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Jill Stanek: Chinese people eat babies, and it’s the pro-choice movement’s fault

Oh the things you find in trackbacks.

Dan writes about “the battle of the Jills,” linking to my little throw-down with anti-choice blogger Jill Stanek. He links to this post about the urban legend racist myth that Chinese people eat babies, which eventually leads back to a post by Jill Stanek titled, and I shit you not, “Sweet and Sour Fetus: Chinese Cannibalism.” (Warning: Video that, though I didn’t watch it, I assume is graphic).

Yes, Jill Stanek has learned that the Chinese eat babies. And this is the fault of the pro-choice movement, because “if one is “pro-choice” and denies that preborn humans are human, there is nothing wrong with this whatsoever. It can’t even be considered cannibalism.”

Interestingly, Stanek has argued that the pro-life movement is not racist. I’m sure she’d take issue with any accusation of racism here. But I’m going to do it anyway: This is a racist myth. Jill, you are perpetuating it. I’m hoping that you’re perpetuating it because of your fantastic combination of ignorance and zealotry, but I don’t have that kind of faith in you. Unless you’re a complete moron — which you may actually be — I have a hard time believing that you don’t know the history of these kinds of myths. I have a hard time believing that you’re gullible enough to believe this.

Chinese people do not eat babies. Your Chinese neighbor is not going to steal your cat and eat it, either (or was the scare about dogs?). The Chinese are not going to partner with those scary Muslims to take us over, and no, you are not Noah; you’re more like the guy in the diaper and the cowboy hat standing in Times Square with a “The End Is Near!” sign.

Last time I wrote about Stanek, there were some questions about whether we should be giving her attention at all. If she were just some random crazy, I would say no. But she happens to be a relatively widely-read crazy, and she was on the front lines trying to shut down the Aurora Planned Parenthood. She has ties to some of the ugliest (but most influential) anti-choicers out there. She attends anti-choice bill signings at the invite of the President. She has a widely-read column and a fairly popular blog. She has testified before a House committee. She has been named one of the most influential anti-choicers in the country. So this isn’t small beans; this isn’t cherry-picking one marginalized nutbag. This is a woman who is at the heart of the anti-choice movement. And these are the racist lies that she chooses to perpetuate in the name of “life.”

Jill, I do hope that you’ll retract the story in big, huge letters at the top of your post. But I won’t hold my breath.

55 thoughts on Jill Stanek: Chinese people eat babies, and it’s the pro-choice movement’s fault

  1. oh god. i read her blog off and on (can’t tear myself away!) and it’s always chock full of racist crap about how europe is underpopulated and muslims are coming in and taking over oh no! like this one: . like she can simultaneously be complaining that there is an “underpopulation crisis” (i.e., there aren’t enough people) and that, well, actually there are enough people, but too many of them are non-white, and inherenly “ignorant” and “backward.”

  2. “If you don’t believe that fetii are people, there’s nothing stopping you from eating them!”


    I don’t know how things are in the US, but here in Canada we have laws against eating any species deemed a “companion animal” (cats and dogs, mostly, with a push to include horses under that category). So yet again, an anti-choicer is completely unable to see the world as more complex than black and white divisions. People = not food, everything else = food.

    Anyone else wonder what the menu must look like in Jill Stanek’s household? Chairs aren’t people, dontcha know…

  3. “If you don’t believe that fetii are people, there’s nothing stopping you from eating them!”

    That depends. I don’t think fetii are kosher.

  4. And people now say the level of racism and stereotyping is much less than it was in my childhood during the early ’80s. They’ve obviously never met a past co-worker of mine who thought an internet prank call to a Chinese restaurant was funny until I glared at him for several minutes until he flinched. As one commenter in another post has stated….one cannot underestimate the levels of abject ignorance of Americans and humanity as a whole. 🙁

    *Sigh* It was crap like this that made me ashamed of my ethnic background until one particular bully in second grade taunted me to the point of having an afterschool fight with him.

  5. Does that make you con-fetii? (sorry; that WAS awful…)

    After going onto her site and poking about, I’m not sure what in the world to think. Decided it was safest to back away SLOWLY…she just isn’t right in the head.

    BTW, exholt- the latest middle school insult by one bully is to call my daughter and another girl either “Enviromentalists!!” or gasp- “Democrats!!”

  6. oh man. i always try to forget she exists, she lives in the same countty i do, and its like having satan as a neighbor. everytime i end up reading her blog i literally feel my skin crawl. i’m not surprised shes racist, shes pure unadulterated hate.

  7. Look, it’s not our fault we like to eat them babies. They’re so tasty, and thanks to the ravages of feminism on Western society, they’re so much easier to pick up at the market in bulk than duck or kitten.
    My mom has this really great marinade for ’em.
    And come Christmas, we make extra-decorative ones out of marzipan, just to be more festive.

  8. I do think that an aborted fetus (spontaneous or induced) is something more than just meat. Just as a cadaver is more than just garbage, and a discarded vial of semen is more than just glue.
    These things are not human beings, but they are all involved in the process of being human, and as such they should be handled with a certain reverence.

  9. If you don’t believe that fetii are people, there’s nothing stopping you from eating them!

    Wow. The number of non-people items I don’t eat is truly astonishing, I guess. I don’t eat my own menstrual blood; I don’t eat earthworms; I don’t eat cockroaches; I don’t eat staplers; I don’t eat grass. The news that Jill Stanek thinks that the only qualification for the category of food-source is that the item in question be non-human raises all sorts of questions for me about her eating habits.

  10. Long pork is loooooooooooooooooooooooong.

    They’re already doing the weasel thing over in the comments (which I skimmed), like “she said ‘IF this is true’ so obviously she’s covered herself there!” I personally don’t call that quite enough to cover her arse. Barely one buttock’s worth of cover, really. It’s obvious she thinks it’s real. And yes, that’s racist.

    Also, the bit about non human things being okay to eat reminds me of the people who say that there’s nothing stopping atheists from killing and raping people, then stealing all there stuff. They don’t have a moral reason not to, after all! No book of instructions!

  11. Right. Sure. It’s really productive to conduct thought-experiments about Chinese fetus noshing. In the company of a bunch of people who are probably still fuming about that pro-abortionist bitch who wrote that Onion op-ed.

    Also, the bit about non human things being okay to eat reminds me of the people who say that there’s nothing stopping atheists from killing and raping people, then stealing all there stuff. They don’t have a moral reason not to, after all! No book of instructions!

    And then when you say that this attitude makes you a little nervous you’re the intolerant asshole.

  12. The video in question is “no longer available” if you try to click on it. Maybe it was unadulterated bullshit to begin with?

    Either way I’m pissed, because I was wondering what they were going to use for garnish around the serving platter.

  13. OMG she is sick…and has watched the movie dumplings too many times (i won’t link to it, it’s kind of a disturbing chinese movie, but you can find it on youtube by typing ‘dumplings’ and ‘bai ling’)…it’s a myth…the chinese (i speak and study mandarin, FYI) have a myth that eating a fetus will keep you young for ever, immortal beauty…but it isn’t true…it is just that, a myth…she is just sick…and at least now i am not the only person who thinks she and her minions are racist…we can all see it now…

    after reading the original article (in chinese) i get the feeling this is a HK version of the ‘onion’ or something…jeebuz…

    not the first time she, or her commenters have been incredibly racist…they stop at nothing and love lies and hatred…

  14. Love to eat them feti
    Feti what I love to eat
    Bite they little heads off
    Nibble on they tiny feet

    Sometimes, I get pregnant and then ask for a doggie bag at the abortion clinic. Mmmmm MM!

  15. The amount of sheer racism required to post that, much less think it has even the slightest chance of being real is staggering.

    I’m an East Asian historian, so I’m routinely astonished by the amount of twittery most of my fellow USAians have when it comes to East Asia, but this brings it to new levels.

    “Yup, them evil Chinamen eat funny stuff, didja hear about that guy who’s dog vanished right after his Chinee neighbors moved in? Ya’ know, I heard they eat aborted babies! I’m tellin’ ya Marge, they aren’t even human.”

    Ugh. Perhaps the anti-choice crowd is losing so they’re getting so desperate that they just make up insane stuff? Or maybe its just that there’s a huge overlap between racist thugs and anti-choice thugs?

  16. I’m guessing that Jill S. will be looking over her shoulder the whole time if she ever visits London — after all, they made a whole movie about that barber who kills people and made them into meat pies, so it must be 100% true, right?

  17. Wasn’t there some weird rumor years ago about shampoo or some such thing being made with extract of aborted fetuses? Nice to know the flame of nutiness is still being fed.

  18. I found it particularly strange that there is a mention of the child trafficking case in Yulin just thrown into the middle of that post and it is also mentioned nearly identically in the chinese Epoch times post she linked.

    My daughter is adopted from the same province as that ciity and I have read as much as I can both in the US and Chinese press. Never ONCE have I read any mention of those childrn being trafficked with an intent to EAT them.

    You can read the NY Times article from 2003 here:

    What a bunch of racist bullshit.

  19. Bitter Scribe Like the best urban myths, that one contains a very faint kernel of truth.

    Animal placenta (mostly bovine) have been used in cosmetic products in the past (in fact, in the relatively recent past, 1963 is the latest I can find reference to it on a quick googling). Naturally, the use of *human* placenta, much less fetuses, is illegal and even if it weren’t would be prohibitively expensive. But when have facts ever swayed either the spreaders of urban myths, or anti-choice nutbags?

  20. #6: Marissa – they say that people taste like pork. I’m gonna go for definitely not kosher.

    #12: they’re so much easier to pick up at the market in bulk than duck or kitten.

    #15 Damn, and I was really looking forward to some fetus stew.

    #21 Sometimes, I get pregnant and then ask for a doggie bag at the abortion clinic. Mmmmm MM!

    Y’all crack me up!!! Roflcopters all around.

    Oh, and #15 Mister Nice Guy 1960: Don’t you know humor and irony when you see it? Sheesh, lighten up a bit.

  21. I’m guessing that Jill S. will be looking over her shoulder the whole time if she ever visits London — after all, they made a whole movie about that barber who kills people and made them into meat pies, so it must be 100% true, right?

    Between Sweeney Todd and Delicatessen, I’m thinking Europe is right out.

  22. Stanek is pretty much a piss covered drunk.

    Ya know, here’s the thing: I’ve always been on the fence on the abortion issue. I was never a hard core pro-lifer, I’ve just never been all about handing out coupons to 5th graders. It’s part of that whole libertine conservative thing that I like so much. Even still, I have no particular beef with somebody who’s got genuine concern for a fetus – but then again, I’ve got no particular need for that sort of shit in my world view.

    But if anything makes puts me in the militantly pro-choice camp, it’s watching Jill Stanek and her cadre of Illinois based fucktard wingers who try to link together so many issues to abortion. They do it by linking every single issue to abortion in this sort of theocratic system where all sex is bad, personal freedom is the enemy, and the dark ages were morally superior to modern day.

    My favorite Stanek moment though, in which it all becomes transparent is here, which is regarding the HPV vaccine thing:

    So when state Sen. Debbie Halvorson admitted she had HPV and worried others might get it, you would think she’d focus on her behavior that caused her to contract that sexually transmitted disease.

    Halvorson would be most helpful by discussing the health consequences of pre- or extra-marital sex. Here are some potential topics:

    * Halvorson could discuss the number of sex partners she has had throughout her lifetime and how each one increased the likelihood of contracting HPV.
    * If Halvorson even had only one sex partner aside from her husband, she could discuss how one can contract HPV from a sole encounter.
    * Halvorson could discuss whether she realized at the time her sex partner carried HPV, which most trusting, vulnerable women don’t.
    * Halvorson could disclose whether it was her husband who passed HPV on to her after sleeping with other women, demonstrating another reason for chaste behavior outside the marriage bedroom.
    * More uncomfortably, if Halvorson contracted HPV through rape, she could discuss ways to avoid rape.

    I’m no feminist. I don’t even play one on TV. But I think thats what’s dubbed: “slut shaming”.

  23. Tangent, if you don’t mind:

    The other thing that drives me nuts about this woman is when she tries to link the pro-choice (or as she dubs, the “proaborts”) with the gay rights movement by saying they “both want sex without consequences”.

    If that weren’t such a clusterfuck of a premise (let’s face it, by the time we’ve evolved to a rights movement, it’s no longer about screwing indiscriminately) I’d just like to ask why sex is supposed to have consequences?

    Sorry for the rant. But I loathe Illinois wingers. They make me want to vote democrat.

  24. Wait, do Chinese people (as in people living in China, not people of Chinese descent in North America) eat sweet and sour anything? My friend (who’s from Sichuan Province) had never heard of sweet and sour chicken balls before she moved to Canada.

    Also, Epoch Times is hardly a reputable source on anything beyond what the Falun Gong believes. It’s pretty much propaganda.

  25. sabotabby, cooking varies from region to region, and si chuan is known for its spicy cooking…but even in regions where the sweeter and more savory is common, they don’t have sweet and sour anything like we know it…even our americanized hot and sour soup turns into ‘spicy and sour’ soup in mandarin. in fact, pretty much none of the chinese food we know is particularly authentic…even when i go to places in china town where i have to speak mandarin the food is altered for an american palate.

  26. Wait, do Chinese people (as in people living in China, not people of Chinese descent in North America) eat sweet and sour anything? My friend (who’s from Sichuan Province) had never heard of sweet and sour chicken balls before she moved to Canada.

    At least here in the US, I’ve seen “sweet and pungent” chicken at Szechwan Chinese restaurants instead of sweet and sour. (And it is, let me say, yummy as all hell. I prefer it to sweet and sour, if given the choice.) It also doesn’t have the bell peppers and onions that are usually in the Mandarin Chinese restaurant versions of sweet and sour chicken.

  27. As Brandann correctly expalined, sweet and sour sauce is pretty much unknown in China, because like many commercially successful Chinese dishes in the US, it’s a flavor that was specifically developed for the white American palate, like General Tso’s Chicken. I grew up eating and cooking traditional Hunan-inspired Chinese food in my grandmother’s kitchen and never tried sweet and sour sauce until I was in my twenties and ate a meal as a guest of a white friend who ordered sweet and sour pork at a supposedly Cantonese joint. That was one of those uncomfortable situations, if ya know what I mean. I grinned, chewed, and swallowed. I’m pretty sure that most Chinese folks, whether from Hunan, Szechuan, Guangzhou, Shanghai, or Taiwan, would find the flavor combination a bit too cloying to enjoy, as I did.

    Regarding the original fetus article, it comes from a Hong Kong tabloid that is owned by a former Red Guard who migrated from the mainland to Hong Kong after the Cultural Revolution, became a rabid capitalist, and hit it big publishing crazed anti-Communist wingnut material. It’s a rag that causes shrugs and chuckles and head shakes among Hong Kongers, known for running outrageous stories about alien babies being raised by communist coyotes or whatever. Obviously it’s not exactly taken seriously because, well, Chinese people actually know that we don’t eat babies. The only grain of truth is that there is an old myth that human placenta is nutritious, but I’ve never heard of anyone going so far as to actually carry out the act. I mean, come on; believe it or not, Chinese people get grossed out too.


  28. The Chinese are not going to partner with those scary Muslims to take us over

    Ummm … maybe not to take us over, but certainly to nuke us: click here and scroll down to the section entitled “Foreign Assistance”.

    Of course, I highly doubt that the anti-choice nuts are thinking about this sort of thing.


    On the other subject of the thread — I always though the whole “sweet and sour” thing was about catering to my people who are traditionally big consumers of Chinese food in America: “sweet and sour” is very common in certain (though not all) of the cuisines of the Ashkenazi Jews … nu? life is a little sweet … and life is a little sour.

    As to the Kashruth of humans. Obviously, killing a human for food is murder, so that’s not allowed (don’t know about fetuses, which are not considered quite human under Jewish law). But actually, (so you don’t have to worry about kashruth when you’ve — owch! — but your tounge … humans are actually pareve, as one can find by googling and find interesting pages such as this.

  29. The same friend of mine who was startled by sweet and sour chicken balls also had some things to say about General Tso’s kitchen. I tend to agree. It’s just gross.

    Placenta-eating, however, is apparently common enough (at least in some circles) that someone posted recipes. Mmm, roast placenta.

  30. Obviously, killing a human for food is murder, so that’s not allowed (don’t know about fetuses, which are not considered quite human under Jewish law). But actually, (so you don’t have to worry about kashruth when you’ve — owch! — bit your tongue … humans are actually pareve, as one can find by googling and find interesting pages such as this.

    Okay, now I’m really distracted.

    So if God forbid you should find yourself, say, stranded in the Andes after a plane crash, it’s okay for an observant Jew to eat the bodies of the crash victims to stay alive since they died through no fault of yours? I guess the pilot/co-pilot might have some issues assuming they caused the crash but are still alive themselves, but everyone else is okay eating the dead from a spiritual point of view?

    The things you learn on the intertubes ….

  31. The part I love best is the line about how after the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese have lost all respect for human life. Geez– the true trifecta of conservo-drivel has been laid out– bash the women, bash the foreigners, and bash the commies. I’m sorry, but this person really needs to read up on her history. Saying crap seems like a huge insult to the people who actually survived that horror.

  32. But I loathe Illinois wingers

    You just made me remember the seen from the Blues Brothers where they get stuck behind a protest and Jake comments “I hate Illinois nazis.” 😀

  33. Wasn’t there some weird rumor years ago about shampoo or some such thing being made with extract of aborted fetuses? Nice to know the flame of nutiness is still being fed.

    LOL…shampoo? Now that’s amusing. The latest I’ve heard is that aborted fetuses are put into lipstick….

  34. This totally sounded like a tabloid story even from the sensationalized translation.

    As for placenta, I have an acquaintance who sold hers (under the table) to someone who wanted to eat one and fancied himself some sort of quasi-cannibal. Apparently he fried slices up with a little butter and some shallots and said it was quite tasty, which to me simply proves that butter and shallots can make almost anything tasty.

  35. I have an acquaintance who sold hers (under the table)

    IRS out of my uterus!


    Apparently he fried slices up with a little butter and some shallots and said it was quite tasty, which to me simply proves that butter and shallots can make almost anything tasty.

    See also escargot.

    The wiki article on placentophagy, incidentally, says that the placenta was named for food:

    Note that Latin placenta meant a kind of flat cake and is the origin of the Central European pancakes named in Romanian plăcintă, and in other languages Palatschinken, palacsinta and palačinka. It was applied to the human organ by Realdus Columbus in 1559[6] The German word for placenta is Mutterkuchen, which literally means “mother-cake”.

  36. BTW, exholt- the latest middle school insult by one bully is to call my daughter and another girl either “Enviromentalists!!” or gasp- “Democrats!!”

    A couple of summers back, we were at the house of some of my husband’s relatives deep in Indiana, and a group of 6-or-7-year-olds fell into a disagreement with the name-slinging getting intense.

    The 7-year-old who “won” the name-slinging contest won with “well, you’re a gay-loving Democrat!”

    This year, at the same house at Thanksgiving, the adults were dishing on some other adult in their community. “Well, he’s a Democrat” one adult sneered to end the conversation. I see where the 7-year-olds got it from.

  37. BTW, exholt- the latest middle school insult by one bully is to call my daughter and another girl either “Enviromentalists!!” or gasp- “Democrats!!”

    There were a few people who used “Democrat” and “Republican” as insults…..though those who did tended to be dismissed by most kids as too “nerdy” and thus, dismissed with mocking laughter and accusations of being unable to come up with clever putdowns.

    The part I love best is the line about how after the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese have lost all respect for human life.

    I’ve heard two versions of this “lost all respect for human life/humanity (ren qing)” from those in my parents generation. Those who fled China after 1949 applied that to nearly anyone who was born and raised under CCP rule. Some of the older Mainlanders who lived through the Cultural Revolution felt this way about those who participated as Red Guards and kids born during and after the Cultural Revolution.

  38. While the claims of fetus being served in restaurants etc. are completely false. There is a Chinese Artist named Zhu Yu who has done some interesting performance pieces, including one called Eating People. There are many articles on him that can be found. His photographs caused quite a stir when they arrived for display in London. Some speculate that the entire thing is fake, that he did not prepare and roast and eat a human fetus (or stillborn baby) however, he himself claims this to be true.

    I thought it was completely fake until I did a research paper on cannibalism and blood libel using the Taiwan Restaurants serving human fetuses urban legend.

    Did Yu actually purchase, prepare and eat a stillborn baby as he claims? Hell if I know, but his photos are continuing to circulate on the internet and the speculations of cannibalism lives on.

  39. Did Yu actually purchase, prepare and eat a stillborn baby as he claims? Hell if I know, but his photos are continuing to circulate on the internet and the speculations of cannibalism lives on.

    Anything’s possible. Remember that case in Germany where someone advertised to have someone kill and eat them, and got a response? We had a case a week or two ago here in the US of a guy who killed his girlfriend and tried to eat at least some of her body..

    However, one weirdo eating a fetus is not the same as restaurants serving them as the dish of the day.

  40. Just a quick nugget. According to many holistic and homeopathic believers, eating your own placenta after giving birth helps to regain some of the nutrients lost during pregnancy. And it’s been going on for centuries globally.

    Secondly, eating the fruits of one’s own reproductive failures (ie. not babies) is common in many animals. Cats eat the umbilicus and placentas of their kittens and chickens LOVE to eat their own unfertilized eggs. Many people who raise chickens add eggs to the food of their laying hens. The calcium from the shells helps them lay stronger shelled eggs and the yolk is full of good stuff for them.

    As for eating babies, that’s all hogwash (except crazy people). It reminds me of the 1950’s rumors about the evil godless Reds. Better dead then Red!

  41. If you don’t believe that fetii are people, there’s nothing stopping you from eating them!

    I know I’m late to the party on this one, but…
    Other things which are not people: staples, hemlock, deadly nightshade, turpentine, mercury, radium, lead, fugu, poison dart frogs, black widow spiders, duct tape, isolated human organs and limbs, computer speakers, embroidery speakers, VHS tapes of Monty Python episodes, the bible, moldy bread, rotten beef, salmonella-contaminated tomatoes, thumbtacks, scotch tape, post-it notes, and abstract concepts such as truth, freedom, justice, and humor.

    It’s unlikely that she’ll ever invite me to dinner, but if she does, I’m definitely turning down the invitation.

  42. Placentas, not fetuses.

    Placenta soup is actually a delicacy in some regions of China, sheep placenta is a common ingredient in various cosmetics over there — and an occasional ingredient in cosmetics over here.

    Which means (following Stanek’s original logic) that AMERICANS PUT BABIES IN THEIR HAIR.

    …er, yeah.

    *launches into a rousing round of “Every Sperm is Sacred”*

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