In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

6 thoughts on International Women’s Day: Code for ‘Advancing Radical Feminism Around the Globe’

  1. Back in 1911, the very first IWD was celebrated in order to campaign for such noble ideals as women’s right to work, to vote, and to hold public office. Today, IWD serves to advance radical feminism

    Look, you are allowed to work and vote, so that means you’re equal. Asking for all kinds of special rights to not be beaten or raped or murdered or forced in to marriage with old men is just radical crazy bra-burning ball-busting feminaziism!!!!

  2. Phyllis Schafly: Living proof that if you repeat a lie a few thousand times, it becomes the truth.

  3. If that’s ‘radical’ feminism sign me up, ’cause here I thought I was just asking for some basic rights. Go figure.


  4. The supporting organizations are not women’s groups, but feminist groups, including Feminist Peace Network, Aurora Women’s Network, UNESCO, and the United Nations Development Fund for Women, also known as UNIFEM.

    The horrors!

  5. “The radical feminists want to remake our laws in order to eradicate everything that is masculine from our culture and create a gender-neutral society,” concluded Schlafly.

    I don’t see anything wrong with a gender-neutral society. No sexism? Cool.

  6. Back in 1911, the very first IWD was celebrated in order to campaign for such noble ideals as women’s right to work, to vote, and to hold public office.

    Which was pretty damn radical at the time, don’t you think?

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