In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless self-promotion Sunday

Give us what you got.

And wish me luck — my open house is today. I want an offer because I want this over with!

42 thoughts on Shameless self-promotion Sunday

  1. Good luck Zuzu!!!!! 🙂

    My county is offering same sex public education. Why? I have no idea. What is the cult behind the same-sex thing? Is this basically conservative? It sounds like it.

    (I guess you can tell it’s been over a half-dozen years since I had a kid in school, right? I haven’t kept up with the controversies and trends.)

  2. Fingers crossed for ya.

    Mind, Body, Self, an intersecting exploration on mind/body split in pwd (physical) and what exactly makes a person disabled — their physical or mental condition, or a society that is unprepared to deal with it.

    And then I get frustrated with an article in the NYT about a link between popularity (or lack thereof) and higher weight in school-age girls.

  3. Good luck!

    The New York Times Cuts EcoMoms down to “just a housewife” size.

    A breakdown of fans’ music videos for each of the candidates. I discovered specifically what was wrong with Clinton’s campaign.

    The Hilarity of Sexism (Valentin’s edition).

    Thanks guys!

  4. And I always have cat pictures galore all over my blog. It’s the dangerous combination of an amateur photographer and a person who is really, really attached to her cats. 🙂

  5. Good luck with the open house!!

    For all the talk of the Obama grassroots machine, the energy the Clinton campaign has inspired, esp. since Super Tuesday, is worth celebrating too. Donors have raised millions and also made well over a million calls on her behalf, the latter basically in the last few days.

    In true shamless self-promotion fashion, I’d like to direct any HRC supporters to a pro-Clinton support network and blog called The Hillary 1000, which I launched with my mom and some of her friends. Other bloggers – esp. Donna Darko and Pocochina – have been instrumental in spreading the word about our efforts.

    Even if you’re not a Clinton supporter, the site is turning out to be a great spot to track media misogyny and sexism.

    Many of the bloggers in the blogroll were added by request, so please let me know if you’d like to be included!

  6. Good luck, Zuzu! I’d attend your open house but I can’t afford to buy an apartment. On my and my husband’s income, renting is about all we’re ever going to be able to do. Probably a good thing, too, considering the sub-prime mortgage crisis…

  7. Long time lurker, first time poster. Yes, delurking to shamelessly self-promote myself – that’s how shameless I am!

    So, I’ve just recently started blogging. I’m Swedish but write in English about my two cents on things like human rights, feminism, politics (Swedish, foreign, global), culture and such. Not terribly original, but I enjoy it. So some stuff from this week:

    Random thoughts about the invisibility of the victim and on the issue of consent, with regard to a high profile rape case here in Sweden.

    A rant about being unemployed. (The post that got me my very first blog comment, from Lauren of Faux Real!)

    My take on that horrible Lori Gottlieb article on “settling”.

  8. Likewise coped with impromptu “can we show your house in 35 minutes?” Great to do when sick with persistent bronchitis and goofy from meds, with two autistic sons below 6 also sick with bronchitis. Two words: carpet puke.

    Anyway, to self-promotion. I have a short piece on how two different credit card companies jerked the calendar on me last month to try to make bogus short months (and thus induce late payments by surprise.) I assume that they have some 4-point type toilet paper notice that allows this. This may be of particular interest to bloggers/web heads who may set their Outlook or other reminder calendars to pay bills monthly online, rather than relying primarily on the paper notices.

  9. More on V-Day: I wrote about a production of The Vagina Monologues that only stars African American women — significant because the play has been attacked in the past for its white, Western feminist perspective. I also wrote a follow up of the play after watching it last night here in D.C.

  10. Good luck on selling that house Zuzu.

    Hope you don’t meet any lowballers or people expecting the Trump Tower for what they are paying for.

    Just encountered someone who was expecting a flatpanel monitor to be included with a computer priced at less than $200. 🙄

  11. Good luck, Zuzu! I’d attend your open house but I can’t afford to buy an apartment. On my and my husband’s income, renting is about all we’re ever going to be able to do. Probably a good thing, too, considering the sub-prime mortgage crisis…

    It’s pretty cheap, as New York real estate goes. Seriously, one of the cheapest things on the market, one of the few that’s got carrying costs less than rent nowadays.

    Thanks everyone for the good wishes! It was very well-attended, from what I hear from the agent (she ran out of information sheets, and multiple people took offer-submission sheets). I take that as a sign that I’m selling at the right time; it’s a nice place, but not priced so high that your basic middle-class person or couple couldn’t afford it. Or couldn’t afford the payments if the looming recession hits and one of the couple loses his/her job.

  12. GT 2008-02-05: Rapists in uniform, in which an Ohio county sheriff declares that when a woman is thrown in jail on a bogus “disorderly conduct” charge, having a gang of cops, including two male officers, pin her down and strip search her over her screams of protest, and then leave her naked in a freezing-cold cell for six hours, counts as “us[ing] reasonable force to … protect prisoners in their custody.”

    GT 2008-02-10: The Conservative Mind (second Sin Fronteras edition), in which we’re reminded that they’re not against immigrants; they’re just against illegal immigrants!

    GT 2008-02-13: Liberty, Equality, Solidarity: Toward a Dialectical Anarchism, in which your humble blogger appears in print.

  13. DAISY,

    What they are doing is HORRIBLY sexist. It is not JUST a matter of teaching boys and girls separately. They are going to try teaching them DIFFERENTLY, based on crazy gender stereotypes! Boys will get to go outside more, will get stress breaks with Nerf bats, will be taught about “heroism” and “being a man,” and will be disciplined more. Girls will be taught in groups, will be taught “character development” instead of “heroism,” will be taught math and science differently. Literature teachers will ask girls about the feelings of the characters, while they are instructed never to ask boys about their feelings, focusing instead on the action of the story. Teachers are being taught to look girls in the eyes and smile, but to avoid looking boys in the eyes. It’s disgusting. I might not be against single-sex classrooms necessarily, but they are NOT just talking about separating the boys from the girls and giving them the SAME education. DO NOT buy this trojan horse “separate but equal” stuff, because, as usual, we eventually find out that separate turns out NOT to be equal!

    Here is a post I just did about this and about what happened where I live (sorry, the stuff that’s relevant to your topic starts about halfway down):

    The ACLU successfully fought this in my parish (county, to the rest of the U.S. outside of LA). PLEASE, PLEASE get in touch with the ACLU immediately, as they are all ready to fight these cases. The ACLU got an injunction here, in my area, but these school districts are doing this faster than the ACLU can even keep track, I think. Please let them know. Or, if you don’t want to, just tell me the county and I can notify them for you if you’d like. Let’s keep fighting this!
    ACLU stories:
    (and, most shocking is this one, the temporary restraining order memorandum they filed here, eye-popping stuff starts around page 3):

    There is also a post on this at “Feminist Law Professors” (comments by me there too), and you can download his 75 page law review article on this topic there:

    If I can help in ANY way, let me know (via my blog, just comment on anything and I will see it). I have the direct contact to someone at the ACLU who worked this case, but it would take a little digging to find it, so let me know if you need it, okay?

  14. Not my shameless self promotion, but on behalf of my national broadcaster:
    “For more than a century, Americans have enjoyed a long and passionate relationship with the gas-guzzling automobile. Rear Vision investigates why a desire for fuel efficiency was never part of the romance.”

    It has an interesting bit in the middle about the electric cars of the early 20th century. The guy postulates that it’s downfall was that the car was marketed to women, feminised, and so rejected by the public. It’s interesting. Have a listen.

  15. Not something I’m personally involved in, but the bloomingOUT podcast feed is being updated. bloomingOUT is one of a handful of queer public affairs radio programs hitting the airwaves in the United States. Although some of the content is focused on the Southern Indiana area, there is a fair bit of discussion of national issues as well:

  16. I just e-mailed this to a bunch of friends. It’s an…interesting story. (Names of friend/wife redacted):

    This just happened:

    I’m filling up at QT on Sidney Marcus. A guy pulls his Escalade up to
    the pump next to mine, gets out, puts the pump in and places it on
    automatic. Which is all fine and good.

    Then he gets in his car. Well, they tell you not to do that, but
    whatever. Then he turns the electricity in his car on, turns a hip-hop
    jam with heaaavy backbeat up to 11 on his stereo, and reclines in the
    driver’s seat.

    Now. I’m not a gullible one; I run every bullshit e-mail rumor by
    Snopes, I’ve taken (my wife)’s folks down to the mat for the “Obama =
    Muslim” stuff. So I know stories of some woman who wore wool getting
    blown up at a filling station are probably shenanigans. HOWEVER, what
    I ALSO know is that turning the electricity on in your car and pumping
    up the volume while the pump is on automatic on a dry, cold day is an
    astronomically retarded idea, even for one with only a vague notion of
    static electricity. And he’s right next to me. Righteous. Thankfully
    I’m almost done…I get my receipt, put the car in drive, and roll
    down my window.

    Now (again). As you’re all aware, I’m either the #1 or #2 biggest cuss
    among our circle of friends, occasionally alternating the title with
    (my wife) (which makes sense). The mood was right for me to whip out
    any of the following: Asshat, Fucktard, Shitsucker, Dumbfuck,
    Douchenozzle. And yet, I was a good boy. All I said, albeit with the
    brusque tone that I save for, say, any game officiated by Penn Wagers:
    “Turn your car off.” And then I pulled out.

    Now (once again). Guy in his Escalade who wishes to set fire to the QT
    has three options:

    1) Ignore me.
    2) “Fuck you, dude.”
    3) Not be a moron, and actually turn his car off.

    He chooses, natch, the mysterious and baffling option #4:

    4) CAR CHASE DOWN PIEDMONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Yep, he yanked the pump out of his car, wheeled his shit in reverse,
    and it was on. At first my WTF-o-meter was strong enough that I didn’t
    make the connection that the guy attempting to ram me was indeed the
    same guy, but I got the hint eventually. We rolled through that
    kinda-poor Hispanic neighborhood next to Lindbergh, an abandoned gas
    station, a car wash, and then onto Piedmont. As much of a pain in the
    ass Atlanta drivers are for stuffing up the left lane with slow
    drivers and not getting out of the way when they really should, many
    many thanks to everyone around there who knew It Was On. I eventually
    lost the guy by making a U-turn into oncoming traffic (while passing
    the guy who was waiting patiently to make an actual legal U-turn),
    then passing about five cars in a row, then running a yellow in front
    of a bunch of people who were stopping. I could see him still whipping
    in and out as I scooted up GA-13, and I was able to gun it long enough
    to get lost.

    I saw (a friend) in “The Vagina Monologues” on Saturday. Every time I’ve
    seen it, a gal who wants to pin me into a corner asks me what I would
    think of “The Penis Monologues.” It’s a trick question for snooty
    liberals- such a thing need not exist, as Dood Culture is more than
    the norm in the patriarchy and blah blah.

    But it’s still a valid enough question…how do I define my own
    Guyness? I think I reached a conclusion while losing this guy on
    Piedmont today. When I realized that he was out to ram me (then, I’m
    assuming, open my door and kick my ass), what was the first thing I

    I turned my radio up.

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