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How exactly are we defining “racist” these days?


Because in my book, someone who meets with white supremacists, embraces them, sends them dog-whistle codes and accepts money from them is probably racist. According to Ron Paul fans, however, the information that David Neiwart and “zio-utopian wench” Sara have dug up doesn’t qualify him as a racist. Even this message from a white supremacist leader:


I have kept quiet about the Ron Paul campaign for a while, because I didn’t see any need to say anything that would cause any trouble. However, reading the latest release from his campaign spokesman, I am compelled to tell the truth about Ron Paul’s extensive involvement in white nationalism.

Both Congressman Paul and his aides regularly meet with members of the Stormfront set, American Renaissance, the Institute for Historic Review, and others at the Tara Thai restaurant in Arlington, Virginia, usually on Wednesdays. This is part of a dinner that was originally organized by Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis and Joe Sobran, and has since been mostly taken over by the Council of Conservative Citizens.

I have attended these dinners, seen Paul and his aides there, and been invited to his offices in Washington to discuss policy.

For his spokesman to call white racialism a “small ideology” and claim white activists are “wasting their money” trying to influence Paul is ridiculous. Paul is a white nationalist of the Stormfront type who has always kept his racial views and his views about world Judaism quiet because of his political position.

I don’t know that it is necessarily good for Paul to “expose” this. However, he really is someone with extensive ties to white nationalism and for him to deny that in the belief he will be more respectable by denying it is outrageous — and I hate seeing people in the press who denounce racialism merely because they think it is not fashionable.

Bill White, Commander
American National Socialist Workers Party

But Ron Paul is most certainly not a racist! Even a racist in the comments says so:

I attend Ron Paul meetups and I keep my White nationalist ideology very quiet. There’s at least one confirmed jew there, a lesbian couple, a black woman, and some run of the mill hetero white folks. And it’s a very nice group. Nobody argues about anything, and we all desperately want Ron Paul to win. When there’s meetings without any children present, I make sure to say “fuck the Iraq war” and everyone agrees, even the jew.

But it made me realize — I’d settle for freedom, and so would these people. And I don’t think that my idea of freedom is so differnet from theirs. I just read an article in “The Occidental Quarterly” that there are plenty of black people that are against forced integration (and always have been) and are perfectly happy with separate but equal.

Ron Paul is not a racist, and the spontaneous movement he created is not racist. It brought people together who would never have known one another.

Well ok then.

36 thoughts on How exactly are we defining “racist” these days?

  1. Well ok then…..

    Get over it already….

    I’m sick of people running Dr Paul down over the racist issue….

    If he were a racist he would tell you so…..eye-to-eye…..because he is not a liar……unlike so many on this internet…………


  2. Rabid Paulite: I don’t give a fuck if Dr. Paul is a racist, I want to *insert the single issue that makes you drool*

    keep all my money damnit!
    be able to carry gold coins and my piece at the same time!
    ban abortion!
    laugh while the Federal government is dismantled!

    and many, many more!

  3. Hell with just the border; Fence Off Texas!
    Declare myself Dictator and Grand Poohbah for Life!
    Stop cats and dogs from sleeping together!
    Promote the patriarchy!
    Use!Lots!Of!Punctuation! 😉

  4. And the Ron Paul supporters come out of the woodwork. Do these people just sit around googling his name, looking for attacks on him so that they can rush to his defense?

  5. Wow. “White nationalists” choosing to meet up at . . . a Thai restaurant. That is just precious. I’m going to stop and let that sink in for a while.

  6. OK, I’m German. And that stuff in your post is very, very creepy. Do they have any idea into what political history they insert themselves?

  7. Doug said it. I love the idea of the lads playing dress-up Nazi hanging out at the Thai restaurant. Most of these racists are clowns, but they have an odd way of finagling their way into the “mainstream right”. Michelle Malkin used to link to American Renaissance, and Pat Buchanan has wandered awfully close to David Duke territory a time or five.

  8. Charlotte, I think most of them either know and don’t care, or cover their ears and eyes and willfully refuse to see.

  9. There’s at least one confirmed jew there

    Ah, I think I see this guy’s problem. He’s got Jews confused with Catholics.

  10. Roses, well there is that whole “google ron paul” movement.
    I tried to discuss this on another forum

    Indeed, it is shocking to consider the uniformity of opinion among
    blacks in this country. Opinion polls consistently show that only about 5%
    of blacks have sensible political opinions, i.e. support the free market,
    individual liberty, and the end of welfare and affirmative action. I know
    many who fall into this group personally and they deserve credit–not as
    representatives of a racial group, but as decent people. They are,
    however, outnumbered. Of black males in Washington, D.C, between the ages
    of 18 and 35, 42% are charged with a crime or are serving a sentence,
    reports the National Center on Institutions and Alternatives. The Center
    also reports that 70% of all black men in Washington are arrested before
    they reach the age of 35, and 85% are arrested at some point in their
    Given the inefficiencies of what D.C. laughingly calls the “criminal
    justice system,” I think we can safely assume that 95% of the black males
    in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.


    And here’s the response I got.

    The part in bold was NOT included in your wonderful quote. Do you truly think the quote you presented accurately represents what Ron Paul wrote?

    The entire article focuses not on black people being evil, but that a culture of entitlement and disrespect is. Perhaps you should have read it?

    When I responded that part in bold doesn’t take away from the sentences above and below it, I got this reply:

    The part in bold DOES take away from it. He cited a statistic that 85% of black males in the DC area will be arrested in their lifetime. He said 95% because he believes the DC justice system is incompetent. He is not simply making up the 95% figure — he’s extrapolating from the 85% one.

    You are willfully ignoring what he wrote in favor of painting him a racist. How quaint.

    As far as the sensible political opinions, you really think that’s racist? If so, you’re daft. He’s saying 95% of blacks vote for big wasteful government. That isn’t sensible in his opinion. Would it have made you feel better if he wrote, “95% of blacks vote for wasteful government programs”? Because they’re really interchangeable.

    Can someone tell me I am not crazy?

  11. Oh and then when I tried to explain that accepting money from Stormfront is bad b/c “when you lie down with dogs, you get up with flees,” I got this response.

    So now accepting money from a racist equates to lying with them? Cute. In that case, why aren’t you railing against Hillary and Obama from accepting money from the biggest racists in this country: the ‘rainbow’ coalition and Rev. Sharpton? Or is it only racism when it’s white people saying anything about black people, and not when it’s black people blaming white people for all their problems? Do I need to remind you of quotes about Obama ‘acting white’ in regards to the Jena incident?

    I was typing in English, yes?

  12. Roxie, I’ve been getting the: “You’re the REAL racist for pointing that out” from conservatives whenever I point out examples of racism or racial insensitivity lately too. I’m not sure if it’s a new tactic or what.

  13. Theoretically speaking, if a politician takes money from a white supremest, it makes him open – open to taking money from anyone.

  14. roxie, roses, it must be the new tactic…same arguments get me the ‘it’s not racist, it’s common sense’ and how it’s cute of me to ‘ignore facts and play the race card’ when it suits me…*sigh*

    most people can’t see through their privilege colored glasses

    but yeah, ron paul is the great hope for america.


  15. Doug and Hugo… YES!

    I figured those kinds of get-togethers only went down at the Cracker Barrel. Cause… it’s got “cracker”… right there… in the title…

    * crickets *

    Ron Paul is totally racist.

  16. As I said before on Orcinus, anything from our ‘good friend’ Bill White is to be taken with about a truckload of salt… He’s a pathological liar of the worst sort, as anyone who’s followed his history (for example, with the One People’s Project) would know. Everything Bill White says is for the sole purpose of propping up Bill White in his goal to become leader of a White Nationalist uprising. So of course his first reaction to the ‘Ron Paul Revolution’ is to try to redirect it to make that movement into his own personal jump board to fame (or infamy, as the case may be).

    Everything else about the iffy racial policies of Ron Paul are still valid points, of course.

  17. Marissa,

    Please, please, pleeeeease tell me you made that up. Please.

    The idea of Paul, uh, practicing his love for women, to paraphrase our thankfully-soon-to-be-gone-leader, is….. quite frightening.

  18. i love how in the GOP’s eyes, figuring out what counts as a racist is about as complicated and arbitrary as people trying to figure who and want actually qualifies as ‘goth.’ seeing that racism isn’t as petty as that, it really perturbs me that it’s being treated so similarly… >:|

  19. no no no…it’s totally true! you haven’t heard him going on about how he delivered hundreds of babies so that is how he knows they shouldn’t be aborted? but he would never legislate that. no…that would be to buttinsky of the government…*coughcopoutcough*


  20. Roman after the Battle of Actium: “Oh, this Octavian Caesar means to restore the Republic, after all? It’s not like he wants to become Emperor or anything.”

    Frenchman in 1799 on the eve of Napoleon’s takeover: “Obviously he doesn’t listen to all of that nonsense about attacking England and Russia from some extremists. He’ll preserve the Revolution.”

    Russian in 1917: “Lenin calls for an end to the War, and that’s what we all want! All that nonsense about collectivization of farms and nationalization of industry is just propaganda.”

    German in 1932: “Oh, those brownshirts calling for the expulsion of the Jews are just fringe elements. Hitler’s a sensible man, he’ll calm down once in office. He’s got a lot of good ideas for Germany!”

    Note to all of you “undecided” voters out there: if a Loony Tune politician says something, you might want to consider that he means it.

    Then again, if a close study of history proves anything, it’s that the most powerful force in politics is willfully wishful thinking.

  21. I’m not a Ron Paul supporter, but I’ve been trying to find reliable sources to corroborate the allegations of racism and I haven’t been able to locate anything. It’s obvious that his politics are racist, and again, I’m not a supporter, but I don’t think that “Commander” Bill White is a reputable source, and neither is that batshit crazy commenter whose quote was excerpted in the post.

    Roxie, where did you get that Ron Paul quote? I haven’t been able to find it in its original context anywhere.

    I think Ron Paul is a dangerous hack, and I’d never vote for him, but so far, most of the articles people have pointed me to regarding Paul’s white nationalist ties have been pretty flimsy. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

  22. Jenny Dreadful – a lot of the statements that people pull as evidence of his racist beliefs are from independent newsletters that Ron Paul sent out to his followers in the 1990s. Paul has since refused to distrute further copies to anyone and denied that he wrote them (he’s put off some of the doozies on “a staffer”) but there are plenty of damning statements there with his name attached.

    This archived Houston Chronicle article summarizes some of those statements.

    It isn’t any one thing he said, but a series of things he’s said that he’s now scrambling to disavow.

  23. According to this. the first white supremacist quoted above is not a “real” white supremacist, but a “Jew” plant. Who knew racist white folk thought there was a conspiracy against them by the Jews?

  24. ^”Poser racists,” if you will. Just when you think you’ve seen it all…^ My posts were directed to JennyDreadful, sorry, I should’ve used quote and preview!

  25. …aaaaand Krystalnacht was justified by the Nazi authorities after a Jewish man shot a German ambassadorial official in Paris in 1938, by this elegantly constructed logic:

    The international Jewish conspiracy wanted to defame Germany by having a Jew protest Nazi treatment of the Jews by shooting a perfectly innocent German.

    And the wheel goes ’round and ’round, and nothing ever changes…

  26. JennyDreadful, I linked them in post #1. That this hasn’t come out sooner is disgraceful; all I can think is that too many folks are spoon-fed MSM and now have mush between their ears. He should have been shut down FAR before now!

    To Rose: Goodness, I thought I was an established smartass by now; sorry if you thought I was supporting RP. Nonono… should have “/snark” ed…

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