In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet


My email account at Yahoo! keeps showing up in Spanish. I think this is karmatic punishment for abusing my mother’s ebay account.

I don’t even care that “karmatic” is not a word. It’s Spring Break.

4 thoughts on Hmm

  1. Karmatic almost sounds better than karmic. Do what I do (the neologism approach): use the words with enough confidence that people start accepting them as common practice. I once got my whole school using “Judas Priest” as an interjection.

  2. the




    ! K A R M A T I C !

    it slices! it dices! it slings! it arrows!

    this amazing new device places the responsibility for reality upon YOU, the individual, asserting that actions & intentions MATTER & that you have no one to rely upon (or blame) but yourself (ultimately)!

    that, or that you’re trapped within a horribly hierarchical caste system that is supported by the cosmic order of things… different users may experience different effects.


    it’s the shit!

    that happens!

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