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Chris Matthews and the Chorus of Eunuchs*

But where are her castration sheers?

It’s no secret that Chris Matthews is a semi-professional misogynist, but Hillary Clinton’s run for president has brought his castration anxiety out in full force.

Using overtly sexist language, he has referred to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) as a “she devil” and compared her to a “strip-teaser.” He has called her “witchy” and likened her voice to “fingernails on a blackboard.” He has referred to men who support her as “castratos in the eunuch chorus.” He has suggested Clinton is not “a convincing mom” and said “modern women” like Clinton are unacceptable to “Midwest guys.” He has called her “Madame Defarge” and “Nurse Ratched.”

Rebecca Traister says everything I would want to.

So why does Matthews hate Clinton so much? Well, because she’s an uppity bitch who thinks she’s better than him:

“I think a lot of people pick a president they figure would sort of like them if they knew them. And if you are overweight or have a problem with your diet — and I certainly did for years — you may figure Hillary doesn’t like people like me. She’s looking down on me. What do you think? Howie, she’s looking down on me, that woman. She thinks she’s better than me.”

*My title suggestion for the next JK Rowling novel.

18 thoughts on Chris Matthews and the Chorus of Eunuchs*

  1. Haaahahah!!

    What an enormous toolbucket!

    It’s MEN who say they want a president who’d be fun to have a beer with. It’s MEN who say they don’t want a president who’s voice sounds like their nagging wives’. It’s MEN who reject candidates they IMAGINE feel superior.

    And yet, it’s WOMEN who vote irrationally according to their menstrual cycles?! Whaaaat?!

    I WANT a president who’s superior to me. I WANT him/her to be smarter and more experienced than I am.

    Is this bullshit all about Matthews’ own self-loathing – which he goes on to project on all women? What a crock of shit.

  2. I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to say that there are quite a few people who think Hillary Clinton is better than Chris Matthews.

  3. I <3 you, SarahMC.

    It.. It makes so much sense now. I mean, I always knew he was threatened and insecure (and not just by Hillary!), but to hear him whining about it so openly… Wow. What a high schooler.

  4. What the hell does being fat have to do with it? I’m fat and I don’t think Hillary Clinton feels above me about it. (Well, she doesn’t feel anything about me personally, but that’s kind of obvious.) I don’t see where he’s getting that.

    And I wouldn’t have a beer with any of the candidates but I’m not voting for someone to me my new best friend.

  5. “And if you are overweight or have a problem with your diet — and I certainly did for years — you may figure Hillary doesn’t like people like me.”


  6. Oh good grief.

    and said “modern women” like Clinton are unacceptable to “Midwest guys.”

    Well I guess my being born in the midwest and living here for 30 of my 33 years doesn’t make me a “midwestern guy” then. Then again if being a midwestern buy means being like Chris Mathews I’m going to give up that title immediately. Then again maybe I’m not a “midwestern guy” because I actually like Hillary and hate seeing her insulted like this. I don’t know if she’s my final choice, but this stuff is over the line.

  7. Love the graphic 🙂 . . . whoever made it hasn’t read Gregory Maguire’s original Wicked novel. All I could think when I saw it was, “Hillary as Elphaba standing up to the fascist government!” Somehow, I don’t think that was the message they were going for!

  8. Just watched Matthews with Brokaw and an earlier video of Matthews on the Daily Show. He really is a sad guy. I say that with no snark intended.

    (oh, and sorry for the multiple comments)

  9. The big question is, why does MSNBC still carry his show when they dumped Phil Donahue, who had the highest-rated show on their network.

  10. And if you are overweight or have a problem with your diet — and I certainly did for years — you may figure Hillary doesn’t like people like me. She’s looking down on me. What do you think?

    Yeah, Hillary obviously looks down on people who are “overweight or have a problem with their diets.” It’s not like she’d ever, say, marry someone who’s not in perfect shape and enjoys the occasional Big Mac.

  11. Re: Chris Matthews versus Hillary — Chris Matthews is a sharp cookie and I usually watch his program, but we have to remember that Chris is, at heart, still a Philadelphia cop! Philly is a city I know something about…lived near it all my life and worked there, met my husband there and continue to love the place. But it is a guy’s town, full of Old Boys Networks — the Mummers are a prime example of relegating the women to servant status so the men can strut their stuff in ribbons and laces. Hillary is far too sure of her footing to reassure Chris to relax and just admire Hillary, praise her for her considerable political expertise and her caring heart. At 74, I believe God made Hillary to do honor to our Suffragette Ancestors, who gave their all to get women the vote. That vote will never be fulfilled until we have a woman in the White House. Her time is at hand and we owe our liberating Suffragettes a huge debt of gratitude. Let’s be in solidarity, Sisters of all ages. In 2008, we CAN do it.

  12. All I could think when I saw it was, “Hillary as Elphaba standing up to the fascist government!” Somehow, I don’t think that was the message they were going for!

    My eight-year-old niece is absolutely obsessed with the musical version of Wicked. She must have sung the entire soundtrack to us over Christmas — twice.

  13. annajcook, at first glance, I also thought the graphic was a Wicked reference. People who want to compare Sen. Clinton to the Wicked Witch of the West would be wise to do more research into the current takes on the character, lest they say more than they intend to…

  14. OT as all get out but: now that we know more about the Wicked Witch of the West, it’s time to do some research on Cinderella’s mother. Just what kind of woman was she, considering her best friend was a fairy? A Catholic fairy, no less.

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