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Weirdest Exercise Schtick EVER.

The Hawaii Chair:

I know there’s a Feministe reader out there somewhere who wants to buy this for me…

via Lauren.

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15 thoughts on Weirdest Exercise Schtick EVER.

  1. “It takes the work out of your work.”

    Yeah, I’ll believe that. I’d be completely unable to focus on doing anything because my head wouldn’t be still. If I were to sit on that thing while looking at a screen my neck muscles would be so sore and my eyes so tired after a workday. Not to mention the fact that I’d only get half the work done. So I suppose it’s true – it would take the work out of my work. Not sure my boss would aprove, though.

  2. For the love of… I swear he was this close to saying ‘it feels great on my ass’
    Honestly, this can’t serious… can it?

  3. i never even knew how many calories i was burning spinning around in the chairs at my aunt’s hair salon all these years!

  4. Oy…not to be picky…but could they have ONE local (from Hawaii) person in this commercial? I mean really…is that asking too much?

  5. Can anyone imagine what that looks like to somone on the other side of the desk who can’t see what’s really going on?

  6. Very few things make me incapable of saying anything other than “Oh. My. God.”, but this is one of them. Please let it be a joke. And did anyone else immediately think of a lot of, um, more salacious uses for this chair?

  7. Can anyone imagine what that looks like to somone on the other side of the desk who can’t see what’s really going on?

    Exactly what I was thinking Peanut. I wouldn’t recommend it for an office that does face to face customer service. Might scare off the customers.

  8. that was scary to watch. and though I know how to hula – I wasn’t reminded of the hula watching that chair. And I sure don’t know any Hawaiians who’d want to put their faces by this…instrument.

    it did kinda look like an SNL sketch.

  9. Oh my god. It’s like a simulator for all the times I came to work hungover when I used to work at the tech support call center and had to drink to ease the emotional pain of talking to people who couldn’t work their cell phones/dialup/DVRs all day.

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