In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Leave Chelsea Alone

(leaving my password live only encourages me.)

On my last post, several commenters discussed the mistreatment of Chelsea Clinton, which began the minute she hit Washington. During her father’s White House years, she was a teenager; in fact, not yet one when he was inaugurated. She was awkward, and people said the nastiest things about her. Famously, Rush Limbaugh called her the “White House Dog.” He’s pretended since that this was a mistake, a thin veneer that even he can’t maintain with a straight face. John McCain also famously told a vile joke that both attacked her looks and gay/trans-baited Janet Reno, which if you have not heard you will hear during the campaign.

Yeah, we get it. She wasn’t particularly attractive in her early teens. In fact, we so completely got it that (as Zuzu recalled) “Leave Chelsea Alone” shirts by the company “Don’t Panic” (they also of “I can’t even think straight,” for those of us that remember their omnipresence around the time of the 1993 march on Washington) became a piece of political history.

Patriarchy, by definition, is a system where women can never win. Most of us are unattractive, and very awkward, as preteens and young teens, but our culture reduces young women (and not young men) to their appearance. It can’t possibly feel good to receive the dual message that (1) your value is principally about your looks; and (2) you are not attractive.

And what happens when a young woman comes into her looks early, so that when she’s eleven or thirteen, adult men are just stunned by her beauty? When she’s so self-confident and poised that she can hold her own next to celebrities and great actors? Well, of course, they throw up their hands and exclaim, “she’s not awkward or unattractive at all. What more need be said?”

No! If they did that, it wouldn’t be patriarchy!

Instead, men visit on her disturbing and oppressive sexual attention.

Jodie Foster, who acted opposite Harvey Keitel and Robert DeNiro at 13, was stalked by John Hinckley, who later shot a President to impress her.
Brooke Shields was both filmed and still photographed topless before she turned 13. (If I recall correctly, the photos, which may well be child porn under the current US law, remain in the hands of a private “collector” who refuses to give them back to her, though she has offered to buy them.)
Natalie Portman had a whole pedophile following after The Professional and Beautiful Girls, one she finally lived down; as she said in 2004, “but I’m so fully legal now that pedophiles are over me. I’m like a frickin’ hag to the pedophile set.”
There were internet countdowns to the eighteenth birthdays of the Olsen Twins and young feminist Emma Watson (who played Hermione Granger beginning at age 10 in the Harry Potter films).

There’s a story in how each of these women has reacted to mass sexual attention at an early age; but that’s not the point of the post. Some have been more or less destroyed, some seem to have beaten it, though I suspect the scars still show. I could tell anecdotes about friends sexualized early, who have struggled ever after. We all have a story like that, I suspect, or several. Which tells us a lot.

So there it is: ugly and worthless, or live bait/freak magnet. Those are the choices patriarchy offers to our girls. Picking on young girls for being awkward is cruel; so is sexualizing them. Men should just leave them alone until they’re grown up. But apparently that’s too much to ask.

31 thoughts on Leave Chelsea Alone

  1. Don’t know about the pedophile bit but I wonder why you didn’t mention the little boys that were held up as fantasies. Donnie Osmand, Lief garrett, the Hanson boys, Orlando Bloom, pretty much all the stuff of teen dreams. Why are the goofy boys picked on? They dream of love, dating, and sex as much as the girls.

  2. I was a little surprised to read that Natalie Portman got a pedophile following because of “Beautiful Girls.” True, her character was adorable, but she never really vamped it up. The Tim Hutton character was clearly disturbed by his attraction to her and wisely never followed up on it.

    You’d think the message would be clear. But then, I guess thinking has nothing to do with it.

  3. Nor did Jean Reno’s character play into her character’s crush in The Professional; and I recall her as tomboyish there for the most part and pretty clearly a child.

    BS, there is an argument that her performance was different from the highly sexualized portrayals of Shields and Foster in that, in Portman’s case, the sexualization had to be brought largely outside the context of her performance. That’s probably also true of the Olsens (I can’t comment intelligently on their work, I’ll proudly admit, though I don’t recall a controversy) and of Watson. So that just tells us that what Foster and Shields went through is not entirely driven by the sexual context of their performances; some men will bring their own latent pedophilia to the surface any time they see an attractive tween girl, no matter what the context.

  4. Mold, if you can’t see a difference between grown men picking on a child for being goofy and goofy boys not getting dates because their same-age peers think they’re goofy, you should perhaps pull your head out of your ass.

  5. Mold, these boys were idolized by their age-appropriate peers. My sister had a big crush on C. Thomas Howell in The Outsiders when she was twelve. They make the cover of Tiger Beat or whatever the magazine for tween girls to look at tween boys is. That is, very clearly, not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about tween girls getting the sexual attention of adult men, not tween or even teen boys.

    Is there some evidence that tween boy’s society-wide valuation is determined by how aroused they make adult women?

    Don’t worry, we’ll wait …


  6. I don’t think the lack of of overt sexuality is at all a factor in which girls pedophiles as a group will latch onto as a target. Isn’t it innocence that part of the appeal? I wonder if the overt sexuality just extends the range of men who will participate by making it seem more acceptable.

  7. Sorry, both genders are sexualized as sex sells pretty darn well. Most adult women know better than to act on their attraction to pubescent lads. That’s why the predatory teachers make the news. We all know about Coach Pervy or Mr. HappyPants. It is more rare that women will do the same.

    Thomas, I encourage you to read more of the tales of young performers. Most of the wee ones tell of clingy sheer underthingies being thrown on the stage.

    Young men who mature early also have issues. They may have body hair and aged features and might appear to be fully adult. Not so. They only mimic the adult condition. Try asking one to perform as an adult and see what happens. The girls, and some women, place them in the adult category.

  8. Mold, if you think that both genders are equally sexualized, or sexualized in similar ways, you are either ignorant or not paying attention. Yes, some young men are sexualized, but their bodies are not used as physical representations of sex the way that women’s bodies are. There’s plenty of room to criticize the sexualization of young men, but pretending that it’s the same as the sexualization of young women just makes you look foolish.

  9. what’s really sad is that it just seems to be getting so much worse. even stuff like Nickleodeon have videos for teen girl singers in which the directoors have them vamp and pose exactly like adult video models do. i see some of these and just think “the guy (i do assume it’s a guy) who directed this video should be in jail.”

  10. Mold, the plural of anecdote may not be data, but mere assertion does not even rise to the level of anecdote. Without specifics, it’s not even apocrypha. It’s just assertion.

    I said to show “evidence that tween boy’s society-wide valuation is determined by how aroused they make adult women.”

    I continue to wait, unsatisfied.

    What under-fifteen male celebrity is openly fetishized by adult women? If your theory of equivalence had any substance, surely you could produce some support. Where’s your support?

    While you’re looking, I call your attention to this: Abercrombie marketing thong underwear, by thier own admission, to girls of 10-14.

  11. I had a crush on the whole of Hanson when I was … ummm. TWELVE. I had dreams of holding their hands and talking to them.

    I know men in their 20s that masturbate to images/the idea of Emma Watson and company. And this is a girl who the most you have ever seen of her on screen is her knees!

  12. I knew it was only a matter of time before the “What about the menz?” comment came in. Mold, the subject is sexualized young girls–stick with the subject.

  13. Re: the sexualization of Natalie Portman in The Professional. I’ve read that the European release has scenes that were cut out of the American release for sexual content. So if you saw the american release, you wouldn’t have seen the sexual undertones that were in the original cut of the movie.

  14. Have to agree with Britney 2.0 being over sexed. What little I’ve seen makes me wonder who Daddy is.

    I didn’t worry about the menz. The point was that woman have some of the same.

    Thomas, I assumed you had read some of the tales of young male performers and the undies. I see now that you haven’t. Try some Harry Potter fanfic from women. There are also art sites that offer more of the same.

    Selling to girls is somewhat based on having them take on the look or attitude of those a bit older. Watch what the girls pick as opposed to what parents do. 10-14 girls want to be 16-18 and try to dress that way. Sound familiar?

    Recall also that many of these fetishist fantasies were willing participants. Britney1.0, Christina A, Shania Twain, etc. I don’t believe that all were unaware. In fact, as a performer, you are very cognizant of your image. And to assume that “little” girls won’t use charms to obtain their desires is to discount the premise of feminism.

    Music is my fave because there is no reason for the contortions most do on stage. One singer used to call it “my blowjob/orgasm face”. How else to explain the change in C&W from homely to comely?

  15. Hey, Mold: Do grown adult women regularly stare at and follow 13 yr-old boys in public? Very rarely, I’m sure. On the other hand, young girls get all kinds of nasty attention from fully-grown men. Much of it is very scary.

    My half-sister, for example, was a non-awkward and pretty preteen who got all kinds of sexualized attention starting at around the age of 12. Some men were so bold that they would follow her around a grocery store even while she was accompanied by her dad. Her dad, I might add, is a large ex-military man who looks the part — 6’2”, muscled, the whole bit. Not even the threat of a beat down would stop pervs from gawking at her.

  16. As someone who is thirteen myself, I can attest to the fact that young teen girls get a lot of attention from older guys. I can remember one incident in Seattle when I was walking down the street and some man honked at me. Not only is it disgusting, it really creeped me out when it happened. I can only imagine what celebrity teen girls have to deal with….Yet another price of fame.

  17. True, [Natalie Portman’s] character was adorable, but she never really vamped it up.

    She was really pretty and really self-possessed. The normal guy reaction to girls like that is “Wow — I wonder what she’ll look like when she’s 18,” which is what I heard co-workers in their 20s say about Winnie Cooper when that show was on the air.

    BeaTricks: maybe your sister could have carried a Barbie doll around, or picked her nose when she was out in public — some sign that she was a little girl and not a miniature adult.

  18. Exactly, Thomas.

    I used to get a lot of attention and come ons from older men as a young girl and it made me very uncomfortable (and shit, I was the type who carried barbies and stuffed animals around with me). It was not on ME that older men were acting inappropriately around a girl my age. No, that was all their fault.

  19. RSkye, it’s great to see you here. When I was your age, all I heard from the previous generation was a bunch of self-serving crap about how stupid, ignorant and self-indulgent we were. It was crap then, it’s crap now, and I can find the same crap going back literally thousands of years. Somewhere there’s probably a clay tablet that, properly translated, says “these teenagers are no damned good, when I was their age, we didn’t have irrigation ditches and hoes, and we had to carry all our water in clay pots and plant with pointed sticks!!”

    Don’t believe them if they tell you your worldview will change. You know who you are, better than they do.

  20. I was the type who carried barbies and stuffed animals around with me

    Kat — that’s just creepy, and shows the flaw in my idea, thanks.

    Thomas — Your comment touches on a whole discussion about The Male Gaze that we could have, but the theme here as I understand is limited to the inappropriateness of sexualizing young adolescents. The creepiness factor of a guy who looks at adolescents because they are underage is infinitely higher than the creepiness factor of a guy who looks at adolescents because they seem to be adults to him.

    Judging the age of adolescents is not easy; here’s a passage from James Herndon’s book describing his first year as a schoolteacher, The Way It Spozed to Be

    [James meets his 9th grade class for the first time]

    At the time I would have conservatively estimated their ages to be any- where from twelve or so (six small, extremely black little boys punching each other belligerently in the middle of the room) through eighteen or twenty (the Three C’s and a couple of other girls and Leon LaTore, for example) to about thirty. I say this extraordinary thirty because of another trio, Josephine, Geraldine and May.
    They were three large, heavy women, big- breasted, medium-dark-skinned,
    hair plastered tight to their skulls, sitting stolidly and disapprovingly at the
    too-small desks as if planning never to arise. All three wore print dresses
    such as you imagine ladies wearing to picnics in Iowa. I expected them to
    start knitting something. I didn’t know at the time what it was they
    disapproved of, but certainly if I had met them in, say, a bus station, I would
    have believed them to be thirty- year-old mothers of children and treated
    them accordingly. As a matter of fact, the records called all the kids in 9D
    fifteen years old, just as they should be, with the exception, as I recall, of
    one or two who were sixteen.

  21. Hector, that is nonresponsive. Yes, it is possible to make a mistake about a girl’s age. How is it her problem to affirmatively warn men that she’s underage? Why isn’t the burden on them to not leer, follow or catcall young women they don’t know, in case those women are young — or maybe just don’t like it?

    BeaTricks said her sister was accompanied by her dad, in the grocery store. That’s not a set of circumstances where one infers she’s available to date. Now, if she were picking out her own produce and some guy approached her to try to get her number, well then he’d find out pretty quickly she’s not interested in dating him. But the situation BeaTricks described is not a situation where they’re going to approach her. She’s with a big older man. Whether they think it’s her husband, boyfriend or dad, that makes it an inopportune time. If they’re not going to actually try to have some kind of interaction with the possibility of a future, what’s the point? It’s just harrassment.

    Really, Hector, what is it you think men ought to do generally in the presence of strange women that you would have them not do in the presence of strange girls? Why is it that twelve year olds who look older should have to wear some sort of public warning sign to be exempt from what other women are subjected to? See, I think that catcalling, following someone around a store and leering luridly are bad things in general; the sort of attention that men should not visit on women in general. “Show us your tits” is not okay. It’s really creepy when some guy does it to a child by mistake, but it’s not okay even with adult women.

  22. Why isn’t the burden on them to not leer, follow or catcall young women they don’t know?

    Men have shrugged off this burden. I will gladly join your anti-leering campaign. Do you have a website? When I go to the beach, for example, I look at nothing but the waves.

  23. Wow, Hector, you’re an asshole. “I look at nothing but the waves”? My four year old pulls the same shit. When I tell him not to put a cup and a half of syrup on his pancakes, he shouts, “Fine! Then I’ll never eat breakfast again!” And then he gets a time out.

    Are you really unable to grasp the difference between looking at someone on the one hand, and leering, catcalling and harrassment on the other? You know what? If you’re going to pull attitude with me, mister, Go to your room. And don’t come out until you’re ready to apologize.

  24. Sorry boys, it only takes but a few minutes to ascertain the true age of a female (or male). There are clues in the word choice and structure of phrase that are only obtained in adulthood. So, “She looked legal” is a dodge along the idea that “nobody” did it.

  25. This is an excellent post but Mold is correct – i in 4 girls – 1 in 7 boys REPORTED and boys report less than girls — think of the children’s movies – Home Alone, The lord of the rings, all of it homo-erotic – all of the boys exploited – the back st boys made to do blow jobs on their producer —

    All of the LA movie and music industry is pedophilia heaven and all of it seeks to legitimize the sexualization of children. The big hit “Juno” romanticizes pregnancy at 16, Little Miss Sunshine is wonderful but based on pedophilic in-jokes.

    And those boys who get raped hate the sex who rape them – some raped by men will kill homosexual men who approach them in a rage they do not understand and those raped by women or exploited by women – rape women. Once you read the case histories of rapists it is hard to be self-rightous.

    Before you tell me I don’t know what I am talking about again, I assure you I do. It is the stuff that is too much of a sacred cow for the experts to acknowledge but when you turn over the rock, it is there.

    We are never going to stop it until we acknowledge that big money shapes our tolerance for the sexualization of children, our avoidance of the reality of the numbers, and our denial of the reality among us.

    Don’t ridicule the Mold’s of the world when Michael Jackson is out walking with the two children he bought openly in the US.

  26. BeaTricks said her sister was accompanied by her dad, in the grocery store. That’s not a set of circumstances where one infers she’s available to date.

    Thank you for pointing that out, Thomas.

    Also, my sister looked her age. She also dressed her age. She was simply a 12-yr old who happened to be pretty. Incidentally, she looks very much like her father so much so that strangers comment on the similarities all the time.

    Seriously, how hard is it to tell 12-13 yr olds from grown women? Any inkling of doubt can be overcome by simply talking to them — I mean, c’mon, they’re 13 and they act and talk like they’re 13!

    There is no excuse for nasty, leering men.

  27. Bea, I’m convinced it was pedoes leering at your sister, not guys interested in adult women.

    Seriously, how hard is it to tell 12-13 yr olds from grown women? Any inkling of doubt can be overcome by simply talking to them

    So was your sister chatting with these pervos in front of your dad? I thought they were just leering at her.

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