In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet



Chris Matthews claims that he isn’t obsessed with Hillary Clinton and other female politicians — but for someone who could care less, he sure does talk about them a lot. Head over there and read the very damning evidence. My personal favorite Matthews comment:

“[S]he’s clapping, like she’s Chinese. I know the Chinese clap at each other, but what is she clapping at? I mean, it’s like one of these wind-up things.”

I wasn’t even aware of the stereotype that Chinese people go around clapping at each other. Thanks, Chris Matthews, for simultaneously spewing misogyny and expanding my racist worldview!

12 thoughts on Obsession

  1. Applauding back to the audience used to be a Communist thing–you can see film of Stalin doing it at Party congresses. (The political implication, as I understood it in my years on the Old Left, was that whatever was being applauded was a collective achievement, not a star turn by the big shot on the platform. This practice typically didn’t extend to artistic performances–I’ve never seen film of Gilels or Oistrakh clapping to the concert audience.) Presumably what’s rattling around in the space between Matthews’ ears is an image of Chinese Communist Party leaders doing this. Lunkhead that he is, Matthews doesn’t understand that “Chinese” and “Communist” aren’t synonyms.

  2. The man has serious issues with women, especially ones that represent power; he has to take them down a peg or two by talking about them like pet poodles.

    Not uncommon among men overall by the way, but unacceptable to tolerate, I’d say people should shut him off wholesale. I did a long time when I decided I wasn’t going to pay a monthly bill to have such trash beamed in my house.

  3. i happened on this site following a trail of crumbs dropped by those designing to rid our country of the “free press.”

    you who would castigate chris matthews for vitriol make him look like an ameteur.

    i am a woman but becoming more and more embarrassed by the behavior of purportedly intelligent females.

    what you appear to want is white bread, no color, no jokes, no difference between different ethnic groups or the sexes… just plain vanilla.

    do you really believe the world is that way? would you like it if it was?

    are you that sensitive to slights; imagined or otherwise?

    i ran 5 states for an it company out of nyc back in the early 70s… i did not whine my way to that position: i worked hard and earned it.

    the fourth estate is essential to our democracy… do you really want to stifle it?

    the ap reporter that had the audacity to question romney on his less than truthful statements is taking a lot of heat,i.e., “he was rude.”

    no, he was not rude he was telling the truth and calling the candidate on it?

    are you sure this is what you want for this country?

    marianne thompson

  4. what you appear to want is white bread, no color, no jokes, no difference between different ethnic groups or the sexes… just plain vanilla.

    I think jokes are fine, but only lazy ass people fall back on sexist/racist jokes. Besides I thought he was a news person, not a stand up comedian. Wait… he BELIEVES this crap. I guess that’s the difference. That and stand up comedians actually make me laugh.

  5. Not to be pedantic, but would you be one of those ‘intelligent females’ who doesn’t know how to use a shift key?

    And, oh yes, the ‘life would be so boring …’ argument. No one here is advocating ‘vanilla’; in fact it’s the likes of Matthews who’d prefer that everyone fall in line, bowing to the same old ‘aren’t guys just great and women kind of silly and not good for much’ ideology that’s been inflicted on society for centuries.

    I’m glad you didn’t ‘whine’ your way to the top. Pity the same couldn’t be said for Chris Matthews – his bordering-on-hysterial ‘We Hate Girls’ attitude throughout this campaign has been, frankly, disturbing.

    If that’s the kind of world you want to live in, well, good for you. Some of us want something a little better.

  6. Lunkhead that he is, Matthews doesn’t understand that “Chinese” and “Communist” aren’t synonyms.

    Yeah…if he wants a good example of Chinese anti-communists, he just needs to talk to relatives like my late great-aunt and her two daughters who lived through the disaster known as the Great Leap Forward and were brutalized and sent down to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution because of her status as a Physics professor at some university in the Beijing area.

    He can also talk to my Dad who became a refugee as a result of the Chinese Communists at the age of 12 in 1949 or talk to me back when I was in college and taking some pleasure in dismantling the absurd arguments put forth by naive sheltered American bourgeois Marxists/Maoist classmates who never actually lived or knew many people who lived and suffered under Marxist-Leninist/Maoist societies.

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