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Subvert The Dominant Link Paradigm

Yes, I’m the loser sitting around on a Saturday night compiling links for the blog.

One Man’s Opinion: Fiona Apple is to Wilco as…?
Turn the music industry over to people who actually enjoy music.

Factesque: StDLH Friday. “Women Bloggers Don’t Interest Me For the Following Reasons” Version which led me to
Culture Kitchen: Raping the Dead
A Catholic church decides to “rescue” aborted fetuses from cremation and turn it into a public memorial. No, this is indeed real.

Alley Rat: Teacher Student Scandals, Parts One and Two
Something that we teachers and pre-service teachers rarely talk about is the presence of attraction in the classroom. Many of us student teachers, for example, spend a great deal of time fending off (usually harmless) advances from students.

To Be Determined: Gay Marriage and Terri Schiavo
An interesting spin on the case for the executors of wills.

A Bad Christian Blog: Airing My Dirty Laundry (via Alas)
Put down your beverage or it will make its way through your sinuses and onto the keyboard.

Google Scholar: From sexual objectification to sexual subjectification: The resexualisation of women’s bodies in the media (I have no idea where I got this – JC?)

That Colored Fella: Waiting to Exhale
Exposing the Ecosystem, in this case, when it related to LaShawn Barber’s website.

Susan Ohanian: The Wal-Martization of Education
“Walton has been an active supporter of the national voucher movement, spending millions on voucher initiatives and pro-voucher organizations. He is intimately allied with the ultra-right Bradley Foundation of Milwaukee, which used its political and economic clout in that city to launch the nation’s first publicly funded voucher program in 1990. Bradley is also a major funding source for the national voucher effort. It’s important to “follow the money,” as then-Attorney General John Mitchell advised the Watergate investigators, because Walton’s money is now at the center of voucher politics in New Jersey.”
Next, Wal-Mart Academy?

Feeling angry? No? Start here. The picture on the right will get the blood a-pumpin’ and the eyes a-rollin’.

And finally, NASA researchers believe there may be life on Mars.

6 thoughts on Subvert The Dominant Link Paradigm

  1. You seem charming and articulate. It’s nice to run into some lucidity. Thanks for writing. Thanks for commenting that you’re doing this goofy stuff on a Saturday night. Me, too. It’s sort of fun to be in that little ten-minute club. I like syncrony.

    best regards,

  2. And finally, NASA researchers believe there may be life on Mars.

    actually, according to the poopybutt naysaying bigwigs at NASA that’s all a big fib – it’s just methane, they say, which, as everyone knows, is nothing more than “spontaneously igniting marsh gas”

    and if that last phrase brings even so much as a smirk to your face then you’re a big UFO nerd… 😛

  3. i wasn’t feeling angry when I clicked the linky link. Then I started reading all the blurbs. Because clearly there have never been abuses of wartime prisoners prior to “sexual integration” of the military. Clearly.

    My favorite was the one blog post about women in the military by “ladiesagainstfeminism,” also known as Mrs. Richard Downin. She makes a wonderful case for ladies like herself to remain meek and quiet. Is it wrong of me to think, “The better for me sos I can kick your meek little pudding-ass?”

    Woops, there I go not being meek and gentle again. Fuck me.

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