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More On Schiavo

I’m filing this one under Health and Politics, primarily because this is a health issue for which Terri Schiavo has become a political pawn.

Several have written detailed posts about the ethical and political implications of this circus. Get past the tripe and see what this is really about:

Respectful of Otters – Terri Schiavo, Part I: The Medical Post
Rivka is a clinical psychologist who has “completed a year-long practicum in clinical neuropsychology. I’m not qualified to evaluate Terri Schiavo myself – that would take a board-certified neurologist or neuropsychologist – but I am certainly qualified to evaluate the adequacy or inadequacy of someone else’s evaluation. And so I have read every one of the 17 affidavits, plus the report of the examining physician on whose findings Schiavo’s parents are basing their case, plus the rulings from the trial court and the court of appeals.”
A second post on the ethical aspects of the case is promised sometime this weekend. Rivka is always a must-read, so bookmark her page in anticipation for the follow-up post.

Abstract Appeal, a Florida law blog, has an extensive amount on the Schiavo case from a more local perspective. This site covers the events in a rough timeline with relevant links to papers and court petitions and decisions.

Alas, A Blog – 17 Medical Affidavits about Terri Schiavo
Amp looks at the two primary arguments within the case. The first is the “cerebral cortex” argument in which experts and non-experts alike debate whether a brain that has been liquefied is capable of consciousness. The second revolves around those videos on the website, the clips we’ve seen on national television in which it appears Schiavo is able to follow a balloon with her eyes: “What they don’t show is the many failed attempts made to get Terri to follow the balloon. With clever editing, even random motions and reflexes – such as smiling and eye movements – can seem conscious. The intelligence and cognition on display isn’t Terri’s, but the film editor’s.” Even more from Alas here.

Majikthise – Red herrings 17 “medical experts” threw at me
Uncovers how the Terri Schiavo Foundation “misrepresented…credentials” of those who filed the above-mentioned affadavits. None of these people cited yesterday by members of Congress during their final attempt at intervention had seen Schiavo in person, and only one claimed to have seen her actual medical records. The rest had admitted to only seeing the video on Schiavo’s parents’ website.

It appears Tom DeLay an other Republicans don’t want to give up the legal battle. They’ll be spending the weekend penning a bill to force doctors to reinsert Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube. Real classy. It’s not like this case hasn’t had its due process. (via Trish Wilson)

And for the record (Mom, take note) should anything happen to me, pull the plug. I’ll get on a more legally-friendly version of this wish soon.

3 thoughts on More On Schiavo

  1. Oy, Lauren, Lauren, Lauren! Terry Schiavo? There you go working on another very serious topic with very serious implications again!! Why can’t you be like all the other unfocused women bloggers!!!!!

    Haven’t you come to see the light.? No one will treat you seriously until you do as much cat blogging as Kevin Drum.

    Oy Can I get everybody in the house to say Oy?

    . . . fight it . . . .fight the power . . . .fight the powers that be!

  2. Pingback: To Be Determined
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