In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Giving Our Readers What They’re Looking For

People come to Feministe for many reasons, but these people were on a mission. From my favorite popular search terms that brought readers to this website this month:

disadvantages of masturbations
Apart from the hairy palms, poor complexion, eternal damnation, and that ever pesky reduction of pregnancy risk, there aren’t many disadvantages of masturbations although I’m curious which sort of masturbations one is interested in discovering the disadvantages of.

Take it from Woody Allen, masturbations is sex with someone you love.

what it means to be white
I’m not sure I can weigh in one this one. I’m generally pink with red splotches about the T-zone, unless I’m tired, in which case I look rather gray. I will do some further research on this topic and see if I can contact Nicole Kidman for further inquiry.

vagina is too small
Don’t kid yourself, honey. She only tells you that to make you feel better about that thing you do that resembles a rabbit.

don’t send me no flowers
First performed by The Breakers, this song’s best incarnation is by Demented Are Go, who also do a fabulous cover of “Aces High.”

birthday woman
Birthday Woman, the forgotten superhero, showered American mothers with rose scented bath beads and wreaths of dry macaroni noodles on Mom’s special day for hundreds of years. Her reign as Birthday Woman came to an end when mothers across the world revolted against the steady shower of homemade coupons meant for the performance of household chores that somehow remained unfulfilled and began demanding more reasonable presents such as the ability to poop
a) in one sitting
b) alone, and
c) with the door closed.

cool uncool
Oh my, you are in the right place. Ms. Lauren is arbiter of knowledge on this subject, although her knowledge is so vast that she cannot come up with any examples off the top of her head. Do know this, gentle reader, trends are not necessarily cool. And if you’re in Indiana by the time a trend hits the area, it is definitely at least three years uncool. Take notes.

What is “cuter” is not necessarily based on aesthetics as much as it is based on its ability to endear the beloved. For example, my cat is cute when he doesn’t have bald spots on his head, but he is even cuter when he isn’t parked outside my bedroom door meowing at 4 am just because he feels like it.

I’m afraid I know nothing of disappointment. Move along.

The presence of estrogen has been attributed to many things, including one’s ability to raise children, guard the temples of family and morality, and the inability to compose a literate and timely blog. However, we more firmly believe that estrogen is responsible for the formation of socialist, anti-family movements that encourage women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.

It may also reduce the frequency of hot flashes.

6 thoughts on Giving Our Readers What They’re Looking For

  1. hee hee hee

    one of my favorite search engiine queries on my own site:
    “is charlie brown gay?”

    one the weirder (gave me the jibblies):
    “world bank military dictatorship sex fetish”

  2. For a long time, I was the at the top of the list for both “aaron carter armits” and “jesus’s armpits.” Not to mention “Elizabeth Edwards big fat cow.” Sadly, that is no longer true.

  3. Mike – the longer your blog is around and the more things you write about, the weirder the search strings get. It has everything to do with how search engines match the strings – and the glory of monthly and category archives.

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