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Catholic school cancels labor leader’s talk because of her pro-choice views

dolores huerta

Dolores Huerta has spent her entire life advocating for workers’ rights and social justice. She is one of the most well-regarded progressive leaders in this country. She epitomizes progressive values, and is a phenomenal human rights leader.

But because she’s pro-choice, her speaking events at Catholic schools are being canceled — even though the events had nothing to do with reproductive rights, and she wasn’t planning on talking about abortion or contraception.

Good to know that the Catholic church cares about social justice — as long as you can pass the misogyny litmus test first.

7 thoughts on Catholic school cancels labor leader’s talk because of her pro-choice views

  1. Two thousand years of tradition and theology, and it’s come down to All Abortion All the Time!

  2. Now, now, be fair, zuzu. I’m sure they’d also have disinvited her if she had turned out to be a lesbian.

  3. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” does depend on who you are and obviously if you is an authoritarian who likes having your life choices limited then this all makes sense. The Catholic Church may need to rethink its promotion track practices.

  4. you is = you are. There is not enough coffee in the world for a morning with blazing sun on ginormous piles of snow.

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