In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

From the special moderation queue

From someone calling himself* “Fuck all you fat crazy feminists”:

All you crazy cunts need to get a clue. Women are not mentally capable of ruling. Hell you can barely think straight enough to drive cars. The rest of the time you spend running from mice. Just so you know – you will never be equal. It’s like this – just because the rabbit desires to be the equal of the wolf doesn’t mean that she won’t get her ass eaten. Stop dreaming of “being equal” and start ironing shirts!!! You dumb fat bitches. 🙂

Because adding a smiley at the end means you didn’t really mean it!

* I suppose it could have been a woman, but when one’s email address brags about the size of one’s banana, it’s a good guess one is a man.

78 thoughts on From the special moderation queue

  1. I have a hard time accepting that the losers who post this kind of stuff actually believe it. Maybe because it’s all so eye-crossingly cliched, maybe because if I did, I’d have to get out my chainsaw.

  2. I have a hard time accepting that the losers who post this kind of stuff actually believe it. Maybe because it’s all so eye-crossingly cliched…

    I had the same reaction. Doesn’t make it any pleasanter to read, though. (Not that you’re saying it does.)

  3. I’m afraid they do believe, they believe it deep down in their bones. I’m sure the brain dead little troll thought he was being very clever and witty.

    JW, chainsaws can be fun but they are terribly messy and require lots of dry cleaning afterwards. Poisoning their cheese wiz gets much the sames results and is a lot neater.

  4. I can think of a few things I could do with a hot iron, none of them involve shirts though. If we really are to dumb to lead, maybe we shouldn’t be trusted with hot appliances that can be used as weapons either.

  5. I suppose it could have been a woman, but when one’s email address brags about the size of one’s banana, it’s a good guess one is a man.

    I’m not sure why you’re discounting the possibility it was a monkey.

  6. It’s like this – just because the rabbit desires to be the equal of the wolf doesn’t mean that she won’t get her ass eaten.

    Depends on the rabbit. The one in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” is my personal role model.

  7. when one’s email address brags about the size of one’s banana, it’s a good guess one is a man.
    Ha! Thats the best part.

  8. I’ve never understood why the feminist blogosphere is so easily trolled.

    No, I didn’t, nor wouldn’t, post something like that.

  9. It’s like this – just because the rabbit desires to be the equal of the wolf doesn’t mean that she won’t get her ass eaten.

    Depends on the rabbit. The one in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” is my personal role model.

    The one from Donny Darko seemed like a pretty tough cookie.

  10. Having been around some of the low-lifes of Hoosier land, I can tell you those types totally believe what this clown wrote. And equally offensive notions about blacks, gays, Mexicans, etc.

    It’s totally scary and hard to believe. But there’s a fair number of them!

  11. the size of one’s banana

    Probably safe to assume that his actual…banana…can be measured in micrometers and has never been used.

  12. Yesterday I heard a group of jocks at my college laughing and using the word ‘cunt’ over and over to describe Hillary Clinton, who spoke at my school. Any practical advice for shaming the misogynists? I’m not pro-Hillary, but I asked them to explain why they think the word is not misogynistic. The reason they gave was, laughably, because they “use it all the time.”

  13. Any practical advice for shaming the misogynists?

    I second this question! I usually think the most effective tactic for quashing that sort of behavior is not giving it more legitimacy by recognizing it or the individuals exhibiting said behavior. But at the same time, it lets the behavior slide, which I hate too. I usually opt for something coolly dismissive–letting them know I don’t approve, not not giving them the satisfaction of engagement. Yet that doesn’t necessarily change minds . . . anyone else have more brilliant strategies?

  14. It may be early in the term, but maybe this is his warped way of asking for a date. I also notice a fair amount of projection regarding being a fearful rabbit afraid of wolves and mice.

    I’ve also known a fair amount of fellow dudes who were terrified of mice, bugs, and other critters….something that amuses my aunts to no end as they see that as a sign of us American-born “kids” being “spoiled” by the luxurious surroundings compared to their war-torn childhood.

    Would anyone want to take bets as to whether Hugebanana10 is more likely to be a rabbit instead of a wolf IRL?

  15. This kind of stuff inspires my grand experiment of clicking my heels together and having ZERO men on the planet for a year so that women can save the Earth and not worry about idiots like this twirp.

  16. Jody got it right. But realize, spending your day sitting between the water heater and the laundry tub makes a lonely, lonely life.

  17. The thing is, they’re really deeply scared that they’re wrong. Which is why they have to seek us out to talk shit.

    I wonder if he breaks out into hives each time he sees Hillary Clinton on TV.

  18. oy w/the poodles already.

    Holy shit I was gonna use that line the other day and then thought nobody’s going to get a Gilmore Girls reference from so long back. So I chickened out and said oy vey instead. It’s so fun though, man I miss that show!

  19. Shorter yyzian: It’s your fault that you get trolled!

    My point was more that he was looking for attention, and you gave it to him, by action not omission. I’m wondering why not simply let this sort of thing vanish into the ether. Trolls don’t like punching air.

    In the waffling-on vein, somebody on the internet put something into your moderation queue.

    Instead of:

    Pressing the delete key.


    Started a new blog post.
    Moderated new post’s queue.

    Now he gets to snicker with all his friends about how he can jerk feministe around, a result which took you more effort than another path.

    On the other hand, it’s quite possible there’s a deeper point I’ve missed.

    Third hand, there’s nothing new on the internet, whether usenet, blogs, or 4chan. But why help them?

    Quite confused.

  20. Translation of message: OMG Women SCARE me!!!!111!!

    I almost…almost feel sorry for him. I mean, the world is just full of women. Uppity ones, at that.

  21. Wow HugeBanana10 has totally convinced me of the error of my ways. I mean he’s so eloquent and the argument so logical

    oh crap, my sarcasm has dribbled all over my desk!

  22. Speaking of overcompensating for the banana, for some reason this made me flash on a radio interview I heard with Courtney Love a few years ago, who is someone who has absolutely no filter. Everything she thinks, she blurts out.

    So they asked her about Trent Reznor, who she briefly dated and she said, “You know, when you call your band Nine Inch Nails, you set up certain …. expectations.”

    And when the DJs asked her, “So what kind of banana are we talking about here, Courtney?” and she immediately said, “Oh, 4 inches, four and a half tops.”

    That was about when her publicist started trying to get her to shut up.

  23. Torri…HAAAA!!!! We are SO wrong!!!!

    What is this, “fat”, stuff!? I have never been fat in my life. In high school I used to cry over not having a shape. Now girls puke to look the way I did.

    I am a feminist and ROCK a bikini a age 47 BABY!

  24. I guess I’ll have to take that rodent lab off my resume. After all, if I have no leadership skills and am terrified of mice, then I obviously can’t have been running the place for two years.

    I suppose we should be grateful that he thinks we can drive cars – if only barely.

  25. why???

    i totally don’t get the urge to go and post stuff like this on someone’s website.

    i avoid the websites of the few people i dislike. i’m sure as hell not trolling on them?

    if you come around and act in a fashion that is that illogical and immature, what does that say? (and yes, i know i am just echoing everyone else… but i REALLY REALLY don’t get this kind of … attitude? thought process? i mean, i don’t even understand basic chauvinism, let alone THIS)

  26. What is with all the animal references?

    It’s like this – just because the rabbit desires to be the equal of the wolf doesn’t mean that she won’t get her ass eaten.

    No. That rabbit did not want equality. It wanted domination with its sharp pointy teeth!

    Holy shit I was gonna use that line the other day and then thought nobody’s going to get a Gilmore Girls reference from so long back. So I chickened out and said oy vey instead. It’s so fun though, man I miss that show!

    It’s NEVER to obscure a time for a GGs ref!! Copper Boom!

    Oh, it comes on twice a day on ABC Family. 11am & 5pm.

  27. I’ve seen mods on other forums “revise” posts like these and then let them through the que. That really pisses people off, twisting their comments around and making them insult themselves.

  28. Gah!

    And when the DJs asked her, “So what kind of nail are we talking about here, Courtney?” and she immediately said, “Oh, 4 inches, four and a half tops.”

    That makes more sense. Sorry, bananas on the brain.

  29. I don’t run from mice. I don’t run from rats, either. Makes it easier to stuff the rabid ones down the shorts of guys like that. 🙂

    What a shabby way to treat cute innocent mice….especially when this is their year.

    Here’s to a wonderful Year of the mouse/rat to everyone! 🙂

  30. Didn’t a rabbit go after a president once? I am unaware of any wolves aspiring to such grand things.


    I read the smiley much less as “I didn’t mean it” and more as “and if you disagree with me you’re a humorless feminist who can’t take a joke”. But maybe I’m just a humorless feminist who can’t take a joke.

    I’ve also never understood the obsession with male genital size. Not only is there no connection to either “manliness” or sexual skill, but the numbers being bandied about so often make my cervix attempt to retreat up into my ribcage in fear. Maybe that’s the idea…

    (I’m not all that happy with the easy mockery of men with reference to their genitals, either. This guy is definitely a creep, but I think that reducing men to their genitals is no more funny than reducing women to theirs. There’s no big context of scary crap going this direction, but it’s a bad thing to get comfortable with however you do it.)

  31. Aw, we probably shouldn’t make fun of him. He obviously spent hours working on that.

    😉 (there, I make a little emoticon so that he won’t think I’m actually saying he’s a mentally challenged, emotionally stunted ass.)

  32. Aw, we probably shouldn’t make fun of him. He obviously spent hours working on that.

    😉 (there, I make a little emoticon so that he won’t think I’m actually saying he’s a mentally challenged, emotionally stunted ass.)

  33. Sometimes I wonder what the fantasied effect of this sort email is supposed to be. Like, what did Tiny Banana imagine would happen in his ideal world when you got this email? Did he think “Hah! Now they’ll stop all this silliness and go back to the kitchen”? Did he think “I’ll really get them with this “fat cunt” comment–that’ll make ’em cry”? I just…don’t get what he’s thinking is gonna happen here.

  34. Copper Boom!

    hahaha…i use that all the time! when my Kid is poking along getting ready for school i ask her what takes so long…all she needs is copper boom!

    S.H. you are all in good GG company w/ me around! i actually have an “oy w/the poodles already” tag on my blog…

    i figured we all needed cheering!

    and rabbits are scary! just ask the Red Queen! (can’t find the post!)

    and that is enough for the late night random ass comments from me!

  35. “Any practical advice for shaming the misogynists?”

    Works for me to point out nicely that “scrotum” is the word they should be using, if they want to imply Hillary Clinton is weak and ineffective. Vaginas being freaking tubes of muscle that can take any amount of pounding and birth a child, and scrotums being little bags of skin with incredibly sensitive contents, dangling around in mid-air. “Testicles” is also an appropriate substitute, as their only purpose (as far as I can tell), is to hang around and be injured occasionally. Surely everyone can recognise that external genitalia are a stupid idea, from a design point of view.
    And if we’re doing the animal thing, one of my house geckos just ate a spider twice the size of itself. That was impressive.

  36. and rabbits are scary!

    Xander: Just once, I would like to run into a cult of bunny worshipers.
    Anya: Great! Thank you very much for those nightmares!

  37. Such enlightened commentary from Banana Man! Gee, I think I’ll re-think my entire existence now! My God, I’ve been wasting my life on human rights while I should have been ironing shirts!

    Har har har.

  38. The rest of the time you spend running from mice.

    … shit, is it the fifties again? Seriously, that was the best cliche/insult/whatever he could come up with? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a woman being scared of a mouse in my entire life. Spiders, maybe (I’ve known plenty of guys scared of them too, so I figure that’s an equal-opportunity phobia), but not mice.

    (oh, and Flamethorn, I was just coming in here to say “actually I feed ’em to my pet snake”, heh. Damn my too-late-ness. Snakes are awesome, though.)

  39. Unfortunately, Neanderthals (and apologies to Neanderthals everywhere) like this lovely chappie are legion.

    He hasn’t grown out of grade school behavior where the boys torment the girls just because they can.

    While I was enduring this stage of development, I had the exquisite pleasure of watching one of the girls turn and beat the living shit out of the worst offender while his compatriots looked on, goggle-eyed. Now, because he’s all growed up and everthang, he’s not likely to encounter a woman who can (or would) do this priceless service to him because he now has the Internet to hide behind.

    Progress. Ain’t it grand.

  40. What is this, “fat”, stuff!? I have never been fat in my life. In high school I used to cry over not having a shape. Now girls puke to look the way I did.

    I am a feminist and ROCK a bikini a age 47 BABY!

    Uh, not to take away from your accomplishment there, but they use “fat” because it’s a short way of saying “repulsive” in this culture — and of course we laydeez all need to be reminded that if we speak our minds, we are automatically unattractive to right-thinking men. Which should, of course, stop us dead in our tracks, because no matter how much we care about women’s rights ‘n’ stuff our #1 priority is trying to get dates with guys who think of us as incompetent cunts. Naturally.

    When you’re counting up all the layers of fucked-up bullshit there, please don’t forget the “fat=repulsive” layer. That would be one of the reasons why “girls puke to look the way [you] did” — and as it turns out, bulimia is a devastating disorder, not just some wacky trend among kids these days.

    yzian, as far as the decision to post shit like this goes, I can’t speak for Zuzu, but I do it all the time for a few reasons. 1) I don’t believe that trolls go away if you ignore them — and my moderation queue bears that out. But every time I hold a troll up to public ridicule, I never hear from him again. Go figure. 2) Every time someone says you’re just whining and/or hysterically overreacting, ’cause no one in the real world hates women (or fat people, on my blog) that much, it’s nice to have posts like this to point them to. 3) We all get shit like this in our moderation queues every day, and we delete and delete and delete, because we don’t want to subject our readers to it or lower the level of discourse in comments. But those of us who are stuck reading it all get sick of it and need to blow off steam sometimes. So, you know, terribly sorry if people who don’t run high-traffic blogs and deal with trolls every day of their lives think it’s a big mistake. Don’t really care.

  41. Don’t worry. He only means you’re a crazy cunt if you’re a fat feminist. So lots of feminists are off the hook.

  42. My mom is horrified that my husband washes and irons his own shirts. Um, he wears them, why shouldn’t he be the one washing and ironing them?

    She’d be extra-super-horrified by our security guard at work, who’s done his entire family’s laundry for years.

  43. Afraid of mice?

    Squeak for yourself! I had a wonderful pet rat for about three years. Now, I have two cats and two ferrets–any mouse who enters my house is Darwin award winner. They also take care of bugs for me. My male ferret once killed a cockroach for me. Now, those things do skeeve me out!

    Let’s see, what do I need a man for…

  44. Now he gets to snicker with all his friends about how he can jerk feministe around, a result which took you more effort than another path.

    On the other hand, it’s quite possible there’s a deeper point I’ve missed.

    What Kate said, basically. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, sometimes. And sometimes you need to let the world know the kind of shit that goes on, because not everyone believes you when you tell them about the vitriol.

    Besides, you’ll note that Mr. Banana was not allowed to comment in the Hillary Clinton post, where he wanted to leave this comment. That would have been disruptive, and would have diverted that conversation to fit his agenda. Instead, he’s been deep-sixed (and will not be allowed to comment at all) and we’re having a good time mocking him for his stupidity.

  45. and winning 10,000 points on the “you rock” scale is roxie w/ the awesome buffy reference!

    it’s an arbitrary system, really…

    anya sings: “bunnies aren’t just cute the way that everyone supposes, they’ve got those hoppy little legs and twitchy little noses. and what’s w/ all the carrots? what do they need such good eyesight for anyway?”

  46. I’ve been a proponent of the “you should ignore trolls” philosophy before, but you have to distinguish between different kinds of trolls and what they’re after. There definitely are trolls who want you to give airtime to their nonsense, whether they believe it or not, and there are trolls who just want to upset you or produce some response of outrage and disgust. And in all cases the key thing is not to feed the trolls — don’t give them what they’re looking for, or else they’ll have incentive to keep doing the same thing. A troll who just spews a bunch of misogynist cliches is probably looking to make someone upset and maybe get an upset reaction. It’s just simple and utterly recycled venom spewed from someone who’s deeply scared of women. So it’s not troll-feeding to just post the ludicrous tripe up for public airing, for everyone to see how totally dumb it is. That’s not what this kind of troll wants at all — they want some archetypal “feminist” to feel as upset or scared as they do, and if they get no reaction they can easily (and smugly) assume that someone was upset. It’s a really crude, classic form of bullying. What they want the least is a bunch of people laughing in public at how pathetic their attempts are. This is very different from other kinds of trolls who pretend to engage in spurious, side-tracking arguments just to waste people’s time or feed their egos (I think most of us can recall some examples) or trolls who take calculated aim to incite real moral outrage and opposition — for instance people who claim to be Nazis, homophobes etc even though they don’t really believe any of it. This guy, I’d be willing to bet, basically does believe that women are inferior, or is afraid that maybe we’re not, and is just exaggerating his real worldview.

    Or to be brief about it, zuzu and Kate Harding are totally right.

  47. Acumensch — There needs to be some way for the women they are lusting after to let them know just what kind of tools they are when they spout that crap.

    or maybe a few words from the people they want to be employed by about just how fast they will wind up on the sidewalk sans employment.

    Maybe a few words to the athlettic department honchos about what harrassment lawsuits will do for the departmental budgets, and their future prospects for employment in the field…

  48. The line about supposed lack of brains by this maroon reminds me of a bumber sticker:
    Let me get this straight – you don’t think I’m smart enough to choose if I need an abortion, but you want me to raise a child?”

  49. I was befuddled by all the “talk like a pirate” comments and references. Fortunately some of the responding comments spelled it out for me, and I got to spew my soda on the keyboard. Thanks, y’all.

  50. oh shit, this is the wrong blog, LMAO. Okay let me think of something else for Mr. Banana. Does he know the peels leave SKIDMARKS?

    Clueless in L.A.

  51. I wonder what it must be like to be so pathetic that I would have to try so so desperately to insult half the population and try and broadcast my supposed penis size. Loser.

  52. Bunnies are actually mean little shits. And we never really got the hang of taming them. The only way we have of keeping them in their place is a cage. Wolves on the other hand… we house broke them years ago and called them “dogs.” They come when called and play dead.

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