze.

  4. Aren’t real family secret recipes the ones you get disowned for sharing with one person outside the family, much less passing on to an entire nation? Presidential candidate or not, I’d be in a heap of trouble if I let out the recipe for peanut butter oatmeal fudge…

  5. That vulva cake really disturbs me for some reason. It might be because of how unnaturally spread it looks (shouldn’t there be some fingers off to the sides?), but I think that it’s because of the tie.

    Ha. I agree. So I just moved the post down so that people aren’t staring at a huge vulva cake as soon as they open the page.

    Plus, your post above is a little more important.

  6. “That vulva cake really disturbs me for some reason.”

    I thought the vulva was really pretty, but I can’t stop going “Buh?” at the bowtie.

  7. Boubon and soda doesn’t require a recipe.

    Interesting you should mention this. We were having a discussion at Slactivist about exactly this kind of thing. Recipe-gate isn’t about creating an actual human connection over food, it’s about demonstrating that the potential presidential spouses won’t worry their pretty little empty heads about anything outside of their extremely limited sphere. I love to cook — and love Rachael Ray for that matter — and I respect cooking as a genuine art as well as a necessary and useful craft. In fact, I respect good cooks enough not to ask people to post receipes to show what fluffballs they are.

  8. I’ll take one of Lauren’s President’s Manhattans.

    I see the Virgin Mary in that vulva cake.

  9. Nearly all our “family recipes”, from the charoses to the Toblerone chocolate mousse, were just clipped out of the paper aeons ago. I’d submit my mom’s latke recipe — because while we’re pretending that I, a Canadian citizen, could possibly be in the running, why not just take the extra leap of fancy and imagine that a Presidential candidate could be anything other than a devout Protestant Christian?

    But hell, I would’ve thought that a black President or a woman President were unimaginable not so long ago, and look at where we are. So I have hope.

  10. I want to say “American traditions are weird”, but I’m positive as soon as I say it someone from Canada will point out that it comes up here with the spouses of the leaders of the federal parties and I just haven’t heard of it yet.


    Cuz what matters is the cookies, right? For the tea parties?

  11. My presidential recipe would be my Copper River Salmon Chowder, which I created entirely from scratch. Because it’s been published (submitted by me!) on several foodie websites, I’d probably get dinged for having taken it from a website.

  12. my family recipe would have to be fessenjun, though as tasty as it is, it might be less than appreciated in today’s political climate. but still– chicken in a thick pomegranate-walnut sauce, served over a good pollo (persian rice)– it doesn’t get much better than that.

  13. One of my family’s traditions is to make fudge every year at Christmas, using my mother’s recipe, which she wrote down from a radio show sometime in the 1960s. I found out a couple years ago our “family” recipe was actually Mamie’s Million Dollar Fudge, Mamie Eisenhower’s contribution to the First Lady Bake-Off.

    It’s good fudge.

  14. Something involving crostini and goat cheese.

    I’m pretty sure we should amend the Constitution to recognize the universal truth that goat cheese makes everything better.

  15. I’m pretty sure we should amend the Constitution to recognize the universal truth that goat cheese makes everything better.

    You bring up a great point, and it reminds me of all the silly distractions going on in this race. When are we going to get to the real issues? Screw Universal Health Care — who the hell is going to fight for Universal Goat Cheese? (I vote for trying to convince McCain that it’s a very prominent issue in evangelical circles.)

  16. The vulva cake disturbs me too…but only because you would have to cut the vulva with a knife to eat the cake, or stab it with a fork, or something. Too vulvarily violent for me (I think I just made up a word there).

    I thought the bowtie was cute…

  17. I’m pretty sure we should amend the Constitution to recognize the universal truth that goat cheese makes everything better.

    You bring up a great point, and it reminds me of all the silly distractions going on in this race. When are we going to get to the real issues? Screw Universal Health Care — who the hell is going to fight for Universal Goat Cheese? (I vote for trying to convince McCain that it’s a very prominent issue in evangelical circles.)

    I took a poll on the presidential candidates today and there was not a single solitary question about the sine qua non that is goat cheese. How can I expected to vote for a candidate when I don’t know how they stand on these essential issues? *huff!*

  18. Leah @ 17:
    “The vulva cake disturbs me too…but only because you would have to cut the vulva with a knife to eat the cake, or stab it with a fork, or something. Too vulvarily violent for me (I think I just made up a word there).”

    You’re not supposed to cut it or anything like that.

    You first cut around it. Then whoever gets the vulva piece licks it until the vulva is melted into one’s mouth. *nods quite authouratatively* I’m absolutely positive that’s how one would eat a vulva cake without any sort of violence.

  19. I’m also disturbed by this cake, but I think that is mostly the bowtie. And the fact that I could not for the life of me figure out what that circular thing was for the longest time. (It’s a champagne glass, right?) Plus the topping looks kinda like blood.

    I’m all for reclaiming the glory of having a vagina … but don’t make me eat it. Even the penis cakes on that website looked gross. ‘Specially the banana penis. Ewww. I don’t even LIKE bananas.

  20. My recipe would be for pot brownies, cause I think a lot of people could use a piece or two during the election year. 🙂

  21. Danakitty, is that what that is? I got over the bowtie fast, but was trying to figure out what the round thing full of silver dragees was supposed to represent.

    If I ever have a bachelorette party I would much rather have a vulva cake than a penis cake. For the record. All the penises at bachelorette parties feel vaguely threatening.

    pigeon @12, I had fessenjun for the first time recently — a vegan version with tempeh instead of chicken — and oh my God it might be the best thing ever.

  22. I think so. I thought it was her ovary for awhile and then I noticed it seems to be in a glass. It’s just hard to tell because it’s shot from above. But you can kind of see the stem and base of the glass.

    And… eww… I’d rather just have a normal cake for my bachelorette party!! One of my friends had these long penis suckers at hers and I was totally grossed out. I actually feel kinda childish admitting this, but for some reason making penises and vaginas into food really disgusts me. I’d probably have the most boring party ever, lol.

  23. @ Jha

    Aaah, I see. That makes sense 😀 Well in that case my only objection is that the vulva is fondante, which tastes terrible. They should make it out of buttercream instead 😛

  24. Or marzipan – yum!

    My Presidential Wife recipe (pray I don’t ever get to submit one. I love him, but you don’t want my husband as President.) would be Persian Sugar Cookies – a recipe my mother picked up in Iran. Sugar cookies with lemon, almond and vanilla – mmmm.

    Of course, in today’s political climate I can’t imagine it going over well.

  25. The only thing I use my own “recipe” for is gemelli pasta with sauteed garlic, crushed red pepper, black pepper, cilantro and asiago cheese (plus whatever else I have in the fridge that sounds good — chickpeas, avocado, parmesan etc).

    That sounds fucking delicious! When’s dinner?


    If you think like Barack Obama, that WORKING CLASS PEOPLE are just a bunch of “BITTER”!, STUPID, PEASANTS, Cash COWS!, and CANNON FODDER. 🙁

    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂

    If you think Barack Obama with little or no experience would be better than Hillary Clinton with 35 years experience.

    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂

    If you think that Obama with no experience can fix an economy on the verge of collapse better than Hillary Clinton. Whose 😉 husband (Bill Clinton) led the greatest economic expansion, and prosperity in American history.

    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂

    If you think that Obama with no experience fighting for universal health care can get it for you better than Hillary Clinton. Who anticipated this current health care crisis back in 1993, and fought a pitched battle against overwhelming odds to get universal health care for all the American people.

    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂

    If you think that Obama with no experience can manage, and get us out of two wars better than Hillary Clinton. Whose 😉 husband (Bill Clinton) went to war only when he was convinced that he absolutely had to. Then completed the mission in record time against a nuclear power. AND DID NOT LOSE THE LIFE OF A SINGLE AMERICAN SOLDIER. NOT ONE!

    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂

    If you think that Obama with no experience saving the environment is better than Hillary Clinton. Whose 😉 husband (Bill Clinton) left office with the greatest amount of environmental cleanup, and protections in American history.

    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂

    If you think that Obama with little or no education experience is better than Hillary Clinton. Whose 😉 husband (Bill Clinton) made higher education affordable for every American. And created higher job demand and starting salary’s than they had ever been before or since.

    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂

    If you think that Obama with no experience will be better than Hillary Clinton who spent 8 years at the right hand of President Bill Clinton. Who is already on record as one of the greatest Presidents in American history.

    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂

    If you think that you can change the way Washington works with pretty speeches from Obama, rather than with the experience, and political expertise of two master politicians ON YOUR SIDE like Hillary and Bill Clinton..

    You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂

    If you think all those Republicans voting for Obama in the Democratic primaries, and caucuses are doing so because they think he is a stronger Democratic candidate than Hillary Clinton. 🙂

    Best regards

    jacksmith… Working Class 🙂

    p.s. You Might Be An Idiot! 🙂

    If you don’t know that the huge amounts of money funding the Obama campaign to try and defeat Hillary Clinton is coming in from the insurance, and medical industry, that has been ripping you off, and killing you and your children. And denying you, and your loved ones the life saving medical care you needed. All just so they can make more huge immoral profits for them-selves off of your suffering…

    You see, back in 1993 Hillary Clinton had the audacity, and nerve to try and get quality, affordable universal health care for everyone to prevent the suffering and needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of you each year. 🙂

    Approx. 100,000 of you die each year from medical accidents from a rush to profit by the insurance, and medical industry. Another 120,000 of you die each year from treatable illness that people in other developed countries don’t die from. And I could go on, and on…

  27. DON’T BE DUPED !!!

    Large numbers of Republicans have been voting for Barack Obama in the DEMOCRATIC primaries, and caucuses from early on. Because they feel he would be a weaker opponent against John McCain. With Hillary Clinton you are almost 100% certain to get quality, affordable universal health care very soon.

    But first, all of you have to make certain that Hillary Clinton takes the democratic nomination and then the Whitehouse. NOW! is the time. THIS! is the moment you have all been working, and waiting for. You can do this America. “Carpe diem” (harvest the day).

    I think Hillary Clinton see’s a beautiful world of plenty for all. She’s a woman, and a mother. And it’s time America. Do this for your-selves, and your children’s future. You will have to work together on this and be aggressive, relentless, and creative. Americans face an even worse catastrophe ahead than the one you are living through now.

    You see, the medical and insurance industry mostly support the republicans with the money they ripped off from you. And they don’t want you to have quality, affordable universal health care. They want to be able to continue to rip you off, and kill you and your children by continuing to deny you life saving medical care that you have already paid for. So they can continue to make more immoral profits for them-selves.

    Hillary Clinton has actually won by much larger margins than the vote totals showed. And lost by much smaller vote margins than the vote totals showed. Her delegate count is actually much higher than it shows. And higher than Obama’s. She also leads in the electoral college numbers that you must win to become President in the November national election. HILLARY CLINTON IS ALREADY THE TRUE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE!

    As much as 30% of Obama’s primary, and caucus votes are Republicans trying to choose the weakest democratic candidate for McCain to run against. These Republicans have been gaming the caucuses where it is easier to vote cheat. This is why Obama has not been able to win the BIG! states primaries. Even with Republican vote cheating help.

    Hillary Clinton has been OUT MANNED! OUT GUNNED! and OUT SPENT! 4 and 5 to 1. Yet Obama has only been able to manage a very tenuous, and questionable tie with Hillary Clinton.

    If Obama is the democratic nominee for the national election in November he will be slaughtered. Because the Republican vote cheating help will suddenly evaporate. All of this vote fraud and republican manipulation has made Obama falsely look like a much stronger candidate than he really is. YOUNG PEOPLE. DON’T BE DUPED! Think about it. You have the most to lose.

    The democratic party needs to fix this outrage. Everyone needs to throw all your support to Hillary Clinton NOW! So you can end this outrage against YOU the voter, and against democracy.

    The democratic party, and the super-delegates have a decision to make. Are the democrats, and the democratic party going to choose the DEMOCRATIC party nominee to fight for the American people. Or are the republicans going to choose the DEMOCRATIC party nominee through vote fraud, and gaming the DEMOCRATIC party primaries, and caucuses.

    Fortunately the Clinton’s have been able to hold on against this fraudulent outrage with those repeated dramatic comebacks of Hillary Clinton’s. Only the Clinton’s are that resourceful, and strong. Hillary Clinton is your NOMINEE. They are the best I have ever seen.

    “This is not a game” (Hillary Clinton)


    jacksmith… Working Class 🙂

  28. I could not for the life of me figure out what that circular thing was for the longest time. (It’s a champagne glass, right?)

    Thank you! It was killing me trying to figure that out, but I totally see it now.

  29. who the hell is going to fight for Universal Goat Cheese?

    Can it be not-quite-universal goat cheese? Because I think the stuff tastes like vomit.

    Universal Camembert, now, that’s just a human right.

  30. I want to say “American traditions are weird”, but I’m positive as soon as I say it someone from Canada will point out that it comes up here with the spouses of the leaders of the federal parties and I just haven’t heard of it yet.

    Don’t tell me you missed Sheila Martin and Olivia Chow’s marathon log-rolling competition a few years back? Jack Layton (backed up by the Greens and BQ) and Paul Martin (backed up by the Tories) were on the sidelines trash-talking each other. Stockwell Day attempted to interfere by racing past in a Seadoo, but the ladies kept their balance like champs. I believe Chow finally won after a gruelling final hour. This probably contributed to the NDP’s significant gains in the last federal election.

  31. @ Leah and Tapetum:

    Yes, I totally agree!

    At our production of the Vagina Monologues, we had a girl bake a vagina cheesecake. She spent a lot of time figuring out how to shape it. Let’s just say a lot of our backstage time was spent whining that the other girls couldn’t possibly have outbid us for the cake, a myriad of “I”s wanted it!

  32. Somebody put a huge piece of fondant on top of a raspberry-swirl cheesecake? That’s just wrong.
    My presidential-candidate’s-wife recipe would be cold cereal with milk, ’cause if my husband had the lack of sense to ever try running for office, that is the only thing he’d get served in this house.

  33. If I published my family recipe for mandel brod, my mother would kill me. And that’s pretty much the only “recipe” we have. Everything else is by eye and a process, like Dad’s tortilla (the Spanish version) and paella.

  34. “Well in that case my only objection is that the vulva is fondante, which tastes terrible. They should make it out of buttercream instead :P”

    I just assumed it was marzipan and meant to be eaten separately from the cake itself. The idea of cutting it up doesn’t squick me out like it seems to squick Leah, but I can imagine a little bit of weirdness is somebody tried to call the clitoris or something.

  35. wow. i completely thought that was supposed to be a shoe, at first. i was misled by the bowtie. even now that i know it’s a vulva, i *still* have a hard time seeing it…

  36. If he goes back to before his heart surgeon took over his diet, I am positive that bill Clinton could come up with a perfectly good cookie recipe for the contest. My dad is almost as good a baker as my mother but he tendsa to stick to the Christmas fudge while I bring in the family pfferneussen.

  37. I was totally appalled when I heard people in the MSM talking about potential first-lady recipes, so I’m glad i came across this post about it!
    ..and if that were my vulva cake, I’d make the red-raspberry topping look like it’s coming out of the vulva, lol. I want a menstruating cake!

  38. I’d assumed the stuff with the silver dragees was intended to be poured over the cake before serving for that very reason.

  39. Well I can say with authority that this is fucking weird. You seriously seriously have serious (or “serious” lol) newspapers reporting on… Presidential candidate’s wive’s recipes?? And of course Clintons *rolls eyes*

    We definitely don’t have that in NZ but then we don’t really talk about politician’s partners/spouses over here. Not much anyway

    This is kind of funny because I yell and turn off the radio the minute I hear “National says…” (we have Labour and National rather than Democrats and Republicans) because it’ll just be some bitchy comment with no point. But recipe comparisons? I’m kind of in shock

  40. And OMG, the vulva cake is so cute! It’s like what you bring for dessert to Judy Chicago’s dinner party!

    I was SO hoping for a Judy Chicago joke, and I was not disappointed!

  41. I know Dana, as a Kiwi, the American fixation on the input of politicians spouses is really amusing. We get the occasional mention of Peter “Mr Helen Clark” Davis, and Burton Shipley (though that was mostly Jenny pulling him away from the farm, I think).

    And if you’re going to run screaming from the room when politicians come on the radio, at least save it for Winston Peters. The guy’s a never-ending source of idiocy and hair gel. 🙂

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